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Has anyone tried using the Skipper engines to get off of Eve?

Rocketeer Hopeful

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I was wondering how well they might fair for getting off of Eve. They seem pretty efficient, give great thrust. I was able to lift a full orange tank with just a small lifter using them. Off of Kerbin I mean, if anyone is looking for a lifter.

They would not be the best method to leave Eve since they are heavy and have worse Isp than aerospikes. To get off Eve, the best idea would be to use aerospikes with LV-Ns. Skipper engine's TWR would go also go to waste because of the thick atmosphere.

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The problem is Eve has a much denser atmo than Kerbin, as you probably know.

Not only does this mean more drag, it also means engines are less efficient.

You know how engines have lower ISP at sea level then they do in vacuum? On Eve, the difference is more extreme do to the greater pressure of the atmosphere.

You could take of with them, somehow, but you'll need significantly more fuel (which means lifting even more weight) to get as far as you could on Kerbin.

Aerospikes aren't effected by the extra pressure as much, which is why people recommend them for Eve.

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The problem is Eve has a much denser atmo than Kerbin, as you probably know.

Not only does this mean more drag, it also means engines are less efficient.

You know how engines have lower ISP at sea level then they do in vacuum? On Eve, the difference is more extreme do to the greater pressure of the atmosphere.

You could take of with them, somehow, but you'll need significantly more fuel (which means lifting even more weight) to get as far as you could on Kerbin.

Aerospikes aren't effected by the extra pressure as much, which is why people recommend them for Eve.

Thanks, I was just wondering if it did have such an extreme effect on the Skipper engines, and apparently it does. What if the landing site was well above sea level, near the highest mountains?

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Thanks, I was just wondering if it did have such an extreme effect on the Skipper engines, and apparently it does. What if the landing site was well above sea level, near the highest mountains?

It would still make no sense. Really, the only engine that makes any kind of sense is the Aerospike, with LV-Ns as a second upper stage.

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.... Skipper engine's TWR would go also go to waste because of the thick atmosphere.

Atmosphere does not chang TWR. TWR is dependant on gravity.

Atmosphere kill ISP (in rocket engies).

If you are talking about drag, keep a slow speed.

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Atmosphere does not chang TWR. TWR is dependant on gravity.

Atmosphere kill ISP (in rocket engies).

If you are talking about drag, keep a slow speed.

I'm pretty sure he meant that the thick atmosphere means terminal velocity would be much lower than on Kerbin at any given altitude, meaning you would be unable to run them at full power, rendering their high TWR useless. Better to go with a more efficient engine.

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