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[WIP] Star Trek pack


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:D great glad to see ppl finaly warming up to the idea!!!!!

I've been kit bashing forever, it gave me a name here that people don't like, I'm glad to see another basher here. I say, if it's a free model, on a free site, BASHOLA! So kudos to you, can't wait to see yer work. My first bash was the millinium falcon, although poeple will say Redspar's eagle one, but I had his permission to redo it, then I got hate mail. Lol..

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for when you will have this done??? it's beautiful!

the eta is [REDACTED]

You never ever ask for ETA, ever its considered rude.

(congrats Crasher, on all the people now visiting this page).

and thx darth i knew it was only a matter of time :)

I've been kit bashing forever, it gave me a name here that people don't like, I'm glad to see another basher here. I say, if it's a free model, on a free site, BASHOLA! So kudos to you, can't wait to see yer work. My first bash was the millinium falcon, although poeple will say Redspar's eagle one, but I had his permission to redo it, then I got hate mail. Lol..

well sometimes you just cant make ANYONE happy then i first started the request man did things get ugly! but idc what other ppl think if they don't like then they don't have to download it :D i'm making this pack because i want to and i though what the hell ill share it too!

Edited by crasher925
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Why the heck does this tread have 2 stars??? Just asking

Maybe because:

a) You're treating it like a chat room.

B) You make progress reports on very tiny changes.

c) You've so far made something that would take the average modeler 15 minutes.

Remember when I told you the windows would be the most difficult part of this? I was right. You didn't make them right at all. Sorry to be so blunt but you seem like a raw beginner and you need some criticism and not the sort of ego pandering I've seen so far. Encouragement is one thing but this is a little ridiculous.

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It's his first mod, go eeasy although I agree, the progress updates for meaningless things like RCS thrusters (which look crappy BTW) is kinda stupid. I'd assume the internal isn't finished yet(duh that's why it's so bad). How many crew are you planning for this to hold (1 like the zephram version) or 3 (zephram cockryne Rikerr and Picard). About the treating this like a chat room, I disagree it's fairly on topic.

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Maybe because:

a) You're treating it like a chat room.

B) You make progress reports on very tiny changes.

c) You've so far made something that would take the average modeler 15 minutes.

Remember when I told you the windows would be the most difficult part of this? I was right. You didn't make them right at all. Sorry to be so blunt but you seem like a raw beginner and you need some criticism and not the sort of ego pandering I've seen so far. Encouragement is one thing but this is a little ridiculous.

It's his first mod, go eeasy although I agree, the progress updates for meaningless things like RCS thrusters (which look crappy BTW) is kinda stupid. I'd assume the internal isn't finished yet(duh that's why it's so bad). How many crew are you planning for this to hold (1 like the zephram version) or 3 (zephram cockryne Rikerr and Picard). About the treating this like a chat room, I disagree it's fairly on topic.

Wait I am???? ok! lets look at the list you gave me 1. the windows. what have i missed in them?? 2. I just wanted to hype people up that's all :) and 3. I do not believe and average modeler could make a Phoenix in 15 min of the quality I'm making. (but that's my opinion.) I work on this in my free time and i am not finished or even close to being done.

now to keep this from turning ugly let me say this: we all where once new to the forums and we all had to learn the ropes I'm sorry if i seem like a jerk I'm not trying to be I'm no used to talking to people on forums I also have a problem that i write something that seems perfectly fine TO ME but in reality its rude I really hate it when i do that it just makes people upset with me and just gives me a bad rep.

but Darth Trololo you are right this is my first mod but I thank you both fro the constructive criticism (and not being like "OMG YOU SUCK I HATE U AND UR MODS I CAN DO BETTER THAT U ASFDFHKLDHKSLFDHSF!") and giving it in a calm civilized way. (there has got to be a better way of saying that *facepalm* or at least more polite.)

to answer your questions the IVA has not yet begun but it will have one. The cockpit will hold 3 Kerbins ( Jebram keryne, Billiam K Krikker, Korddi Ka Forge :P) and I know the RSC trusters look like crap again i ask you to refer to title spacificly WIP

thank you for your criticism I will keep that in mind.


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I'll try to get something that resembles the Phoenix built/uploaded some time this week

it'll use IR(the .20 compatible fork of Damned Robotics), FASA gemini for the launder and Body and the Warp nacelle mod for the (you guessed it) warp nacelles. If I don't post it in a week be worried.

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Crasher, maybe this will help. You've got a case of "new boy zeal". And that's great. You've discovered a new hobby, a new passion, and that rocks. I wish I had the time to pursue what you're doing. That said, here's where that zeal gets a bit annoying. Yes, it's great you're progressing in your craft. But we don't need to know every minute detail of your progress. Hold things back. Wow us when you believe you've hit an important milestone. There's an old adage that 'less is more'. So let us know when you've made a big advance. Leave us wanting more. You know this lot. We'll bug the crap out of you once you've gotten in the habit of knocking our socks off! :cool:

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ok will do

I'll try to get something that resembles the Phoenix built/uploaded some time this week

it'll use IR(the .20 compatible fork of Damned Robotics), FASA gemini for the launder and Body and the Warp nacelle mod for the (you guessed it) warp nacelles. If I don't post it in a week be worried.

hey NO MY mod not yours don't go claiming my work i have a licence.

Edited by crasher925
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Definitely use the FASA Titan. Why reinvent the wheel? But make sure you can tack your stuff on top of it and make it fly.

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Yup. I was thinking of resizing the Mk 1 cockpit. to 2.5 meter using the silver tanks and the 2.5 single belled engine. with extensible nacelles (curtesy of IR and ARNE) on top of a standard Titan II. I'll also have to make a Module Generator to cope with the insane fuel usage of the ARNE's (Advanced Radial Nacelle Engine, by kerbtrek).

Edited by DarthVader
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