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Saying hi and a question about two Jebediahs


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Just wanted to say hey to everyone!

I've been playing KSP for a few weeks and it's a lot of fun.

So far I've landed on Mun, built a rover (that exploded when I drove it up the launch area ramp at speed :D),

then put a rover or rather a car on Mun for Jebediah and Bob to drive around while Bill took a nap in the lander.

After they returned I've flown around Kerbin with a plane for a bit.

I suppose kind of sticking with the "combine the last 2 things you did" pattern I thought I should try to see if I can get a space plane to Laythe. (I should probably play more and read the wiki less eh?)

Anyway just earlier I have put a space plane into orbit and docked it to my "interplantary drive section", fancy for bunch of fuel tanks with 2 NERVAs on it.

Being a bit short on fuel I built another rocket with a fuel tank and a docking port on top.

I havn't had time to fly it up there yet, but I put it on the launch pad just to see if it wobbles or not, and for some reason Jebediah was the pilot... even though he's currently in orbit on the space plane.

Any idea how I can get the game to skip over him when selecting pilots?

Edited by oberlerchner123
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Yeah I have the same problem, but with Bill, whose sibling still comes back even after killing him 5 times in a row. I suppose its just a bug, but the next update will apparently focus on the career mode and the crew recruiting/selection, so it will probaly be fixed by then.

Anyway, welcome!

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Yeah I'm not using any mods either and I've had it happen twice so far. As in brought all the Jebediahs home, and it happened again afterwards.

If I just keep pressing launch, I always end up with the same pilot anyway I know.

I'm not quite sure but maybe it's related to docking? Both times it happened I had Jebediah switching craft.

Once boarding the Mun rover, and now docking the spaceplane to the tanks with the nuclear engines in orbit.

Not really sure though considering how few missions I've actually done so far.

Edited by oberlerchner123
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Yeah I get lots of clone Jebediah's as well. Its just a bug or something where the astronaut selection isn't working, but it's supposedly going to be fixed in this new update as well as the addition of more content to the career mode :D. Can't wait!

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