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Will KSP have physical store-bought copies after release?

Whirligig Girl

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When the game is finally finished, will there be some sort of plan to release the game in physical form (Disk)? On another thread about the Legality of past paid versions of KSP being distributed (It's not legal, by the way) Cap'n Skunky said there may be some sort of collector's bundle. Does that mean a physical bundle?

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to be honest i cant remember the last time i actually bought a physical copy of a PC game. IF you ever look at Best Buy or Walmart's PC game selection you see about 5-10 games that are covered in dust. The selection is usually beyond terrible. No one really does it anymore for PC games.

Heck, I don't actually have a optical drive even hooked up anymore, just because i really don't need to. I kind of miss having the physical media like the old days but because of stores not carrying stock of PC games anymore physical PC game media is all but dead.

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Putting boxes in stores involves a lot of cost. Manufacturing the boxes, CDs and other contents. Then you have to distribute the boxes in stores, which means promotion and advertising to the store owners. Finally they take a cut of the sale price which means less money for you.

It used to be that the added exposure to customers was worth it, these days I don't think it is, especially for an indie game like KSP where all your marketing is either word of mouth or Steam.

I guess they could do a limited collectors edition box and sell it direct though the site. But the cost per unit to cover small batch manufacturing could well be higher than even collectors are willing to pay.

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  NovaSilisko said:
Perhaps a boxed copy kickstarter could work... The money that goes into actually making all the physical copies of the game come from those who want the boxed copies in the first place.

That's a good idea, i'd buy a physical copy of it just to hold it in my hands.

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I buy as many games as I can physically, mostly because I don't want to spend hours at a time downloading every single asset from Steam. However, now that I actually think about it, the last game I bought physically for the PC was Skyrim, and that was way back in November of 2011. Granted, I've purchased a number of Xbox games in the interim, but one doesn't have much choice in that arena - at least for new, big budget releases.

I probably would buy a KSP box if it existed, but I would hope such an item would have some goodies involved to make it worth my while. At this point there wouldn't be a point to just buying a disc and a plastic container.

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  JeanHavoc said:
I buy as many games as I can physically, mostly because I don't want to spend hours at a time downloading every single asset from Steam. However, now that I actually think about it, the last game I bought physically for the PC was Skyrim, and that was way back in November of 2011. Granted, I've purchased a number of Xbox games in the interim, but one doesn't have much choice in that arena - at least for new, big budget releases.

I probably would buy a KSP box if it existed, but I would hope such an item would have some goodies involved to make it worth my while. At this point there wouldn't be a point to just buying a disc and a plastic container.

What if it contained a picture of Jeb in his speedos? :P

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I have a few thoughts on this...

Maybe have a box with a book with some concept art, historic versions and show some stuff that never came to be.

Something akin to this.

This is the first game which I feel that I got much more than I payed for...

Even Minecraft, which I have >1000 hours (no joke) didn't make me feel that way.

However, that is partially because it didn't turn into what was promised (I bought very early, before it had sold 100,000 copies)

Good Job Developers :):)

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I wouldn't be against a "special edition" of the game box in physical form, via a Kickstarter or something.

Especially if it contains a few goodies: a KSP soundtrack (not sure how Kevin MacLeod feels about this), all the versions from 0.8 to the current one/last one (yep, probably should be done after release or something) on a special KSP USB key, a concept art booklet, etc.

If it's something like 50 bucks for production costs, I'm sure some fans will like having a boxed copy. I know I would display it somewhere at my place. :D

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I have tons of physical games stored at home. Until Minecraft Alpha came out. since then I haven't even "seen" one yet(I didn't bought any). Every game I meet, is on the internet downloadable.

But anyway,

I would love to get a physical KSP copy.

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I prefer a physical copy always above a digital download. Why? Because I play games 10 years after the were released (e.g. the Age series, Black & White, Robbin Hood Legend of Sherwood, etc).

Also I don't like the idea of paying for something really awesome which might not exist anymore after 7 years... and with a digital download.. well you can't do much about it when it's gone.

A physical copy allows me to backup the disk(s) and ensure me that I still can play it after all those years, which I still do with the above named titles. :)

Besides this: KSP rocks! I would love a nice boxed collectors edition just because I love KSP, I love collecting and Squad deserves the money for it! ;D

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  Pachi3080 said:

And you can show the box to your friends... and... i think that's all.

But it's cool.

And that's about it. The end. You intrested your friends for 12 seconds and that's about all you can do.

You payed what ever KSP would cost at final realease and with tax to intrest your self and friends for 12 seconds.

Not that I'm hating or judging you. Some of my buds love having the copies. But I always thought it was kind of silly. :D

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