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[1.0.X - Experimental] [On Hold] FusTek Station Parts (WIPs on GitHub)


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Hi all,

Have now applied your recomended fixes and they work. Thanks very much. Have yet to change the Cupola though.

What I mean is prebuilt ship files of modules designed for a specific purpose.

EDIT: cupola and airlock now done.

Edited by TerrificToby
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  TerrificToby said:
Hi all,

Have now applied your recomended fixes and they work. Thanks very much. Have yet to change the Cupola though.

What I mean is prebuilt ship files of modules designed for a specific purpose.

EDIT: cupola and airlock now done.

oooh you mean craft files using the Fustek station parts?

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  TerrificToby said:
Have now applied your recomended fixes and they work. Thanks very much.


  TerrificToby said:
What I mean is prebuilt ship files of modules designed for a specific purpose.
  Starwaster said:
oooh you mean craft files using the Fustek station parts?

Ah, I see.

I don't have any pre-built craft files, and I'm not sure if and when I'll ever do those. FusTek still lacks a number of parts and features I'd like to see, and I'd like to finalize those before thinking about example crafts.

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  heikkik said:
Hey. I'm using the X0.04-3-1 DEV build and all the parts seem to be missing the TechRequired and entryCost parameters from the .cfg files. I had the same issue with X0.04-3, but didn't have time to report as the new version came out. I'm just editing the .cfg files on my end so I can use the parts. Did I break something or was it a faulty download?

Hurr durr. Reading usually works, so I read the OP. I downloaded from Spaceport by default. *facepalm* So apparently I WASN'T using the latest version. Let's see if this works then!

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  TerrificToby said:
Exactly, those plus stock and KW, maybe...

I might have some knocking around.... but I'll have to search for them.

I once made a rover using a habitat module (or was it a science module? I forget) and the Fustek cupola for the cockpit. Plus it had red B9 lights on the end that were tied into the brakes and some nifty headlights up front.

Plus I had a station core that I designed using Fustek parts + zzz's dome and was intended to dock with an automated nuclear drive section and be sent to Duna. It never actually went but it was cool

Click the Voyage to Duna link in my signature for pics. I'll see if I can find the craft files for it if you want. They're buried in archived 0.21 folders though :(

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I absolutely love this mod. Adds variety to the design of stations. Sadly, I found that it kept crashing my game, despite keeping it up to date (even with Dev releases). I have several other mods and I have no issues with them, but the moment I drop this one in, my game starts crashing. Very sad about it :-(

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  g0tchas said:
I absolutely love this mod. Adds variety to the design of stations. Sadly, I found that it kept crashing my game, despite keeping it up to date (even with Dev releases). I have several other mods and I have no issues with them, but the moment I drop this one in, my game starts crashing. Very sad about it :-(

Have you tried an install with *just* FusTek and no other add-ons?

Perhaps you have reached the upper limit for RAM usage on your computer, as KSP can only use a maximum of 3.5 GB of RAM. FusTek is one of the last add-on packs people choose to install, and quite often it is mere conincidence that it was the last straw "that broke the camel's back".

You should also consider getting rbary89's Active Texture Management plugin.

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  sumghai said:
Have you tried an install with *just* FusTek and no other add-ons?

Perhaps you have reached the upper limit for RAM usage on your computer, as KSP can only use a maximum of 3.5 GB of RAM. FusTek is one of the last add-on packs people choose to install, and quite often it is mere conincidence that it was the last straw "that broke the camel's back".

You should also consider getting rbary89's Active Texture Management plugin.

Sumghai, I ran it with just FusTek only and had the same issue. I've got the Active Texture Management plugin as well. I first thought it was the B9 pack so I took that out, but left FusTek in - still had the issue. As soon as I take FusTek out, no crashes. Makes me really sad coz it's one of my favourite mods.

Btw - just now noticed you're a fellow countryman :-)

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  g0tchas said:
Sumghai, I ran it with just FusTek only and had the same issue. I've got the Active Texture Management plugin as well. I first thought it was the B9 pack so I took that out, but left FusTek in - still had the issue. As soon as I take FusTek out, no crashes. Makes me really sad coz it's one of my favourite mods.

I'm going to need your log files, then.

  g0tchas said:
Btw - just now noticed you're a fellow countryman :-)

I'm actually a Kiwi ex-pat of oriental descent :)

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  sumghai said:
I'm going to need your log files, then.

I'll need to recreate the error to get you a current log file.

  sumghai said:
I'm actually a Kiwi ex-pat of oriental descent :)

Hahaha - that's so funny. I'm a Kiwi too by citizenship. Used to live in Auckland for almost 6 years.

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It seems that compact nodes do now allow crew transfer using CLS/Ship Manifest. Is it on purpose? My whole space station is built around compact nodes. :D I think I know how to enable crew transfer through this part, but I'm curious about whether this is a deliberate choice, and if not, then maybe it will be fixed. :)

The problem might be in CLS rather than Fustek though, as I see in this thread that nodes are supposed to allow crew transfer.

  sharpspoonful said:
Thank you Sumghai.


Where are these Fustek textures from?

[Edit] Found it here! :)

Edited by Korb Biakustra
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  Korb Biakustra said:
It seems that compact nodes do now allow crew transfer using CLS/Ship Manifest. Is it on purpose? My whole space station is built around compact nodes. :D I think I know how to enable crew transfer through this part, but I'm curious about whether this is a deliberate choice, and if not, then maybe it will be fixed. :)

The problem might be in CLS rather than Fustek though, as I see in this thread that nodes are supposed to allow crew transfer.

The compactNodes are supposed to permit crew transfer, especially when used with the latest versions of CLS/SM.

Could you post a screenshot of your vessel in the SPH/VAB, with the CLS window open?

  Korb Biakustra said:
Where are these Fustek textures from?

[Edit] Found it here! :)

Erm, the latest version of FusTek already includes the KSO texture pack, and uses Firespitter texture switching. If you install the standalone KSO textures right over it, you'll break your FusTek parts.

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Oh God, I did install the KSO textures, relaunched the game and everything was working. I saw your message so I quit without saving, removed the whole Fustek folder, reinstalled only the main Fustek mod (which was the April dev version), rebooted KSP... And now my space station that took me 15 days to build won't load, because "parts are missing" (but they are here in the VAB). I tried quickloading a quicksave made before I messed up with the mods, and it brought me where the station was supposed to be, but everything was empty and the map view started to show bugged orbits. I relaunched KSP again just to make sure. No station anymore, and no quicksave to load. :[

I guess I will have to build the station in the VAB and Hyperedit it to orbit. :'( I cannot load my craft files anymore. :/ If you have any ideas, I'm listening!

No screenshot yet then, it's 3:40 AM here sorry!

Edited by Korb Biakustra
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  Korb Biakustra said:
Oh God, I did install the KSO textures, relaunched the game and everything was working. I saw your message so I quit without saving, removed the whole Fustek folder, reinstalled only the main Fustek mod (which was the April dev version)

We're now up to the May DEV version.

I suspect that if you go through your quicksave and persistence files and rename all the FusTek parts to the new names, you'll have your crafts back.

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Thanks Sumghai. So was the May update a save breaking update, if the names of parts have changed? Would you have a list of the changes so that I can try to edit the save files?

In the save files, I should Ctrl+H every occurrence of "Karmony*" or "Kuest*", right? And new names are in the "name" field of every .cfg file in FusTek\Station Parts\Parts, right? It looks like all parts have had "FusTek" added to their names ([Edit] among other things).

Edited by Korb Biakustra
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Alright, I finally got it after a bit of fiddling!

There are a couple modules where I can't transfer crew though. For instance Bob entered the Legacy Airlock after EVA and can't go in a connected FusTek module (the Legacy Airlock is connected to it with two IACBM). I will make a screenshot later today, I am stuck with 800x600 on this computer, you would not see anything in that resolution. :P

Is there a way to change the texture on a ship already in space, by editing the .sfs file? My station has the default texture and I'd like to try out the KSO one, which feels a bit less Science Fiction-ish. By the way, I think it was reported in the WIP thread, but have you noticed that textures are not updated for every hatch on a part? Same with the Legacy Airlock ("roof" part of the widest half, sorry, I don't know how that part is called in English :P).

Edited by Korb Biakustra
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  Korb Biakustra said:
Alright, I finally got it after a bit of fiddling!

Is there a way to change the texture on a ship already in space, by editing the .sfs file? My station has the default texture and I'd like to try out the KSO one, which feels a bit less Science Fiction-ish.

Go out on EVA and right click on the part

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  skbernard said:
Go out on EVA and right click on the part

Awesome, thank you. That even made a pretty good and motivating EVA mission!

Sumghai, about the CLS and crew transfers: the latest FusTek version fixed the issue with transfering from the Legacy Airlock. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I still have problems transfering crew among parts of my station, but that involves non-FusTek modules so I'll ask in the dedicated threads. :)

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  Korb Biakustra said:
By the way, I think it was reported in the WIP thread, but have you noticed that textures are not updated for every hatch on a part? Same with the Legacy Airlock ("roof" part of the widest half, sorry, I don't know how that part is called in English :P).

The texture switching feature makes use of Snjo's Firespitter DLL, which as I discovered during development, currently cannot support multiple mesh objects with the same Unity object name.

Snjo is already aware of the issue, and is working on a fix. He's also planning on implementing a master-slave setup so that the ID symbol textures will automatically update to match the general module texture.

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Thanks for your answer.

I have dozens of IACBMs on my station, and four of them won't change state when I "Open hatch" on them (two are 1.25 m, two are 2.5 m). All other IACBMs change state properly. The weird thing is that these "permanently closed" hatches seem not to prevent crew transfer (same living space for both sides of the coupled IACBMs), though I can only transfer crew through one pair because the other one is just next to a dead end (see the issue with CLS I described above). I have tried to close the hatch on an IACBM working correctly: it did divide the corresponding living space.

Other contextual options like crossfeed, light and passive/active mode work correctly on these four IACBMs.

Any idea on what is wrong with these? They are attached exactly like others.

[Edit] OK, figured the "Open hatch" was a CLS feature, not a FusTek one. Sorry for the confusion. Reasons of the issue are explained here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68617-WIP-Connected-Living-Space-API-for-connected-habs-%28new-download-16-2-14%29?p=1174079&viewfull=1#post1174079

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LINK REMOVED - patch is now part of main download itself

Place this in GameData\FusTek\Station Parts\Parts\MM_configs along with the other official MM patches. This will be a standalone download until I integrate it with the eventual full R0.04a release.

This essentially sets the maximum temperature rating of all FusTek parts to a mere 800°C, so that they would more easily burn up during atmospheric re-entry - if you're planning on landing these on planets with atmospheres, you'll now need to add heat shields to your modules.


Someday I'd like to make my own series of TweakScale-powered payload fairing system under the SDHI name, which would double as single-use jettisonable atmospheric re-entry shrouds for Duna/Laythe payload landers:

[TABLE=width: 1000]








Edited by sumghai
LINK REMOVED - patch is now part of main download itself
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