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[0.25] PartCatalog 3.0 RC8 (2014-10-08)


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Hello everyone,

just quickly checking in to drop a small bugfix.

Version 1.1c should fix those vertical layout quirks once and for all.

As my exams are getting ever closer now I won't be directly working on the new version for this months apart from working out features, concept stuff etc.

You can expect atleast these new features:

-Proper automatic subtagging of mod groups based on part type (including mouse over support for subtagging your tags in toolbar) I might post a little mockup of this soonâ„¢

-A search bar for subfiltering your currently selected part list

-Filter inversion, allowing you to select multiple tags and display the union of those. This also allows you to display all untagged parts by deselecting all tags in inverted mode.

No word on when I finish the new version, but I'll keep watching this thread closely so keep your suggestions coming.

Happy tagging!

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-Filter inversion, allowing you to select multiple tags and display the union of those. This also allows you to display all untagged parts by deselecting all tags in inverted mode.

Brilliant! Thanks. :)

One bug report, and my apologies for being vague as I haven't exactly nailed down what's causing it: but occasionally it gets into a state where I can no longer make changes to my tabs. I mean, I can make them, but if I leave the VAB and come back, everything is reverted to exactly like it was before I made them, and if I try editing at that point, the editor seems to be a little bonkers (sorting by mod lists the same mod multiple times, parts are all over the place, etc). The problem seems to occur when I make changes to which mods I have installed. I think it might be related to the tag list having parts in it that no longer exist. At that point, the only way to get it working again is to go delete "catalog.txt" and recreate it fresh with the current part set, after which it works fine (until I fiddle with my mods again).

EDIT: I should add, this was with 1.1b. I'm just downloading 1.1c now...

EDIT2: Okay, it has nothing to do with parts that are removed. It seems to occur when I update a mod that has a part added. Specifically, UDKLD's Large Structural Components gets a new part added every day or so. I update to the latest release, load up KSP and attempt to add the new part to my "Miscellany" tab that has that and a few other mods under it. The new part goes in fine for the moment, but if I leave the VAB and go back, it's gone again. The only way to get it in permanently is to delete and recreate the Miscellany tab.

The editor going bonkers is an separate, unrelated bug. That happens any time I sort by mod and "-" everything. Leave the VAB, come back, and the display is a complete mess, but hitting the Sort button a few times fixes it.

Both of these problems still occur in 1.1c.

Edited by Gaius
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Hello everyone,

just quickly checking in to drop a small bugfix.

Many thanks for this, it is great :)

Obe thing I am not sure of, is if you have parts sorted etc, and you add an update (say to B9) does the catalog reread the parts and add the new ones in automatically, or do you have to refresh the lists in some way?

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@Kina zipreth - can you please put these in a .zip file?

I can do but the ones in my post are linked to .pngs from my photobucket, you should be able to right click and do a save as. ..

(On my phone so I'll edit a zip into here later).

Edited by King Jareth
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Is there any chance of have it so the vertical button arrangement disappear when going to the action menu? As it covers some of the options gets a bit annoying.

Will be covered in the next version, along side with customizable tag toolbar position / size options and optional autohiding toolbars (move the cursor to it's edge and it'll appear again).

it skips page 2 and goes straight to page 3, making it hard to get to the mods on page2. and photobucket doesn't allow saved hotlinked for stupid reasons

Seems to be some problem with a high sensitivity mouse wheel or something - I'll include an optional prescaler to slow stuff down incase you got a fast one.

I actually managed to scrape a few hours of the schedule, lets play a little game of spot the changes and guess the feature:


Edited by BlackNecro
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That looks sweet, can't wait. You have done a great job with this mod and already I couldn't be without it.

I have a request of a feature. Let me explain by telling you that I like having my Tags in horizontal mode up the top. But I have SubAssembly Loader installed too, so it mostly blocks the config button of PartCatalog. Would it be possible to have the Tags in horizontal mode and the config button where it is in vertical mode, down the bottom left. Maybe even if this was possible by changing a value in the catalog.txt file. I hope this makes sense.


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Unfortunately the button for this is clashing with the SubAssemblyLoader button for me

[Edit] There is a different SAL patch in this thread intended for low-resolution which actually puts the SAL button under the part/action buttons rather than off to the left.

[Edit2] Nope, the low-res SAL just gave me a small red square '?' under the VAB buttons.

Alas the other patches all put the SAL button in the same spot clashing with the PC button :\

Edited by NoMrBond
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I don't know if this is my problem alone, but for me, using PartCatalog makes returning to the VAB extremely slow. Also, when I delete a category or remove a part from a category, it lags for 5-10 minutes before completing the operation. I know it's not my machine. Does anyone else have a bad lag problem?

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Unfortunately the button for this is clashing with the SubAssemblyLoader button for me

[Edit] There is a different SAL patch in this thread intended for low-resolution which actually puts the SAL button under the part/action buttons rather than off to the left.

[Edit2] Nope, the low-res SAL just gave me a small red square '?' under the VAB buttons.

Alas the other patches all put the SAL button in the same spot clashing with the PC button :\

Same Problem here. I would advise switching the pages to Vertical Mode. its by holding CTRL and then left click on the PartCatalog button Edited by zgrillo2004
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I don't know if this is my problem alone, but for me, using PartCatalog makes returning to the VAB extremely slow. Also, when I delete a category or remove a part from a category, it lags for 5-10 minutes before completing the operation. I know it's not my machine. Does anyone else have a bad lag problem?

I have the same problem. I tried to remove custom icons (no change) and remove mod (no lag). Loading VAB isn't slower than normal, it is lag, game is stopping for 60 seconds and I can't Alt+Tab or let debug console (Alt+F2) appear. But the mod itself is great. Please help ;_;

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Same Problem here. I would advise switching the pages to Vertical Mode. its by holding CTRL and then left click on the PartCatalog button

Just to be clear:

step 1) rename the subassemblyloader file (what ever it is) to subassembly.dll.Donothingrightnow

step 2) install partcatalog run KSP

step 3) use CTRL-Click on the PartCatalong icon. this changes to layout of partcatalog to "vertical" and moves the Icon to the lower Left of the screen

step 4) exit KSP

step 5) rename the subassemblyloader file (what ever it is) back to subassembly.dll (or what ever it was before)

step 6) restart KSP

step 7) profit!

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Just to be clear:

step 1) rename the subassemblyloader file (what ever it is) to subassembly.dll.Donothingrightnow

step 2) install partcatalog run KSP

step 3) use CTRL-Click on the PartCatalong icon. this changes to layout of partcatalog to "vertical" and moves the Icon to the lower Left of the screen

step 4) exit KSP

step 5) rename the subassemblyloader file (what ever it is) back to subassembly.dll (or what ever it was before)

step 6) restart KSP

step 7) profit!

Worked a treat, thanks for the advice.

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May I suggest a small patch to allow for more button in vertical mode ?

public static void UpdateTagButtons(List<PartTag> tags)
if (verticalLayout)
CurPos.x = PosLeftStart;
CurPos.y = PosTopVertical;
Offset.y = ButtonHeight;
[B][COLOR="#00FF00"]MaxNumButtons = (Screen.height - PosTopVertical - ButtonHeight ) / ButtonHeight - 1;[/COLOR][/B]
CurPos.x = PosLeftButtonStart;
Offset.x = ButtonWidth;
[B][COLOR="#00FF00"]MaxNumButtons = ((Screen.width - 750) - PosLeftButtonStart) / ButtonWidth - 1;[/COLOR][/B]

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