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[WIP]Rover RollKage

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Hi all!

This is my first KSP part that I intend to release. It is a simple structural part that I decided to make after discovering that a really cool rover I made had 74 parts!! Having a coal fired PC, this was no good, so I decided to do something about it.

I had no idea what size a Kerbal was when sitting down, so the Mk1 is very much a test piece. I made many mistakes with this model, it can be a bit fiddly to use, but the Mk2 will be much better. I have included a spaceport link for the part for anyone who wants to try it out. The download has 4 RollKages in different colours, but the model is the same for each one. As this model will be changing, I didn't spend time doing fancy texturing.

Hi Vis Yellow

Powder Blue

Stock Grey

Go Fasta Red

I would be delighted if you could provide some feedback/suggestions. Posting pictures would help. If I can see what you guys are doing with this, I can improve it.

The Mk1 has been discontinued....It may appear again in the future.

The Mk1-EF has been added to dropbox

Improved collision

Improved looks

Improved rollyness and crashability

Mk1-EF Link: Temporarily removed - updating

Best Regards

Angus McBeth

McBeth Engineering

My thanks to Lucid Hills and Sal_Vager for the help.

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That's a very nice and useful part. I lost more pilots to crashing rovers than to exploding rockets :( Is it possible to attach parts (small docking ports) to top and bottom of the cage? This way delivering rovers to destination point would be much easier.

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Yes Scotius, there are nodes top and bottom. If you use the stock small cube truss piece, you can attach ports to the front and back too. It also makes a good cockpit for hovercraft, low altitude flyers, helicopters etc.

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Do you know if the tight enclosure makes kerbals less likely to fall out of the chair when shocked (like when a parachute opens)?

I haven't tried it with a parachute, but If you crash a rover, the Kerbal can be unseated, but he/she/it tends to stay within the cage.

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Awesome idea. I will be trying this out and I hope you keep working on it and make an improved version.

Yes, this will be improved. I would be delighted if you would post some pics, so I can see how people use this.

Thanks for the interest!

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Looks pretty good for a first version.

I like the fact you put attachment nodes on the top and bottom but why not on the front and back? (Preferable at the same hight.)

Apart from looking good it doesn't really do what it's designed to do. Part vs part collisions are OK but part vs surface is not. I intentionally rolled a rover and the cage simply clipped through the ground crushing my poor Kerbal between his seat and the moist grass. (Good thing Kerbals wear helmets.)

But as I said before, it's a nice job for a first version. I am sure future versions will improve even more.

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Looks pretty good for a first version.

I like the fact you put attachment nodes on the top and bottom but why not on the front and back? (Preferable at the same hight.)

Apart from looking good it doesn't really do what it's designed to do. Part vs part collisions are OK but part vs surface is not. I intentionally rolled a rover and the cage simply clipped through the ground crushing my poor Kerbal between his seat and the moist grass. (Good thing Kerbals wear helmets.)

But as I said before, it's a nice job for a first version. I am sure future versions will improve even more.

I actually designed this with the purpose of reducing my part count, but you are 100% right and now its annoying me.....off to try fix it. Thanks for the feedback!!

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Great idea of a part. :cool: But I am having a heck of a time trying to get wheels on it. How did you do your wheels?

Yes, this is one of the issues that will hopefully be fixed in the Mk2. I use the small cube structural truss. Place one or two (depending on which wheels you want) on the back, add your wheels. Then ALT-click(to copy) the 'axle' you have made and add the assembly to the front. If you are having problems with the wheels clipping, try sliding them from the top of the truss, downwards, they should go green allowing you to attach. I'm working on the Mk2 now.


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Hi all!

This is my first KSP part that I intend to release. It is a simple structural part that I decided to make after discovering that a really cool rover I made had 74 parts!! Having a coal fired PC, this was no good, so I decided to do something about it.

I had no idea what size a Kerbal was when sitting down, so the Mk1 is very much a test piece. I made many mistakes with this model, it can be a bit fiddly to use, but the Mk2 will be much better. I have included a dropbox link for the part for anyone who wants to try it out. The download has 4 RollKages in different colours, but the model is the same for each one. As this model will be changing, I didn't spend time doing fancy texturing.

Hi Vis Yellow

Powder Blue

Stock Grey

Go Fasta Red

I would be delighted if you could provide some feedback/suggestions. Posting pictures would help. If I can see what you guys are doing with this, I can improve it.

Mk1 RollKage:


Best Regards

Angus McBeth

McBeth Engineering

My thanks to Lucid Hills and Sal_Vager for the help.

I was actually thinking along these lines myself, but apparently you beat me to it on the initial frame.

What I had in mind:

A series of frames which would basically be structurally complete. just add engines, wheels, seats, fuel, accessories and go.

A series of turbine generators (run on liquid fuel and air or liquid + oxidizer) to power the unit in addition to standard battery setups.

Some re-sized rover wheels to better match the scale of the platforms.

You might not be quite that ambitious, but good work on this!

Only suggestion I would make is add a flat spots and connection nodes for the wheels rather than having to utilize struts. Even bump it up to a 6 wheeler if your so inclined.

Look forward to the Mark2!

Edited by BubbaWilkins
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Personally, i would go with flat spots. This way it would be possible to use the cage not only on rovers, but also light landers, planes or VTOLs.

Yes Scotius, I know what you mean. My reply to Bubba should have been clearer. I'm thinking of a separate axle part so you can have as many sets of wheels as you like.

(add rollcage then axles then wheels)

Have you made anything with this yet? any pics?


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I'm not a modder but I have done some tweaking to stock parts and if you don't mind I would like to suggest something.

1: Make the roll cage a pod, even though the user will be adding seats to it, as it can't be controlled with out adding a remote probe core.

2: I don't think you need the lines breakingForce = 200 and breakingTorque = 200 as there are no wheels hard coded to the roll cage.

Here is my tweaked cfg of your roll cage.


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