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[WIP] Star Trek pack


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I did some PoC testing last night( I am the official tester aren't I) and I discovered 3 things:

1. The Phoenix can't be 2.5 meters wide as it wouldn't fit in the fairings

2. It's going to require some very finely made fairings

3. I suck at DR.

more testing: this time I hyperedited it into orbit to test manuvering and speed. When I activated the nacelles it ripped the ship apart sending it out of kerbins SOI at 7.5 km/s and accelerating.

3third try: its quite heavy so I put some SRB's on the Titan II main stage (4 shuttle SRBs from boss squirrels's mod) it rotated quite a bit and when It got out of hand I decoupled it

it decoupled fine and went on its merry way. Reaching a maximum speed of 1100 m/s( 1.1 km/s If you don't want to convert.

still need to figure out the weight Distribution and Stabililty problems and il be done.

Edited by DarthVader
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the windows. what have i missed in them??

They don't look anything like how they should. Have a look here. Also those bumps on the sides of the cockpit are wrong. I'm sure no one wants to steal your thunder, but if you don't do it right, someone else probably will.

1. The Phoenix can't be 2.5 meters wide as it wouldn't fit in the fairings

I know it's not really my place, but please make it 2.5, and just make custom fairings instead.

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1. The Phoenix can't be 2.5 meters wide as it wouldn't fit in the fairings

Also those bumps on the sides of the cockpit are wrong, I know it's not really my place, but please make it 2.5, and just make custom fairings instead.

of cours im makeing cusum fairings they are probably ganna from 2.5M to 3M to 2.5M

also whats do u mean the bumps are wrong?? btw a really appreciate your feedback its very helpful.

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Look at this, someone beat you too it, guess you Didn't search hard enough:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/4379-Phoenix-from-Star-Trek-First-Contact-(UPDATED!

a simple google images search turned it up when I was looking for a reference pic for you. At first i was like what, then i was like cool.You could PM them and ask for help/possible partnership to bring it up to .20 standard.(if their still around)

Edited by DarthVader
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out of date, low quality, and I knew about that already its a dead mod

This thread is long dead - if the origina author wishes to re-open it, contact any moderator.
Edited by crasher925
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Well you've been incessantly PM'ing my about details I was very specific about for that video your making for me. And I'm in a generally bad mood Don't take it personally.

oh ok sorry I'll stop, I just wanted to get the finer details down.

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Crasher, the windows you've made look much too thin and long and there's only two of them. And those ridges on the sides and top are much more angular than on your model.

Btw there's no need to credit me for that pic, it's not mine, I just found it on Google.

Are you using background images in your blender file? You should find some plan views of the phoenix and use them to align your vertices properly.

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Crasher, the windows you've made look much too thin and long and there's only two of them. And those ridges on the sides and top are much more angular than on your model.

Btw there's no need to credit me for that pic, it's not mine, I just found it on Google.

Are you using background images in your blender file? You should find some plan views of the phoenix and use them to align your vertices properly.

uh i'm sorry your ganna have to explain the windows thing. and no because I want it to be EXACLY 2.5M radially and 15M high but i do refer to images to make my Phoenix.

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So update this project is tempalaraly on hiatius im visiting my cusion and idk if they will let me install blender. Dont worry this project WILL. NOT. DIE.

did you mean..

"So update, this project is temporarily on hiatus i'm visiting my cousin and I don't know if they will let me install blender. Dont worry this project WILL NOT DIE!.

if so excellent, we eagerly await in anticipation your return to see what polygon you have created next.

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