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Is it possible to make your own planet?

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A large number of the "CelestialBody" related stuff is public, which would indicate that if you really wanted to work at it, you should be able to add something in...

Jupiter, the non-existence of "A Mod that adds in a functionality" does not prove the impossibility of an action. Parts are easy to manipulate, but that doesn't mean you cannot manipulate more of the API... just that people don't care enough to dig through it.

Edited by Fel
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There are several asteroid mods that have gravity if you actually land on them.

The two main issues are giving it a sphere of influence so you could orbit it and the size limit of 2.5 km.

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  Tommygun said:
There are several asteroid mods that have gravity if you actually land on them.

The two main issues are giving it a sphere of influence so you could orbit it and the size limit of 2.5 km.

1. Use the Part Gravity Mod

2. Use Romfarer's Lazor Plugin to extend the loading distance to 99.9 KM

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You can indeed make your own planet. HOWEVER! you may not want to considering the amount of detail that Squad has put into the planets as they exist today. Compared to actually making the planet, coding it into the game should be comparatively easy (and doing both effectively may land you a job with Squad! Ok, maybe not, just wishful thinking :P:rolleyes:)

If you are interested, there should be assets available on the Unity Asset Store that you can put in a plugin to procedurally generate and texture large amounts of terrain or even generate whole planets when needed (in the case of the latter, there is a "Space Graphics Toolkit" available that can generate planets and atmospheres. The former may not be worth it...)

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  Giggleplex777 said:
I've seen someone make an actual planet before, but his computer died and he lost all of his progress. :(

Here's the thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/22707-WIP-Pluto-Analog-Further-out-than-Jool?highlight=pluto+analog

Pics are gone but the planet basically looks like a blue heavily cratered sphere IIRC.

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  Spartwo said:

That's if you did something small; if you did a full-size planet or moon, you'd need to use a plugin to make the "planet" into an actual planet or body complete with SoI, gravity, atmosphere, etc.

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  SpaceshipFood said:
IF, I did make a planet, how would I put it into orbit?

You need an orbitdriver.


**** FIELDS ****
Collections.Generic.List`1[CelestialBody] bodies P
FlightGlobals fetch PS


**** FIELDS ****
Collections.Generic.List`1[OrbitDriver] orbits P
Planetarium fetch PS


**** FIELDS ****
Vector3d pos P
Vector3d vel P
UnityEngine.Vector3 startVel P
UnityEngine.Vector3 localCoM P
UnityEngine.Vector3 CoMoffset P
Orbit orbit P
Boolean drawOrbit P
Boolean reverse P
Boolean frameShift P
Boolean QueuedUpdate P
OrbitDriver+UpdateMode updateMode P
OrbitRenderer Renderer P
Boolean H
Vessel vessel P
CelestialBody celestialBody P
OrbitDriver+CelestialBodyDelegate OnReferenceBodyChange P

void .ctor P ()

**** METHODS ****
Void Awake H ()
Void Start H ()
Void OnDestroy H ()
Void FixedUpdate H ()
Void UpdateOrbit P ()
Void SetOrbitMode P (UpdateMode mode)
Void CheckDominantBody H (Vector3d refPos)
Void TrackRigidbody H (CelestialBody refBody)
Void updateFromParameters H ()
Void RecalculateOrbit P (CelestialBody newReferenceBody)
Void unlockFrameSwitch H ()

As I said, alot of this stuff is public; means that if you really wanted to do this, you probably could.

*And, you'll likely need to add it into the GameObject.AddComponent<>()

Edited by Fel
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  Fel said:
You need an orbitdriver.


**** FIELDS ****
Collections.Generic.List`1[CelestialBody] bodies P
FlightGlobals fetch PS


**** FIELDS ****
Collections.Generic.List`1[OrbitDriver] orbits P
Planetarium fetch PS


**** FIELDS ****
Vector3d pos P
Vector3d vel P
UnityEngine.Vector3 startVel P
UnityEngine.Vector3 localCoM P
UnityEngine.Vector3 CoMoffset P
Orbit orbit P
Boolean drawOrbit P
Boolean reverse P
Boolean frameShift P
Boolean QueuedUpdate P
OrbitDriver+UpdateMode updateMode P
OrbitRenderer Renderer P
Boolean H
Vessel vessel P
CelestialBody celestialBody P
OrbitDriver+CelestialBodyDelegate OnReferenceBodyChange P

void .ctor P ()

**** METHODS ****
Void Awake H ()
Void Start H ()
Void OnDestroy H ()
Void FixedUpdate H ()
Void UpdateOrbit P ()
Void SetOrbitMode P (UpdateMode mode)
Void CheckDominantBody H (Vector3d refPos)
Void TrackRigidbody H (CelestialBody refBody)
Void updateFromParameters H ()
Void RecalculateOrbit P (CelestialBody newReferenceBody)
Void unlockFrameSwitch H ()

As I said, alot of this stuff is public; means that if you really wanted to do this, you probably could.

*And, you'll likely need to add it into the GameObject.AddComponent<>()

How do I use that stuff....

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