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Enigma II - About as off-topic as it gets


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Exactly. Letting one person ruin an entire thread over one hundred pages long is stupid.

Perhaps, but at the same time it was only by a group decision on the part of the moderation team that it was even allowed to get that long, because at the time it was determined that people were behaving well enough to allow it to continue. And at all times it should have been known that it would have been closed at the first sign of problems, with the possibility of replacement surviving depending entirely on what caused it to be closed.

Instead of locking the other one they should have just banned all the trolls.

Easier said than done. Although trolls will be trolls, they still have to accumulate the same point totals that everyone else does before they can be banned.

Just in practice they tend to do so much faster than most people, so even if they survive the first round they usually cause problems again and get finished off.

Alternately, discussion creates knowledge, knowledge fuels understanding, and understanding creates peace.

However, I'm not here to get banned so I'll shut up.

Discussion does indeed create knowledge. But there is a time and a place for discussions, and the proper place for discussion about events that invoked forum moderation is through PMs with the moderation team. We try to be good about hearing out people's concerns, so long as they are presented in a respectable manner and have good reasoning behind them.

So, let's talk about something fun. Who here has been to the beach?

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I feel amazing. I inadvertently caused a page of Armadillo pictures on the PfL thread. BUT it's on topic because we were discussing wildlife for PfL and someone mentioned Armadilloish things. Being the Texan I am, I had to explain that Armadilloish is actually a very wide range of appearances. thus Armadillo pictures. Trekkette and Chobit are going to look at it like: ...Wha..?

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So I decided to start a new save on KSP for my new space company things (I'm a big lame-o, I know), and as I was doing my second Mun landing, I timewarped slightly to get to my next burn. Naturally, doing a landing I have the landing struts extended. So I come out of warp and they fall off and float away.

This game.

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It's been a while for me. Some years back I took a little road trip to Seaside Heights New Jersey, and walked on the historic boardwalk there.

I just found out that apparently that boardwalk was over 100 years old, and had to be replaced this year after Hurricane Sandy trashed it.

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North, of course. South Korea is officially called South Korea, while the other one is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Therefore, referring to the northern part as just Korea is more accurate.

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