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Get the RCS to work in stage mode: KIJLHN keys

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So I have both SAS and ASAS on my new "truck" rocket to build my space station ship, now.. when I activate the ASAS/SAS(T) and then RCS® to activate the KIJL,HN keys.. It uses RCS to stable everything out and I cant use my hotkeys.

*So I turn of the ASAS/SAS and activate the RCS, I cant use the hotkeys in stage mode. Then if I go in to the Docking mode I cant use (translation keys) W&S for forward and backwards. Is this because I dont have the ASAS activated?

*Tips? (maybe remove the SAS?):blush:

Edited by XerZin
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HN IJKL work fine in staging mode if you turn on your RCS. And you can use QE WASD at the same time, for twohanded full control.

ASAS will use any control it can to automatically adjust, be it RCS, engines or control surfaces. I used to dock with ASAS turned on and in docking mode, but that prevents you from effectively rolling, have to press the F key each time you want to roll. Now I just dock in staging mode without ASAS, twohanded.

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If your ASAS unit is preventing any translation by firing all the RCS thrusters to kill rotation, then your RCS might be lopsidedly placed. If you're placing a single set of thrusters, try to get it exactly lined up with the Centre of Mass, if using multiple, try to make sure they're spaced equal distances from the CoM.

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Well I removed the SAS and tryed it out, still wont work. I tryed with mechjeb, without it.. nothing works. The H & N key wont work in stage mode, it wont go forward or backward in any mode. No smoke or anything.. nothing happens

I checked my setup and the H & N key are set on translation: Forward, Backward. wtf is going on..

I built this just to try it out


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Well I removed the SAS and tryed it out, still wont work. I tryed with mechjeb, without it.. nothing works. The H & N key wont work in stage mode, it wont go forward or backward in any mode. No smoke or anything.. nothing happens

I checked my setup and the H & N key are set on translation: Forward, Backward. wtf is going on..

I built this just to try it out


Looks like you don't have any RCS thusters capable of forward/backward translation, if you are only going to use the linear ports you would need some on the front and back. otherwise use the blocks

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Looks like you don't have any RCS thusters capable of forward/backward translation, if you are only going to use the linear ports you would need some on the front and back. otherwise use the blocks

I updated my picture, so I have to place it on the front and back to make it work or use the RCS thruster blocks? How stupid is that o.O

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Yeah, there's your problem. You actually need to have an RCS thruster capable of firing in the direction you want to go. It'll probably work fine if you throw on some quad blocks where the single Place-Anywhere ones are now (although honestly I'd also make sure the top and bottom sets are lined up, as well).

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Yeah, there's your problem. You actually need to have an RCS thruster capable of firing in the direction you want to go. It'll probably work fine if you throw on some quad blocks where the single Place-Anywhere ones are now (although honestly I'd also make sure the top and bottom sets are lined up, as well).

Sounds like ontop of the pod and under the engines. Looked at Scott Manley's tutorial about rendezvou (or how you spell it) and yes he uses the blocks, but only 3/4 in the middle of his craft.

Edit: Sorry read it wrong

Edited by XerZin
Sorry, sorry, I read it wrong
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Well it worked and I can now start to practise this even more. Docked 3 crafts now with only the IJKLHN,WASDQE keys and RCS with the ASAP locked. Thank you all! Got the block RCS ports and that made it, next time I use the "place-anywhere 7" RCS ports I will have them on the top and bottom to. Or just to make the station more stable.


Now how do I change [unanswered]? Or do the mods do it.. Btw, many new people dont know about this issue, so maybe someone should put this thread somewhere usefull or add it in a tutorial?

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so I have to place it on the front and back to make it work or use the RCS thruster blocks? How stupid is that

It's as simple, realistic and sensible as it gets. You wouldn't ask why your sideways pointed engine without a gimbal wasn't pushing your ship forward, would you? It follows the laws of physics and that's all there is to it. I guess the only 'fault' you can point to would be saying it doesn't say the RCS doesn't swivel, then again neither does it say it does, so not sure why you'd assume as such. RCS units work together to control the ship with what they have available.

This game is one of the most realistic ones I've played when it comes to design, if someone can't wrap their head around physics and design/controls and would need a physics defying control system for their ship, then perhaps this game isn't for them. Spaceflight isn't for everyone.

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Well if you check the descripton of the blocks and the place anywhere, there is no information that says "this only thrust the way its pointed". (You shouldn't have to check the Wiki for every part you want to put on your rocket, the information should be there)

I've done it with the block parts before thats why I was so confused when I used the place-anywhere 7 parts. Anyway, thanks for letting me know I'm bad at the game and shouldn't play it, know what? The forum is not for everyone.

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In hindsight my last comments were unnecessary and didn't add anything constructive, I'd like to apologize for them. I was grumpy and quite irked by comments against a fully functioning and realistic RCS system. Either way, I stepped over the line and I'm sorry.

Please keep in mind though that the game is still in development, not to mention is supposed to be realistic (and frankly hard), the game can't hold everyone's hand and teach them absolutely everything. If you can't figure it out yourself through extensive testing, there's more than enough tutorials and information not only on the forums but other places. At the end of the day there's no need to slag off the current system, or information ingame.

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