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Planet Size Comparison Graphic


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I made this primarily to get an intuitive sense of the relative size of the planets and moons of the Kerbol system. I was surprised how large Laythe is. Bop is also larger than I assumed.


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Just curious, how'd you come up with the relative distances?

Just trusting the official Wiki to be correct about the equatorial radii. I should probably verify with the new info panels in-game.

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Comparison to our own Solar System scaled so that Earth = Kerbin. Got pretty cluttered at the low end of the scale so I didn't include anything smaller than Uranus' moon Titania. I will note that Gilly is about the size of Neptune's moon Nereid and still way bigger than Phobos or Deimos at this scale.


Edited by Promii
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It's only like 50% of the diameter but still, it really is small.

I was sorta measuring by area, which is stupid considering planets are spheres, not circles, but I'm guessing the overall volume difference would be about the same as area? #Ihavenoclue

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