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What kinds of missions to you wish KSP supported?

Moon Goddess

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What I'd like to have is the ability for the kerbals to pick up some items and re-attach parts that fall off. I realize things like beams and fuel tanks are out of the question because of the weight involved, but, things like wheels, or repairing a solar panel after picking up some parts, or, pulling a new one out of a "storage" container? That'd be nice.

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Kerbals on EVA can deploy struts using the strut gun, part of Quantum Struts mod. And a start is being made on a science plugin, by me :D

Currently only sample return, and only in the early stages, but, will include sample analysis in the future.

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Aside from the ability to add things like struts, etc. what about the Kerbals on EVA getting equipped with a hammer, to knock off parts that are deemed useless, because somehow during the flight, the ships's configuration or mission requirements have changed, or to balance out engines.

Ha ha! Sorry, but when I picture a kerbal trying to hammer on any part in KSP, all I see is an explosion. But that may accomplish what you want :)

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Manipulating parts on the fly was possible with Module Manager mod and some fiddling with .cfg files. Unfortunately B9 pack broke it, and now we have to chose between them - at least until fix is made.

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Ha ha! Sorry, but when I picture a kerbal trying to hammer on any part in KSP, all I see is an explosion. But that may accomplish what you want :)

:) I was thinking the hammer would symbolize that the Kerbal is doing something akin to a "forced" decoupling. For instance, once, I accidently lost one of four engines, leaving me with three good ones. So there was imbalance--if there was a way to knock off one of the engines off the stack, then I would have had a better orbital path. That Kerbal EVAing with a hammer, could be a good solution to it :) and of course he's not simply gonna hammer away at the engine LOL, but just sort of do a "tap and yank" animation until the engine detaches from the rest of the stack.

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Hilarious, but now i hate this movie even more.

I hate it, but for a different reason. They didn't do the research on Russian names. :) The Russian markings on the buttons are also silly.

Getting back to topic, though, most of what I want to see KSP do in terms of goals is being done by various mods by now. Even the sample return and field repairs do indeed look like they'll be an everyday thing in months just like Kethane mining currently is -- it's a major subject of many let's play KSP videos.

What remains a problem that can not be fixed by plugins is the absence of certain specific types of mission targets (sun-orbiting asteroids, for one) which is only partially possible to simulate with plugins. Asteroids made for KSP currently aren't planetary bodies, they're vessels, with all the annoying implications. There's no rings, for obvious technological reasons (way too many objects to simulate anytime soon) but something like ten Gilly-scale bodies in a belt should not be a problem and would be an interesting navigational hazard.

I also want more places with atmospheres on them because airships. :)

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There's no rings, for obvious technological reasons (way too many objects to simulate anytime soon) but something like ten Gilly-scale bodies in a belt should not be a problem and would be an interesting navigational hazard.

I also want more places with atmospheres on them because airships. :)

Actually, rings and asteroid belts are planned.


I have to say I am rather surprised as well. I wonder how they will manage that.

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It would be awesome if one of the harder missions in the campaign ends up being having to save all of Kerbaldom from a dinosaur-killer type of meteor. The campaign would add a body to the solar system - a rock several miles across, falling in from a higher orbit, and initialize it on a on-rails path that will intersect the planet eventually something like 3 to 5 years into the campaign - enough time to do a few earlier missions first.

Then the announcement is made, it WILL intersect Kerbin on its next pass, Oh No! Can you design and launch a vehicle to go up there and deflect it in time?

To make this work, obviously, there would need to be one or two more parts in the inventory so you can try a few of the various plans people have proposed for this:

One plan might be a rocket spike that embeds into the surface and can thrust according to remote control - you fire several of them into the surface at different points (so you can get rotation under control by differential thrusting) and then try to long-burn the rock out of the way.

Another might be a tether to pull it with.

Another might be an explosion to push it with.

The real-world plan involves trying to nudge it gently with gravity by parking a ship nearby and slightly thrusting up away from it so when gravity pulls them together the ship doesn't fall into the rock, and instead the ship ever so slowly raises the rock up to it. This is the best real-world plan for this, but in KSP the two-body gravity mechanics aren't calculated, so I imagine one of the more spectacular methods would be needed.

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I have to say I am rather surprised as well. I wonder how they will manage that.

The ways that I can imagine involve cheating and making a ring that isn't composed from small particles as much as it is a shaded permeable area in space that contains a reasonable number of larger particles.

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Movable and retractable docking ring arms for refueling and docking in tight spots.

Oh my, this would come in SO handy... Not to build parts for a munbase with EXACT same positions... That you can't really test on Kerbin because suspension is different...

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Water. Oceans. Europa may also have floating oceans too.

Sorry to disappoint you but Europa might have liquid oceans, but deep under the ice :-(

Europa is "just" an ice ball without (significant) atmosphere. Just like Vall.

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Sorry to disappoint you but Europa might have liquid oceans, but deep under the ice :-(

Europa is "just" an ice ball without (significant) atmosphere. Just like Vall.

Sorry guys, but I call it "Europa", and you can't change that.

Even my friends do.

"Hey Brendon, I got my probe into orbit around Europa."

"I think you mean Laythe...."

Vall is Ganymede.

Callisto is Tylo.

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About the main topic of the thread, I wish Kerbal should require more inhabitable space when travel gets longer. A small capsule should be ok for the mun, but much bigger (and heavier) modules with advanced life support should be required for interplanetary missions.

More generally, more science / life support modules for space station and spaceship, and the ability to move Kerbals from one module to another inside the ship.

Another feature I wish would be advanced life management for Kerbals, associated to hibernation mode so that stranded Kerbal could still wait forever until someone fetch them.

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More generally, more science / life support modules for space station and spaceship, and the ability to move Kerbals from one module to another inside the ship.

That, in particular, is nicely handled by the Crew Manifest plugin. You don't have to wait for the stock game to come around to have that feature. :)

Another feature I wish would be advanced life management for Kerbals, associated to hibernation mode so that stranded Kerbal could still wait forever until someone fetch them.

As a side note, this is why I prefer to think kerbals are actually related to frogs, rather than plants as some people seem to think (which, apparently, has been denounced by the developers several times) -- frogs can hibernate. :)

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Frogs? Yeah, i can see that: wide mouths, distinct lack of the nose and those big, round eyes. Hair and teeth can be overlooked, because they evolved from space frogs. Unfortunately, by embracing this theory we lose plausible explanation to kerbal's ablity to remain alive and healthy for years - in tiny, little capsule without any kind of sophisticated life support system. Unless...they evolved from space frogs capable of photosynthesis :sticktongue:

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Hey, i use Chatterer set on "often". My guys gibber to each other every 30 seconds :) That would be shortest hibernation period ever. Anyways, back on track. Ability to place something in Lagrangian points. Be it space telescope, huge communications relay, enormous solar powerplant, or maybe even O'Neill habitat :cool:

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