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Kerbal Dropship (Somewhat)

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I present to you the "Kerbal Dropship-That-Doesn't-Really-Drop-Anything-But-It-Kinda-Looks-Like-It-Does-So-Why-Not?"!

Using the most advanced theoretical physics to allow different items to clip each other, the Northern Administrative and Space Initiative is proud to have developed such an awesome item.

Some pictures of the air-but-soon-to-be-space craft are there > http://imgur.com/a/LEoC6#fDZld3K

The .craft file for said craft are here > http://www./view/2o6il252vlbwcrv/VTOL.craft

Flight Controls:

After deploying the landing legs, tap T and R to toggle ASAS and RCS. Slowly throttle up to gain altitude and then tilt forward to start moving forward. For landing there is a docking clamp on top to switch control to so it's kinda-but-not-so-much like a regular atmospheric lander.

Unfortunately I cannot remember whose design it originally was so if it is yours, kindly tell me and I will edit it to give you credit. Also, it has fuel to fly to the small island with the airship. Enough to land, however, I am unsure.

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