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Huh, i have something to do with this.


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So a while back i posted this video and said

"i don't know what to do with this..."

Finally! i have something i could do with those models!

I present to you; Project Spacewalk (name is still in the deciding stage)



so... what do you guys think.

and no... the helmets are not copied from halo...

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Just keep in mind

This might not even get released, it's just a current blender project i have.

I MIGHT devote some resources to it then post it to youtube for a 10,000 sub special maybe.

NONE of it's animated.

No lines have been recorded for it.

We'll see what i have time for.

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Can you put the model in a sketch fab whatever? It looks amazing in a simplistic, smooth way.

I'm not sure it's supported .blend files, i'll look into it though.

EDIT: Even then, the armor isn't textured, it's simple 1 color materials.

I think... i could just do a video of a simple look around them.

but hey... i've still got to do "the kerbal show" and Kerbal Vs Wild takes alot of new sets...

Keep in mind that the models shown are rendered with full lighting, and are not going to be part of the game..

Edited by rewdew2
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Soldiers... these guys have names...


that's Greg, Enlisted not that long ago. No special armor abilities or weaponry.


that's Tony, He's a long range specialist. He's been in the force for 9 years, doesn't talk much though...


And that's Gerry (Pronounced Garry). He's a pretty hard hitter. Prefers the largest guns he can get his hand's on. But for the most part, He's actually not that bad of a person.

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Wow, you getting bored seems like a great thing to happen! You are really good at blender and can't wait to see where you take this! :)

Well the thing is that i have trouble getting to sleep at night, and sometimes i end up lying in bed for hours before i fall asleep.

So i have a notebook, where i write down ideas in my have asleep state. so it's almost like it's based off my dreams.

Most the time i get ideas for the kerbal show. and sometimes i get a different idea.

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