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A mixed bag of Big Rockets

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nice rockets, mine are never this smooth and 'ordinary' looking,always stuff sticking out :D

a suggestion tho;


often prevents wobblyness for me, simply by making the ship act as a straight tower-ish thing instead of a banana/piece of rope

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Thanks for looking damonjay and thunderbird

I use a mix of every mod pack and individual parts which suit the needs i am attempting to fill. I love the Silisko 2m faring much easier to work with than explosive bolts. However, their tanks are a little heavy and lacking in fuel quantity so you will see many of the challenger pack tanks and motors.

I like my rockets to be benign on the outside with all the parts well concealed behind adapters, de-couplers, and/or faring shrouds. Thank you for noticing the design I take a little pride in your assessment. I am trying to get my \'art\' to imitate life.

Stuts are a must! I remember when I had no idea how to use them. Now I am assessing the benefits of balsa over carbon connector. However I still am having trouble with one aspect...can you attach them to the stack under the faring? The payload sometimes comes crashing out of its faring especially on the pad or right after liftoff.

Speaking of trying to attach a rocket to a length of Rope...I have recently had the idea for a 'Puller Rocket' where the payload is under the boost stages and thus you can benefit from the tensile strength of the parts and not their stiffness or compressible strength.

A little research on Robert Goddard (father of modern rocketry) will show his first liquid fueled rockets had this same layout with the motor in-front of the tanks. It was reportedly very unstable, the heavy tanks wanted to pitch above the smaller and lighter motor.

I think this could be a great design challenge to all the kerbalnauts out there designing more ambitious designs than this or those interested in the historical progress of rocketry and manned rocket flight.

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Thanks for looking damonjay and thunderbird

I use a mix of every mod pack and individual parts which suit the needs i am attempting to fill. I love the Silisko 2m faring much easier to work with than explosive bolts. However, their tanks are a little heavy and lacking in fuel quantity so you will see many of the challenger pack tanks and motors.

OK then On your original Post, post what Packs you used so that other players know what they will need. sadly currently the way the game works is that if you dont have all the parts the ship wont load.

A little research on Robert Goddard (father of modern rocketry) will show his first liquid fueled rockets had this same layout with the motor in-front of the tanks. It was reportedly very unstable, the heavy tanks wanted to pitch above the smaller and lighter motor.

I think this could be a great design challenge to all the kerbalnauts out there designing more ambitious designs than this or those interested in the historical progress of rocketry and manned rocket flight.

I once tried This design. Although i did find that the Rocket was stable the weight of the boosters at the top* as well as the Consequent Damage from Rocket exhaust made the flight Program rather...... explosive

*What happens is the weight of the boosters crushes the weaker connections on the Rocket usually disintegrating the rocket before i get to launch

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Those are some sexy rockets there! :D

How long have you been playing? It took me months before mine looked like that, and even then half of my launches failed hilariously (Although I\'m pretty certain that yours did/do to, it\'s part of the game)

Once I get my main computer running I\'ll test them out, my dad\'s machine can only handle s much.

PS: Don\'t feel bad that you didn\'t add pics. It\'s a common mistake and you handled it professionally :)

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I agree with the assessment of Silisko. I should keep the feelings of the designers in mind for the most successful launches. However, I enjoy designing with the largest available palate of parts. I enjoy the variety and new ideas which come with each subsequent mod.

In a personal message to Silisko:

I would like to say that I am in awe of your talents at constructing original parts out of whole cloth. It is a talent which i do not control but look to with an envious eye.

It is a mark of admiration to your forward thinking design that I have found your 2m faring to be so useful it has become my go to payload concealment device.

Thank you for your efforts and I hope future parts kits will be as exceptional as the current mod.

Thank you for putting your skills toward an effort which brings out the creative nature of so many people of the same mind for, and connection to, space and science.


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