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Problem getting into space.

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Getting to orbit is about horizontal speed, not altitude. The only reason you want to orbit above 70000m is because the atmospheric drag slows you down.

Look at the map view during the launch. When you reach the magic speed of 2300m/s on a horizontal trajectory, you will see that gravity will still be pulling you down, but you will be going fast enough to fall "beyond the horizon", therefore you will be in an orbital free-fall.

So if you are falling down at 40000m, then your rocket probably isn't going fast enough to reach orbit. We would need to see a picture of your rocket to figure out exactly what you are doing wrong.

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You have to reach about 70km in order to get "out" of the atmosphere. Tilting will do nothing to stop the atmosphere from slowing you down and sucking you back down to Kerbin. When you are launching, switch to your map and watch your apoapsis(highest point of your orbit). once it reaches about 75km, cut your engines and coast until your ship is at about 70km. Then, turn prograde and burn until you circularize.

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Maybe he got the wrong idea of space as having "zero-g" or "no gravity", That once you go out of the atmosphere into space, even vertical upwards going, You will suddenly float once you get past that boundary. That is very wrong.

To achieve proper orbit you need enough horizontal speed, or "sideways" speed, Being in high enough altitude or in "Space" doesn't make you automatically float around, infact the only reason we need to be in space to have a proper orbit is because horizontal speed doesn't slow down there unlike while in an atmosphere, there's air particles to slow you down. In fact If there's no atmosphere you can freefall around for a decent amount of time even at very low altitudes

Try this interactive animation,


Imagine your rocket as the cannon ball, and the launch pad as the cannon, the only difference is that the cannon fires horizontally already high up, while your rocket starts from the ground, so you need to go up first.

Thats how you achieve orbit, You just free fall for a very long time because your horizontal movement counter-acts the vertical movement that it would appear as you are staying afloat, not falling to the earth straight down like you should expect

Edited by lyndonguitar
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