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What Kind of KSP Player are you?


What Kind of KSP Player are you?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What Kind of KSP Player are you?

    • Serious "Career" Player
    • Casual Career Player
    • Casual Sandbox Player
    • Serious Sandbox Player
    • Balanced Player

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Let's imagine for a moment, that KSP is now totally complete (gone "Gold"?), with all the career/resource things all in place...

...so I'm curious about you users. How will you play the finished game?

1) Serious Career Player - Wants to play KSP like a Starcraft II Single-player Campaign with definite goals and objectives and a "Grand Ending"

2) Casual Career Player - Wants to play KSP campaign style but wants it to be more "open-ended" and casual (no fixed storyline).

3) Casual Sandbox Player - Wants to play KSP as it is currently implemented (i.e. current state, 0.20.2) , a testbed to try out scientific laws/principles or just have plain fun watching things blow up.

4) Serious Sandbox Player - Wants to use KSP as a testbed for ideas (he's probably a writer, for sci-fi novels or science articles), or he is an educator, a teacher in a school who wants to use KSP as an aid. In other words, you got the game purely for the sandbox feature.

5) Balanced Player - One who wants to use KSP in several of the modes described above.

Please try to focus the discussion on the options listed above--I don't want this thread to become another "I'm starting to hate KSP and Squad because they are not delivering what they promised" vs. "Leave Squad Alone, They are Doing Their Best" kind of thread. Thank you!

BTW you can choose more than 1 option, but I still put option number 5 because you might also feel strongly about this position/mode of gameplay.

Edited by rodion_herrera
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Definitely #2 ~ I like the idea of campaign i.e. running a successful space program with maybe various goals along the way. But not structured so you have to complete them in any particular order or even at all but as 'markers' to your progression.

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If I'd bought the game in a complete state I would have been all about the career. Now though I'm not so sure, it would probably be a mix of the two. I'd like to think the career campaign is open ended and eventually results in a sandbox type scenario anyway. You're just given budget and part limitations until you hit certain targets.

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I like playing in the sandbox, I tend to do that with other games as well. In Halo, Half-life2 etc me and my friends would go around doing random stuff not intended. Like gathering all the explosive object in a level to one area and having someone stand on top of them while shooting at the explosive items, or jamming a tank in a giant fan to send it flying through the air to land on top of a building.

I'm also interested in the career mode too, for the challenge of staying with in a budget. I can def see sandbox helping to test launches and such for career mode.

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I'd call myself casual career... I never kill kerbals, I have the Crew Manifest Mod with Permadeath enabled. I always do a bunch of unmanned tests of everything before sending any manned expeditions. That's why a bunch of my medals are just probes... I just pointed it away from Kerbin and watched things unfold (well, not that simple)

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I bought the game for what it was in 0.18, anything added after that will be a potential bonus for me :P

oh, I'm a casual balanced sandbox career player. I make a career out of casually blowing things up :cool:

Edited by jwenting
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Not enough posts to vote :(

Casual Sandbox Player I guess, though a more serious side is the simulation of low Earth Ion and Laser Cannon to aid my ultimate plans for world domination (should this be a poll option?). I would like to see the Career mode in action, having the option to make more of a game out of the game would be an interesting change of pace. Even when sandboxing I'm aware of progression paths in discovery and technology so no sudden jumps, but this is the beauty of sandboxes: Your game, your way.

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  Dizzle said:
What does RPing count as? With the start of a new save, I like to take my program in baby steps, and imagine the reactions of regular Kerbals on the ground.

I always felt that "serious career" would be the fitting slot for RPers, because when you RP, you are in fact "being serious" or having the "This is serious business!" attitude about being the characters in your game.

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I'm casual career. I like having some sort of incentive or goals to strive for even if it is just a badge to indicate I did it. That's sort of why I like the badges that a lot of people have (I really should fill one in for myself since I've now done a few things that qualify me for the badges). I built a pretty massive space station with a complete 6 orange tank refueling platform before I made my first attempts to go to the mun because I like the progression element that it lends to the game.

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More of a balanced game play here I'm thinking. The career mode with its structured goal oriented style of play is always fun when your after those rewards and storyline features. I'm sure I'll bounce into the sandbox for testing, development, and general Kerbal slaughter errr I mean careful attention to Jeb's safety.

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My philosophy in coming up with this thread is, so that perhaps if devs would see it, they know what percentage of the KSP users are this or that kind of players, and can perhaps guide them in making decisions on what parts of the game to prioritize or expedite the development of. If I can recall my statistics classes well, there is a certain percentage of users (who will participate in this poll) that can qualify it as a legitimate "sample" of the population of those who play KSP, and I hope that the results of the poll clearly show what the majority of players want, and that Squad hopefully will focus on the concerns involving the gameplay that this majority likes. I think it's fairly democratic.

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  Jack Wolfe said:
I fall squarely in the "Serious Litterbox Sandbox Player" category.

I'm with Jack. Tend to try and make rockets look as real as possible, even to launching test versions unmanned. EVERY manned mission has a backup plan as well.

Oh and rodion, I wouldn't bump this as the mods don't like it.

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