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How low can you go

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The challenge: build a spacecraft that can orbit the lowest around the mun without crashing

The Rules:

mods are allowed (excluding mechjeb, hyper edit, dev cheat hack gravity, editing save file, etc.)

You must fly the rocket manually no cheating

May not be in sub-orbit trajectory

The mun only

Orbit CAN! be elliptical

Picture of map view and the craft or it didn't happen

The winner:

One with the lowest orbit wins

Good luck :D



Edited by Penguinhero
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mods are allowed (excluding mechjeb, hyper edit, dev cheat hack gravity, etc.)

So can I put the craft in it's orbit by editing the presistence file? What mods are not allowed? you only included some, hence the "etc."

Edited by astropapi1
Made a typo. :P
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You should modify the rules to "you have to be able to make 1 full orbit without steering". Also you could move it to minmus to make it more interesting. Posting the full orbit info would be nice, you can test them yourself then.

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Just a few ten meters above munar surface (anything lower and I'll crash on a mountain).


Also this one: 2,300ish something meters (screenie with altimeter coming up). Anything lower will also cause me to clip a high surface.


All stock, no mods and plugins used.

Your move now, OP. Go and give your challenge a shot

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I think the key here is to bring up a map of Mun or Minmus and try to draw a straight line to where there are few mountains and there's a clear cut "pass"...voila, you have your inclination for ONE orbit (since orbits precess, you'll still eventually hit a mountain, but one orbit should be fine).

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