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[WIP v0.1] Wet Workshops - Live inside your fuel tanksâ„¢


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Nova, do you know why we fall?

So some friggin a**hole can video tape us and put it on youtube for all eternity. Ahem...


Yes, everything takes twice as long as planned. And Murphy's law is supreme...always. But you have gone from a concept to a working model in under 2 days. Dude, you realize that most people (myself very much included) would still be doodling on napkins in that same amount of time, don't you?

So vent your frustration, but the community knows you'll tame this beast. You're Nova after all. You may not be the developer/modder we deserve, but you're the one we need.

Ok, I'll stop the Dark Knight references. May the Force be With You. :P

P.S. I have no experience modding or coding or testing, but if there is anything I can do to help let me know. I can at least test I imagine if that would help.

Edited by Voidryder
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First release will probably be tomorrow. Main bug that exists is that refit modules aren't recognized if they're undocked during the conversion and then re-docked. And the modules still need texturing.

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I've been hoping someone would do something like this. I remember reading about one of the Apollo Applications ideas where a wet workshop would be used to send a manned ship to fly by Venus, and I immediately thought of KSP. When this comes out I probably won't ever use normal fuel tanks again :rolleyes:. Although that makes me wonder how I will dock conversion modules to my surface bases... Anyway great idea I'll be looking forward to it!

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First release will probably be tomorrow. Main bug that exists is that refit modules aren't recognized if they're undocked during the conversion and then re-docked. And the modules still need texturing.

Do you mean that if you start the conversion, undock for some reason and then redock the sequence is broken? If I'm understanding that correctly, I gotta ask a dumb question, why would you start the conversion and undock before it is completed?

Or do you mean that once the conversion is completed, you undock say to place another part, but once you redock the GUI doesn't register? But the conversion remains?

Man, I wish I knew coding but it would seem that some value (or values) is (are) being set and stored by the conversion routine. Undocking doesn't reset at least part of that value back to 0. Maybe it can't as that would undo the conversion.

Since I don't know the logic you used to accomplish this very cool process, my post is pure guessing and so is mostly likely useless in any problem solving. But at least it shows I care. :D

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Do you mean that if you start the conversion, undock for some reason and then redock the sequence is broken? If I'm understanding that correctly, I gotta ask a dumb question, why would you start the conversion and undock before it is completed?

Well, not necessarily undocking. It could be the module being knocked off and then another one being attached.

So...if we create those vents in 2x symmetry, we wont have any problems, I hope?

It's built into the model. It'll only make about 5 thrust or so, enough to rotate you a tiny bit but usually you'll have expended most of the fuel so it's not too much of an issue.

Edited by NovaSilisko
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Well, not necessarily undocking. It could be the module being knocked off and then another one being attached.

Ok, so now I think I see. Let's say someone slams the module during a bad docking attempt and kablooey! (<--- note the technical term) you got 6 tons of tin-can with Bob spinning inside going, "Help me Francois! Help me!" in a thin, high squeaky voice ( <--- reference to the ending of original The Fly movie). So you dock another Refit module and nothing happens.

Again isn't this because you have already set the values/conditions required in the coding by the actions of the first refit module? The values don't get wiped because the beginning of the command sequence disappears would they? How about a "reset" or "new module attached" button that only acts like a "command from here" function on a docking port or probe or MechJeb? Would that restore any lost functionality?

As to the fuel dump, I have an image of Jeb randomly tapping the purge button once the module is pressurized just to scare the crap out of Bill...

Oh God, Kerbals are starting to live in my head...

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Nova, if you know KSP code more than others (other than the devs), why not use it to your advantage? I thought you could get through the problems easily!

Do remember that Nova is primarily a Content Designer, not a Programmer, on the KSP project. Thus, it's highly likely that he's just taking the time to learn the code properly and make sure it is done efficiently, as one should. :)

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Nova, if you know KSP code more than others (other than the devs), why not use it to your advantage? I thought you could get through the problems easily!
Do remember that Nova is primarily a Content Designer, not a Programmer, on the KSP project. Thus, it's highly likely that he's just taking the time to learn the code properly and make sure it is done efficiently, as one should. :)

And I'm absolutely sure that my insightful comments are a major help to him since I know absolutely nothing about coding, KSP's or otherwise.

Remember those who cannot do...annoy the crap out of the ones that can. :cool:

::soft-shoe to stage left exit::

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Changed the procedure of finding a tank, which eliminates all issues with it not being able to find one. You just have to press a button to find the refit module now. If it detects that one doesn't exist, it automatically shows the button - and hides it if one does exist.

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Annnnnnnd awaaaaaay we go!!! Knew you would figure out a way. You Da Man Nova...unless you're a woman...then You Da Woman!

Hmmm, starting to make sense now why the Developers say Kerbals are genderless...easier to compliment. You Da KERBAL...er...Frank..ee...Frankie...

::soft-shoe stage-right exit::

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You could set it up with KAS support as well. Have the hatch, windows and fuel-dump nozzle as separate pieces you can place on EVA on any fuel tank of the right size.

Now now, let's not get too carried away :sticktongue:

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It's hard not to when you bring KAS up. The concept of wet workshops and the few things you've done already seem to lend themselves well to being attached in EVA. Rather than having to send up a specially made propellent tank, you could make wet workshops from any propellent tank that happened to have a custom module added in its config. Be it big orange tanks, Lack Luster Labs rectangular ones, Talisars Spherical Tanks, or any future mods or stock parts.

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