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How long should I make my away time from KSP?


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Before we start, I am a massive KSP fan, I have pretty much played nonstop for six months, but I need to take a Hiatus, play some other games, and come back with my desire to build rockets rekindled.

How long should I spend away from the game?

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Just wait until the next major update comes out, like if they add resources or career mode. I had a break from the game for a bit back in 0.15 and came back for again for 0.16, and then stopped again. I only really began playing again until 0.17 when the planets first came out.

Edited by rryy
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I too have stopped for a while, want to get back into it when I have some free time. Just do other things, don't set a break peroid or anything like that. Just live your life :D

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