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Down Under Aerospace & Party Supplies [v0.5] [REMASTERED]


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Well these parts are fantastically overpowered, and not the good kind of fantastic.


^Single stage to orbit (and back) rocket, pretty silly if you ask me.

This is why I need people testing my stuff.

Overpowered parts is the last thing I want.

Hmm... I\'m not sure what the best way of fixing it is.

Any suggestions would be really helpful.

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Check out http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=3133.0

We don\'t really have anything ironed out yet, but Johnman posted a wip spec calculator ( think the fueltank works, the rest is a bit wonky) which can be of a little help at least.

Also: Parts look pretty and doesn\'t seem to have any problems other than the whole OP issue.

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You better look at everything, one of those big solid boosters get you to 40k altitude be itself for example. And most engines seem a bit too fuel efficient and/or have a too high thrust to weight ratio.

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Slew, could you do a proton-like side attachable liquid engines?


I\'ve done a proton-like side attachable solid engine.

It was actually one of the first parts I ever did. Not textured yet.

I could redo it as a liquid if you\'d like.

Damnyoujapan, I\'ve redone the fuel tanks using the IKAO calculator, and I\'ll lower the efficiency of the 2m engines a bit and cut the burn time of the boosters.

I\'ll do that later though because it\'s 1AM here and I have work tomorrow. ???

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I absolutely love this pack! Just did a successful mission with it. Goals were: At least 1 week of orbit, to travel over 5 million k from kearth, to put the Hubble Space Telescope in orbit and hardest of all; to land back at the launch pad after this enormous journey. Everything went as planned, I travelled almost 10k from Kearth and landed on the flat ground besides the launch pad. I would love to see an animated satellite of some sort in the future that for example expands its solar panels, if that is even possible. Decorative stuff <3

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Installing the Kubble (downloaded as standalone) causes KSP to fail to load. I\'ve confirmed that my folder structure is correct.

That does not happen to me. :/

I have the stand-alone and it works perfectly!

Maybe you have some other parts that make KSP fail to load?

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I\'ve been working on balancing the parts this evening.

Fuel tanks now closely match the IKAO Specs (except I used rounded numbers because I\'m like that).

2 metre liquid engines are much less efficient, and all engines now have a consistent power-to-weight ratio.

I\'ve also cut the burn time on the boosters and, where appropriate, adjusted the thrust.

Everything definitely feels less overpowered, but I\'ll keep experimenting for a day or two before I release the changes.

After I\'ve done that, I think I\'ll focus on the 3 metre parts I have planned, and some structural stuff like a 2 metre Tri-Coupler.

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Sounds great.

If we can get this pack properly balanced I don\'t have to release a set of rocket parts and can continue making aircraft parts I can\'t be arsed to texture and release to the public.

If you are going for a 'complete pack' kind of deal you should probably throw in a few münlander legs. A 2m tricoupler might even be a new part, good thinking.

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Since we\'re discussing possible parts projects:

What about a series of completely impractical parts whose sole purpose is to make it a challenge to get them into orbit, or onto the mun?

Like a 20m diameter lander with a casino on top? - extremely heavy and lots of drag, the point being the challenge of getting it safely to the mun.

Or a one-piece space station, because kerbals are so practically minded. Instead of launching in small payloads, use moar boosters and send it up whole.

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