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HAT FILMS is Playing KSP!

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Quite a lot of famous(ish) Youtubers have been playing KSP recently! HatFilms, Duncan from the Yogscast, NerdCubed and Bashur, which can only be a good thing for us, the players!

More publicity means more sales, and more sales means more funds go into the development of the game!

I'm playing ksp too. almost daily streams. don't see going all crazy saing "leax256 is playing ksp". these posts anoy me for some reason.

Don't you think you understand that these all of the above guys have 250 000+ subscribers...Not many people have heard of leax256, so naturally nobody says "OMG HE'S PLAYING KSP!".

Edited by Boex
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Quite a lot of people have been famous(ish) Youtubers have been playing KSP recently! HatFilms, Duncan from the Yogscast, NerdCubed and Bashur, which can only be a good thing for us, the players!

More publicity means more sales, and more sales means more funds go into the development of the game!

Don't think you understand that these all of the above guys have 250 000+ subscribers...Not many people have heard of leax256, so naturally nobody says "OMG HE'S PLAYING KSP!".

there was meant to be a me after Don't

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To be honest, I don't think you're one to be commenting on grammar...

I'm playing ksp too. almost daily streams. don't me see going all crazy saing "leax256 is playing ksp". these posts anoy me for some reason.

I don't want to get involved in this sort of immature behavior, but...

- Ever heard of capitalisation?

- Your sentences are too short to make literary sense. "Almost daily streams" isn't a complete sentence.

- "Don't me see going all crazy"...What? I don't even know...

- Plus 2 spelling errors.

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