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Rome: Total War


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My Steam copy is the second time I have owned it and steam shows 175 hours clocked and I could play more if I didn't have so many other good games as well.

I'll take that as a good review haha. I'll probably start it downloading before bed

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It's a great concept, but I'd hesitate to recommend it to anyone because it was one of the buggiest and most awkwardly designed games I have ever played. The unit AI, even in the fully updated and patched gold box version, is so godawfully bad that units only do what you tell them to do about 70% of the time. Also, you can't turn off random events, and they're not really random because if you load a save and replay the turn, the event happens again anyway, though the severity may vary a bit. The AI also cheats significantly, and enemy assassins are far more effective against you than your assassins are against them. Last but not least, strategic movement is very badly handled. For one thing, it's ridiculously slow, to the point that a general can spend a significant portion of his life span just travelling from his birthplace to the war front. But also, you can't trust a stack of units to follow go-to orders over multiple turns, because if a path is blocked, the stack can sometimes take off on a wildly inappropriate detour, or sometimes will just cancel the movement order and just sit, and the game does not give you any notice in either case. You don't know something's wrong until you realize, "Hey, wasn't my army supposed to arrive 3 turns ago? Where in blazes is it?" And those are just the few problems that I recall off the top of my head after having not played the game for 4 or 5 years. And like I said, that's the fully patched version. When the game first came out it was FAR worse. Get this. You weren't allowed to even start a campaign until you'd finished the tutorial, but the tutorial was badly buggy and would crash over and over again. And the best part? For god alone knows what reason, saving and loading was disallowed during the tutorial, so every time it crashed, you lost ALL OF YOUR PROGRESS, and had to start over from the beginning. I had the stupid game for over a week before, through simply trying over and over again, I got through the tutorial without a crash and was FINALLY allowed to play campaign mode. In all seriousness, RTW was the worst game debut I have ever seen in 22 years of gaming. Absolute nightmare.

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In my opinion it is one of the best games ever made. At least the best Total War game ever made. And the second one is coming out this year. And it isn't that buggy any more.

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