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I just came across this the other night and played with the demo and was hooked instantly. I haven't been this excited about a game for quite some time. I hope to get to do some cool stuff and perhaps work with some of you along the way.



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Welcome to the forums! :)

I'll agree that KSP is one of the harder games to put down when you first get into it. I've hit a few "burnout" cycles before so I try to cut back on it a little now, but I still came back to it even after the first "burnout," which in my opinion is the mark of a truly great game.

If you run into any snags while you're learning how the game works, my own recommendation for your first stop would be the Drawing Board (link in my sig), which has a number of useful tutorials and other tools. Feel free to ask questions in the How To section as well, as many of the people who frequently post there are quite knowledgeable.

Happy landings!

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