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SSTOs! Post your pictures here~

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huggy, that second one looks gorgeous indeed. The extreme jet angle is stabojet technology, I presume? Anyhow, goob job! I would tell you about how the aerospike has no isp advantage for SSTOs, but I have a feeling you already know and it's there for aesthetics.

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Here is mine. The goal was to make a plane that looked like the Venture Star, but actually works :). I got the shape kinda right, but this is a plane which takes off from the runway and not a VTOL thing. It does have VTOL capability for landing on other planets and moons, but when fully fueled the VTOL is too weak to counter Kerbins gravity. It has a stupid amount of air intakes, but most of them are hidden because I don't like unrealistic looking vehicles.

Capable of return missions for 3 kerbals to Duna, Ike, the Mun, Minmus and Gilly. I haven't attempted to reach Dres yet. I suspect it might be possible, but I'm not very good at finding efficient paths to targets with inclined orbits. Theoretically it should be able to carry quite a bit of payload if I move the RCS tank and battery, and stick something to the back, but I haven't tried that yet. Currently i'm working on a semi disposable shuttle version which should be able to do return missions to everywhere else except Eve, Tylo and Moho.

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Here is the link to the craft file if anyone wants to play with it.


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huggy, that second one looks gorgeous indeed. The extreme jet angle is stabojet technology, I presume? Anyhow, goob job! I would tell you about how the aerospike has no isp advantage for SSTOs, but I have a feeling you already know and it's there for aesthetics.

Thanks Rune, I appreciate the feedback! The angled jets are a design I took off an older prototype I Built on page 11 of this thread. But i got the original idea off of someone making SSTO rockets, can't remember who though. You're correct about the engines, I originally had nukes attached then LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engines, but the aerospikes just look better.

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My Spaceplane speed demon. Fastest of any of my Spaceplane SSTOs into orbit, 4min 33 seconds. I could have done it faster but was being cautious.



These shots were taken after landing.

Take off weight is just over 30 tons. But lift off runway at 70m/s and will climb 90deg nose up and accelerate to 1.25 mach before reaching 15km needing to level for intake speed. Jet engines will run till 21-23km alt, then switches to the "poodle" engine.

Edited by Hodo
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Light SSTO

  • Fast: surface speed reached of 2.281 m/s will eventually qualify this ship into the fastest 10 turbojet airplanes see on this game (see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27296-The-MachingBird-Challenge)
  • Light: less than 6 tons of weight (5.78 full 4 tons empty)
  • Efficient: 91.9% efficiency (61.5 fuel and 17.82 oxidizer for a 141 km orbit)
  • Full optional Calibrated RCS, Ladder Access, Front Docking Port: the main reason for this project was to make a cheap, full operative and transportable SSTO (this the reason for the size and weight of this craft).

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Ha, go on then - http://www./download/u4jsp6u2tahtllc/Avro+730-d2.craft

It uses a load of mods, mechjeb, B9 aerospace, the crane mod and maybe a couple of others. Stock parts extended, flag decals fro the roundels and possibly the FusTek station parts pack thinking about it, though I'm not sure exactly. Best to take off with it at maximum throttle and about 15 degrees angle of attack (I usually use mechjeb's surface smartASS to stop any wobble due to being cack-handed).

Going to try putting a cargo bay in place of the fuel tank next, could be interesting :D

Edited by stanonwheels
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I have tried to make non-spaceplane SSTOs, but I can't wrap my head around them. I may work on a few later this week. I only recently managed to get the concept of the spaceplane down solid. Next goal is to build a reliable SSTO cargo hauler, and then work on getting to Duna then Eve.

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Now we are going to flood the guy with rocket SSTO's, right? A couple on my stock thread, the Heinlein family, and the K-33 Venture star, that would be if 100% rocket you take out the auxiliary jets. I think I liked both of them here.

Rune. It's just peope like the concept of spaceplanes more, and rocket SSTOs are real simple (not easy, mind you) to make.

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As long as you don't drop parts to get to orbit it's SSTO... it doesn't need wings to be classified as SSTO.

Bonus points if you can de-orbit and land back at the runway.

Over 9000 points if you can Land on Duna.. Using Stock Everything... and return to Kerbin and land back at the runway. IN ONE PIECE///// and without using Infinite Fuel.

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