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The one thing that really grinds your gears.


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What grinds my gears?

I'll tell you what Grinds my gears.

When people insist in something being physically possible(and accept it as true, and spread that false facts).

Good example; Portal 2 ending

Wheatley's final velocity was really no where near the moon's escape velocity. it can't happen. Portal's conserve momentum. Air rushing into a vacuum does NOT reach 2.4 KM/s (2400 M/S)

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When your body plays tricks on you.

How do you mean :o? Food and sleep ga, been there... I like eating but sometimes i fprget amd the whole day gets *ucked

The number 1 thing that grind me is women that plays games. If you like then tell me lol

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We all have it, the single thing we hate more than anything. Could be anything from losing your keys to... being shot at?

For me it has to be seeing people who are just minding their own business getting picked on and bullied. I once saw a boy picking on a young Pakistani girl and using some horrible terms. I grabbed his hand, sprained his wrist and broke 2 fingers.

What about you guys? Anything that really gets you going?

Oh and



So you physically assaulted someone for verbally assaulting someone else? Makes perfect sense....

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Biggest thing of them all would have to be this:

When everyone gets punished because a few people had to go and mess things up.

And the worst thing about mass punishment these days is they won't let you go after the people who messed it up. Defeating the entire point of mass punishment of where if you mess up, everyone suffers, and then they are allowed to take it out on said person who ruined it for them.

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