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Game crashes: how often


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This is not really a support request, so I will post the question here: How often crashes KSP on you system?

After updating my graphics driver I have solved most of my issues with game crashes, but I still get one after one to two hours. Most of them occur after some kind of vehicle collisions but not all of them.

I have installed quite a lot mods, so this or one of them could be the cause for some crashes and KSP is still alpha, so we have to live with some instability fo a while.

One crash about every hour for me with quite a lot mods (most of them 0.20 compatible). Anyone out there with a more stable installation of KSP? Or is this a normal amount of crashes for 0.20?

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I have absolutely no crashes caused by KSP in 6 months of gameplay across 7 versions. I have seen KSP crash about 10 times and it's always due to the power saver function on my laptop. If the machine goes to sleep with KSP in the background, KSP will crash.

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Quite often lately, seems to happen when i try to get kerbal engineer to give me info about my 700+ part vehicle. It freezes and blocks my desktop so I can't even end task with the task manager, quite irritating as i need to either sign out of my profile or restart the computer to close the program.

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I had several crashes as long as I have KSP - but in my case all related to unity. There is a known bug, that Unity has problems with multi-core GPUs (it switches quite often until it decides, which core to use... ) other than that - shiny :)

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Working with large (~1000 parts) craft on my macs (MacBook Air and iMac), certain operations freeze KSP for long enough that I restart it. It might be stuck in an infinite loop, or it might be a finite but long loop, either way I'd rather quit and restart. I don't recall KSP ever exiting unexpectedly.

Fittingly, one of those operations is crashing my spacecraft into the ground.

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I had several crashes as long as I have KSP - but in my case all related to unity. There is a known bug, that Unity has problems with multi-core GPUs (it switches quite often until it decides, which core to use... ) other than that - shiny :)

as far as I know this bug has to do with unity seeing more then 1 core and then getting confused about how much ram it can use making it gobble up more then the max 2gb that 32 bit systems allow per application causing out of memory crashes (you can get around this for some parts by enabling the 3gb switch but keep in mind that it will most likely make your system run more unstable in general)

or that might be a different memory issue that unity has (though i'm pretty sure that the 2gb thing for 32 bit systems also to some degree includes video ram) at any rate after I build a new rig with a 64 bit system I've had 0 crashes in KSP (game crashes that is - had plenty of rockets crash to the ground :D)

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I had several crashes as long as I have KSP - but in my case all related to unity. There is a known bug, that Unity has problems with multi-core GPUs (it switches quite often until it decides, which core to use... ) other than that - shiny :)

Well... Is there anybody out there WITHOUT a multicore CPU? I have a quad, so perhaps this will cause some extra problems. And I dunno how an application shoult decide to use a specific core. If it does, it's broken, because multithreading and the use of multiple cores won't work this way... but wayne...

All the time, until I switched my antivirus solution from Avast to AVG. Not a single crash since then. Turns out Unity and Avast don't work together.

:mad: THIS is a very useful Information indeed. I have switched from Avira to Avast just a few weeks ago.

Well, until posting this question I thought some crashes per day are normal. But it seems that it crashes way to often on my system...

Edited by Nereid
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as far as I know this bug has to do with unity seeing more then 1 core and then getting confused about how much ram it can use making it gobble up more then the max 2gb that 32 bit systems allow per application causing out of memory crashes (you can get around this for some parts by enabling the 3gb switch but keep in mind that it will most likely make your system run more unstable in general)

or that might be a different memory issue that unity has (though i'm pretty sure that the 2gb thing for 32 bit systems also to some degree includes video ram) at any rate after I build a new rig with a 64 bit system I've had 0 crashes in KSP (game crashes that is - had plenty of rockets crash to the ground :D)

I read Sephta's comment as multi-core GPU's (SLi and Crossfire) and Unity does have a problem with those, it's possible to force it to work with a custom profile but I gave up and disabled SLi and run on a single GPU now.

Also it seems KSP can use beyond 2GB and even 3GB, I've had mine using 4GB (6GB in total, OS using 2GB). Extended address space for 32-bit applications, operating systems and processors has been around for a while, it's hard to know what applications can and can't utilize it. I *Think* Unity can use one of the Windows 32-bit memory extensions.

I generally don't crash unless I exceed ram or Vram limits of my system, it seems quite easy though to get up to 1.5GB Vram with some of the high-res textures used in some mods.

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I read Sephta's comment as multi-core GPU's (SLi and Crossfire) and Unity does have a problem with those, it's possible to force it to work with a custom profile but I gave up and disabled SLi and run on a single GPU now.

Ok, I have read CPU instead of GPU. So I have obviously misunderstood Sephta's reply (even a 5'' smart telephone is sometimes to small. ;)) But anyway, I 'm not convinced that my crashes are memory related, because they occur with very simple vessels/sceneries.

Well... first I will see how it works without avast, then I will get rid of some/all mods and try to find a more stable collection.

But KSP is playable for me even with a few CTDs more.

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Since the .20 update and sub-versions a lot from the VAB. I'd say maybe one in two times it crashes when first starting the game and entering the VAB. After that if I didn't crash first time in, it is maybe 1 in 10 visits to the VAB.

I think it has crashed one other time outside of the VAB since .20.

That is only with maybe 8-10hrs of game play since .20 mind you.

Pre-.20, it would crash occasionally, mostly during game play. Very rarely though. I could probably could the number of crashes on two hands in over 400hrs of game play. So .20 on seems a lot less stable (especially whatever is going on in the VAB. It seems to occur with inital part selection).

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KSP has crashed three times on me in ~150 hours of gameplay...

All three times involved Kerbals falling through the ground on Kerbin near the Runway (3 in ~70 have fallen through, all the same Kerbal) during .20

It didn't even crash when launching 1300 parts :D :D

Edited by Windchild
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