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Naval Battle League 2016-2018

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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kddy5xdiebyl7go/Well%2C%20I%27m%20in%20a%20pickle.sfs?dl=0

So, for some reason your SIC-D1 wouldn't take any significant damage despite getting slammed with a 4-i-beam barrage of fire.

Afterwards, I took the fighter out of the immediate area of combat and then into an eccentric orbit around Ike (I know people normally stay in-SOI, but considering how Ike's even easier to transit to and from than the Mun from Kerbin, I felt it wasn't too big a deal).

So, your smaller ships survived and I'm out of ammo. However, I also just completed some upgrades to my NX-1 (calling it the GEN2 version of it for now) as well. Would you be willing to allow me to bring-in that, as long as you get a new ship of your own?
Clocks in at just about 115 tons with a full ammo/fuel load, and carries 4 1.25 meter ASMs and 4 (2x stacks, with 2 in each stack) hypervelocity (short length) i-beams in the bow gun-port.

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6 hours ago, quasarrgames said:

1. nice armor. Do you mean that just the armor is 150 parts, or the whole ship is? If the whole ship is, that's mighty impressive!

I must be missing something, because it seems like i-beams don't actually do that much damage. I've found that a single armor plate can stop them. also, what is an SRM-6M? Now that you speak of this high-velocity superweapon, you have my curiosity.


The hull of my SK-CRV-Vg2 is currently at exactly 244 parts (armed), and 144 unarmed (which isnt all that great, but given how strong it is, cant complain).  Really its achilles heel (which is kinda shared with ALL my ships thusfar) is the suceptibility of the rearward section to being destroyed (as in loosing all its primary propulsion systems).  I have a variant that has ~10-20 more part count, but has enough vernors all over to plain and simply ignore loosing the rear, although its stuck with under 500dV in that event if the 2 forward LFO tanks survive too (its mostly a sort of get back to base in worst case scenario type of thing).  That said, its a ship im relatively happy with,


As for the SRM-6M, its my new general purpose short range missile launcher system.


It fires 6 of these per launcher:


Ive found that these things are quite effective actually.  The launcher by default fires 3 shots of 2 at a time, although it can be reconfigured to fire at most a shot of 4 followed by a shot of 2 accurately (if you try to fire all 6 at once they will collide with each other and fire in shotgun spread (not a bad thing at point blank range but worthless anywhere else).  The reason i like it so much is that it gives me superior firepower in practice compared to a single guided ~4t missile, it weighs 3.5t per launcher, and well, if you want you can fire 6 shots of 1 round at a time too, which lets you potentially engage 6 targets or target 6 components separately (if your ship has centrally mounted launchers or you can compensate for a side gun's offset its accurate enough to hit something the size of a docking port quite reliably, so you can degun stuff really nicely, or if you prefer, spam it at the CoM of a ship and the majority of ships will go "poof-debri-cloud"). 

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1 minute ago, panzer1b said:

The hull of my SK-CRV-Vg2 is currently at exactly 244 parts (armed), and 144 unarmed (which isnt all that great, but given how strong it is, cant complain).  Really its achilles heel (which is kinda shared with ALL my ships thusfar) is the suceptibility of the rearward section to being destroyed (as in loosing all its primary propulsion systems).  I have a variant that has ~10-20 more part count, but has enough vernors all over to plain and simply ignore loosing the rear, although its stuck with under 500dV in that event if the 2 forward LFO tanks survive too (its mostly a sort of get back to base in worst case scenario type of thing).  That said, its a ship im relatively happy with,


As for the SRM-6M, its my new general purpose short range missile launcher system.


It fires 6 of these per launcher:


Ive found that these things are quite effective actually.  The launcher by default fires 3 shots of 2 at a time, although it can be reconfigured to fire at most a shot of 4 followed by a shot of 2 accurately (if you try to fire all 6 at once they will collide with each other and fire in shotgun spread (not a bad thing at point blank range but worthless anywhere else).  The reason i like it so much is that it gives me superior firepower in practice compared to a single guided ~4t missile, it weighs 3.5t per launcher, and well, if you want you can fire 6 shots of 1 round at a time too, which lets you potentially engage 6 targets or target 6 components separately (if your ship has centrally mounted launchers or you can compensate for a side gun's offset its accurate enough to hit something the size of a docking port quite reliably, so you can degun stuff really nicely, or if you prefer, spam it at the CoM of a ship and the majority of ships will go "poof-debri-cloud"). 

How do you fire them? Do you turn on ignore Max temperature? Whenever I try My ship just Overheats...

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9 minutes ago, panzer1b said:

The hull of my SK-CRV-Vg2 is currently at exactly 244 parts (armed), and 144 unarmed (which isnt all that great, but given how strong it is, cant complain).  Really its achilles heel (which is kinda shared with ALL my ships thusfar) is the suceptibility of the rearward section to being destroyed (as in loosing all its primary propulsion systems).  I have a variant that has ~10-20 more part count, but has enough vernors all over to plain and simply ignore loosing the rear, although its stuck with under 500dV in that event if the 2 forward LFO tanks survive too (its mostly a sort of get back to base in worst case scenario type of thing).  That said, its a ship im relatively happy with,


As for the SRM-6M, its my new general purpose short range missile launcher system.


It fires 6 of these per launcher:


Ive found that these things are quite effective actually.  The launcher by default fires 3 shots of 2 at a time, although it can be reconfigured to fire at most a shot of 4 followed by a shot of 2 accurately (if you try to fire all 6 at once they will collide with each other and fire in shotgun spread (not a bad thing at point blank range but worthless anywhere else).  The reason i like it so much is that it gives me superior firepower in practice compared to a single guided ~4t missile, it weighs 3.5t per launcher, and well, if you want you can fire 6 shots of 1 round at a time too, which lets you potentially engage 6 targets or target 6 components separately (if your ship has centrally mounted launchers or you can compensate for a side gun's offset its accurate enough to hit something the size of a docking port quite reliably, so you can degun stuff really nicely, or if you prefer, spam it at the CoM of a ship and the majority of ships will go "poof-debri-cloud"). 

So you've made a Kerbal Metal Storm weapon. Why am I not surprised? :P

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Just now, Andem said:

How do you fire them? Do you turn on ignore Max temperature? Whenever I try My ship just Overheats...

I do not ignore max temp at all (although ive reconfigured many weapons to counter the new overheat thust issue.  To make them shoot, there is a decoupler per missile inside the launcher housing.  That is linked to the sepatrons which decouple the ibeam thing and well, the sepatrons push said projectile at enemy.

I dont see how these weapons are any different then standard ibeams (minus the sepatrons all being on the side enough shots into a launcher being a bit unorthodox).  I have no issue with the launcher taking any damage nor misfires provided its stabilized during the firing sequence.

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1 minute ago, panzer1b said:

I do not ignore max temp at all (although ive reconfigured many weapons to counter the new overheat thust issue.  To make them shoot, there is a decoupler per missile inside the launcher housing.  That is linked to the sepatrons which decouple the ibeam thing and well, the sepatrons push said projectile at enemy.

I dont see how these weapons are any different then standard ibeams (minus the sepatrons all being on the side enough shots into a launcher being a bit unorthodox).  I have no issue with the launcher taking any damage nor misfires provided its stabilized during the firing sequence.

In all likelihood it's just my ineptness at military design :D, but I am learning :)!

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Just now, Andem said:

In all likelihood it's just my ineptness at military design :D, but I am learning :)!

Also, something you may not know.  if you place the sepatrons near the front of the ibeam, they are not close enough to burn off the separator (or whatever you have it attached to).  This is one thing ive had to do (even if it makes the missiles look less pretty imo) to keep the weapons functional (and not destroying reloadable systems, although this is irrelevant for my design since the entire SRM-6M pod is ditched as soon as its out of ammo.

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1 hour ago, ScriptKitt3h said:

So you've made a Kerbal Metal Storm weapon. Why am I not surprised? :P

Dont see what it has to do with metal storm weapons system.  Doesnt that use projectiles stacked 1 behind the other?

I got the idea for it actually when i was digging through some old archived ships i have in a massive folder.  I found a ship that used this gigantic reloadable array of like 100+ ibeams using a giant docking port to allow the entire weapons array to be reloaded in 1 shot.  i just took that base idea and lowered its size down to something practical that would fit my ships.  As for the name "SRM-6M", i got that idea from mech warrior online, although the design of the weapon has absolutely nothing to do with that game.  Its essentially a scaled down reloadable version of the standard 6 shot railgun array present on almost every AKS warship to date.  I wanted something that i could cram more ammo into a smaller area and also have the option of bringing a tripedo (or other weapon option) in place of it since the medium docking ports are more omnipurpose (and hell i can even place fighters on em for that matter).  Dedicated 0.6m hardpoints are kinda bad imo.  If i want 0.6m munitions i use a missile pod or something like the SRM-6M, and attach it to a 1.2m hardpoint instead.

Edited by panzer1b
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7 hours ago, panzer1b said:

Dont see what it has to do with metal storm weapons system.  Doesnt that use projectiles stacked 1 behind the other?

I got the idea for it actually when i was digging through some old archived ships i have in a massive folder.  I found a ship that used this gigantic reloadable array of like 100+ ibeams using a giant docking port to allow the entire weapons array to be reloaded in 1 shot.  i just took that base idea and lowered its size down to something practical that would fit my ships.  As for the name "SRM-6M", i got that idea from mech warrior online, although the design of the weapon has absolutely nothing to do with that game.  Its essentially a scaled down reloadable version of the standard 6 shot railgun array present on almost every AKS warship to date.  I wanted something that i could cram more ammo into a smaller area and also have the option of bringing a tripedo (or other weapon option) in place of it since the medium docking ports are more omnipurpose (and hell i can even place fighters on em for that matter).  Dedicated 0.6m hardpoints are kinda bad imo.  If i want 0.6m munitions i use a missile pod or something like the SRM-6M, and attach it to a 1.2m hardpoint instead.

The reason I said it looked like a Metal Storm weapon was that you dump the entire firing module (set of barrels IRL) for a reload, and that it technically IS a superposed load weapon (like Metal Storm's RL prototypes), though your i-beam launcher there doesn't use short i-beams, precluding you from stacking them 2-or-3 deep to a module/magazine.

However, I will say that you did give me a nice idea for a new NX-series ship. :)

3 hours ago, AlexanderTeaH said:

*spits out popcorn*


No ammo=mo' problems.
That being said, I think the issues with the NX-12's aft armor plating (which I took a look at after the last battle posting and tried to address in the form of some alterations to its design) wound up casuing me to lose my 2 large ships faster than I anticipated, and then when my i-beams kept bouncing off of D1's hull (IDK how the heck that kept happening, but they just refused to penetrate), I was forced to use up all my ammunition in a last-ditch attempt to destroy SIC-D1.

However, next time (or this time, depending on how Spartwo replies to my proposition in my last battle post), I'll bring a ship that's less experimental in terms of armor- Like the NX-1 GEN2, NX-H Helios GEN2, or perhaps the new ship I was working on during the battle. :P

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2 hours ago, Alphasus said:

I'm ready to fight now, scriptkitteh. Where shall we go?

You may pick the planet and setup first, with the limitations being:

-No specifically incendiary-style weapons (i.e., no limpet probes that sidle up close and torch a ship, etc.)
-No kraken-or-exploit-based weaponry is allowed.
-Max tonnage 150 tons per large ship, 50 tons for a small-er ship.
-Ships: 2 "large", 2 "small-er" OR 1 carrier with 2 fighters/drones

Check your fleet over, pick a planet, and setup! :)

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2 hours ago, ScriptKitt3h said:

You may pick the planet and setup first, with the limitations being:

-No specifically incendiary-style weapons (i.e., no limpet probes that sidle up close and torch a ship, etc.)
-No kraken-or-exploit-based weaponry is allowed.
-Max tonnage 150 tons per large ship, 50 tons for a small-er ship.
-Ships: 2 "large", 2 "small-er" OR 1 carrier with 2 fighters/drones

Check your fleet over, pick a planet, and setup! :)

I have 62 ton modern vessels, and 83 ton modern vessels. Since one is very small for a large ship, and the other is a tad large for a small ship, can I use 2 of each and a 25 ton fighter?

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1 hour ago, Alphasus said:

I have 62 ton modern vessels, and 83 ton modern vessels. Since one is very small for a large ship, and the other is a tad large for a small ship, can I use 2 of each and a 25 ton fighter?

Alright, but I'll do something similar. Pick a planet and post your persist while I ready my ships. :P

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The Metal Storm-esque weapon on Panzer's latest ship inspired this beaut's central weapon- a thing of beauty.
Meet the NX-15 Nova Gunboat:


The NX-15 is a mid-long range fire support craft, designed around the central M.W.S.* firing system.


The Nova also features a new 0.625 meter guided micro-ASM weapon, that I'm calling the "Barracuda" M.A.W.:


As seen in the last pic, the Barracuda's tip cleanly impaled THROUGH the armor plate off the dummy target (the spent M.W.S. firing module, which was totally obliterated in the blast).
That all being said, the Nova-Class Gunboat also is highly adaptable, since I've got 2 M.W.S. firing modules so far (one with long i-beams in a 3x3 grid, one with a 2-shots-deep 3x3 grid of short i-beams), and the medium port holding the module in place during usage also can be loaded with fuel pods, cargo, or traditional 1.25 meter missiles!

Shame it's 708 parts in the lower-part-count long i-beam version, though, I'd love to use it widely in combat. I'll definetly miniaturize the M.W.S. setup into smaller form-factors and start mounting the Barracuda on my fightercraft though. 


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17 minutes ago, ScriptKitt3h said:

The Metal Storm-esque weapon on Panzer's latest ship inspired this beaut's central weapon- a thing of beauty.
Meet the NX-15 Nova Gunboat:


The NX-15 is a mid-long range fire support craft, designed around the central M.W.S.* firing system.


The Nova also features a new 0.625 meter guided micro-ASM weapon, that I'm calling the "Barracuda" M.A.W.:


As seen in the last pic, the Barracuda's tip cleanly impaled THROUGH the armor plate off the dummy target (the spent M.W.S. firing module, which was totally obliterated in the blast).
That all being said, the Nova-Class Gunboat also is highly adaptable, since I've got 2 M.W.S. firing modules so far (one with long i-beams in a 3x3 grid, one with a 2-shots-deep 3x3 grid of short i-beams), and the medium port holding the module in place during usage also can be loaded with fuel pods, cargo, or traditional 1.25 meter missiles!

Shame it's 708 parts in the lower-part-count long i-beam version, though, I'd love to use it widely in combat. I'll definetly miniaturize the M.W.S. setup into smaller form-factors and start mounting the Barracuda on my fightercraft though. 


Did Mr. Solo give you permission to screw with his spaceship?

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6 minutes ago, Andem said:

Did Mr. Solo give you permission to screw with his spaceship?

I'm afraid he's not around to really do anything with his ship at all anymore... :P
Seriously, though, the overall design was inspired primarily by Homeworld ships, but I will admit it does bear some resemblance to Corellian-style ships from Star Wars.

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1 hour ago, ScriptKitt3h said:

I'm afraid he's not around to really do anything with his ship at all anymore... :P
Seriously, though, the overall design was inspired primarily by Homeworld ships, but I will admit it does bear some resemblance to Corellian-style ships from Star Wars.

I currently have a fighter that can unleash a wave of 6 standard i-beams with 8 separatrons. I have hit with every single shot before, and they shred my heavily armored cruisers, as well as puncture Drek 14 style armor. I really don't like how much they increase the weight though... How did you make the pod?

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17 minutes ago, quasarrgames said:

AWWW where's the fun in that?!

They're completely broken. Have you tried armoring against that limpet that goes through your hull with flame? A 10 second burn vaporizes all armor in its path, with lv909s. SRBs are worse.

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1 hour ago, Alphasus said:

I currently have a fighter that can unleash a wave of 6 standard i-beams with 8 separatrons. I have hit with every single shot before, and they shred my heavily armored cruisers, as well as puncture Drek 14 style armor. I really don't like how much they increase the weight though... How did you make the pod?

From back to muzzle (front): Medium docking port (facing rearwards), steel plate, probe core with RTGs+batteries (and some struts to hold the plates together), steel plate, internal junior docking ports to mount the missiles on, then the outer shell is wing plates arranged in a 4-way radial setup with well-placed struts holding them rigid. Ideally, a support ship or drone with a klaw would grab a new module off an ammo barge/ship, then slot it in place in the front of the Nova's hull and let go.

Also, I'm a maniac.


NX-14 Vindicator Corvette. A more economical, longer-ranged, and advanced design based off of the NX-8 Wraith (which is really more of a tech demonstrator ship for armor layout options and advanced hull design). Carries 2 crew, 2 1.25 meter ASM EVO V2s, and has twin I-beam lances in the bow for line-of-sight shooting. The side-mounted junior ports and top/bottom medium ports can be re-armed with various bolted-on weapons or modules, like the Barracuda M.A.W., extra 1.25 meter missiles, repair probes, fighters, you name it. I think this might be the most "reasonable" (roughly 615 parts with a full standard ammo load, 530-ish without ammo) NX GEN2 ship I've built recently that's a brand-new construction (and not an older model receiving upgrades to GEN2 status, like the NX-1 or the Helios).


EDIT: To pre-empt any questioning about what I mean by "reasonable", I mean being a good balance of part count, armor durability, range, and firepower (plus aesthetics, but I generally have a hard time making a ship look bad :P). The NX-14 is a good balance, unlike the NX-12, which is heavily skewed towards range+aesthetics with some concessions towards firepower, but much less durability than I'd like.

Edited by ScriptKitt3h
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