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BLOC: a game of geopolitics


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Sent a communique to Deutsch Afrika (leader of Sealion League) to try to get him talk to the attacker of Kermany to find out cause belli (reason for war). Also, MDPs are useful, even if they are just OMDPs...

EDIT: Here's the link to the spreadsheet to get organized on what we have signed to other alliances... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AotG_PxGhuGIdGpsT1BZUTlJNHZ6ZlQyM2hpU0lpaUE&usp=sharing

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My nation is Kermany.

Also, I got this communique today:


I don't know what he means by resisting. I'm not even fighting back! I really hope he doesn't gas me, but if he does I have chems too now so I can do it to him.

Edit: Do I have permission to spyf*ck him?

Edited by nettcod
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Well do I have permission to spy on him?

Edit: I am in desperate need of troops so anybody who can please send some ASAP and MGUARN can you please try negotiating with the leaders of the SL?

Edited by nettcod
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Yeah, recent development shows that Eventis is not the duo leader of Sealion League. Great, now I have to wait for Deutsch Afrika's reply... Good news, though, Eventis is trying.

Also, still couldn't send you troops. hoping to avoid an alliance war, like that Proxy War, which is well-named, since it is fought in proxy... But I did sent you 100k after all the training which is really costing on my budget...

Yeah, sorry rasheed, there's a problem with "luck" air force system. Rumsod is looking at it.

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Who? Rumsod? He does have an alliance (Badmins) but he is the only member. He's also the creator of the game, in case you didn't know. His nation is Trópico.

If you mean the Arab Union, he does have an alliance but he declared war on me for no reason (other than he is a good-for-nothing vulture who farms smaller, weaker nations for land and GDP), so I think it will be OK.

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Well got a message from the AL if we needed help with kermany ,and i said yes they will provide some diplomacy help ,and if fails to do anything will provide military aid.I just we don't enter a war with the SL ,and Nettcod I sent you 10k troops.Also a recommendation prepare for war meaning just stockpile a few guns ,and men who knows what can happen.

Edit:wait wut about the AU we won't go to war with them.

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well it all solved ,and it was the AU who sought out with the chemical attack first ,and then finally the SL leadership managed to here our cries to stop.It ended peacefully ,and not to mention if it got any worst could have started a large multi-allegiance war.(since there is a diagram that shows which alliance has defensive pacts ,and that other sorts.)

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