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Kerbal Airliner challenge

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The Challenge:

Build a plane that carries the most Kerbals as possible to the secondary runway on the island and back


1. stock or mods (inform me what your using)

2. Kerbals must be in Chair, Command pod, or the Hitchhiker

3. Must land safely

4. Cannot drop anything

5. Pictures of achievements and Scoring requirements or it wont count


1. How much does it look like a commercial Airplane Ex: Boeing 747, Airbus a380, Etc.: Max 20 points

2. How many kerbals does it hold: 1 point per Kerbal

3. How stable it is: max 10


Worth 15 Points Each

Rocket Plane: Use rockets, and no Jet Engines

Do a Barrel Roll: Do a Barrel Roll Duh... (not to be confused with aileron roll)

Just One More Seat: bring 25+ Kerbals

Worth 25 Points Each

Cruising Altitude: fly to 10,000m before landing

Emergency landing: Land safely with wheels retracted

Safety First: don't exceed 3g's

International Flyer: fly across the ocean from the second runway, land, then fly back to the KSC runway (ask for clarification if needed)

Electrical problem: do the challenge at night with no lights (includes landing gear light)

Worth 50 Points Each

Strutless: use no struts

Being Frugal: use 1 Tank

Scoreboard Stock

1. Cipher29-150 Points

2. Clouds-85 points

3. phcorcoran-75

Scoreboard Mods

1. duncan1297-75 points

Edited by Penguinhero
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  MR4Y said:
Example from the author, showing that the challenge is possible to do?

I don't really think it needs an example. It's just a "build the best airplane that can hold the most kerbals" challenge. I'm pretty sure making an airplane doesn't need proof that it's possible to do.

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Here's one I just built.

One Mk3 cockpit plus 6 hitchhiker modules = 27 Kerbal capacity. Achievement get!


It definitely has struts. Achievement fail!

27 Kerbals would have landed at the other airport, if I were using Crew Manifest, which I'm not (no mods at all, in fact), or if I had mountains of patience, which I don't.


You might have missed the ladders in the hangar screenshot - providing minimally awkward boarding/disembarking for the Hitchhiker passenger modules.


Oops. Achievement fail!

Question-mark shaped contrail. Achievement get!


It's pretty stable. Note the ability to have the plane nearly level with the horizon and still maintain fairly level flight, the non-necessity of using ASAS (although Avionics are included for simulation of air turbulence), and the extremely minimal control trim. Max. score get?


It looks like a generic commercial airliner of some fictional kind, sure. Bonus note: I disabled engine gimbaling. Real jet liners don't have thrust-vectoring engines, unless I'm mistaken. Max. score get?

Safe and sound back at KSP.


By the way, it has a bucketload of fuel in it, I just forgot to hook it up to the engines, since it was just for looks. Can I get an honorary International Flyer award?


Predicted score: 87

Achievements not attempted, but probably doable: Cruising Altitude, International Flyer, Safety First, Electrical Problem. 100 points forfeited.

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  drvonkitty said:
I don't really think it needs an example. It's just a "build the best airplane that can hold the most kerbals" challenge. I'm pretty sure making an airplane doesn't need proof that it's possible to do.

From the posting guidelines:

  sal_vager said:

Is this challenge possible?

Many challenges we see are nearly or literally impossible to achieve, and usually very little thought has gone into them, these challenges just annoy people, waste forum space and show that the submitter hasn't really tried.

So test your challenge yourself first to make sure it is possible, you don't have to be successful but you'll soon know if the challenge has a hope of being completed.

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  MR4Y said:

I know that. All I was trying to say was that it's not an "impossible challenge." Unless you consider building a plane and doing a couple guidelines impossible. But it's not worth arguing over how that rule works, so let's just drop it. Somebody has already proven it's possible anyways.

Anyways, I may try this challenge later.

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I've got a plane that get carry 30 Kerbals as shown in the screen shot. 24 passengers, 2 stewartres, 1 flight engineer, 1 reparman (for the wheels), 1 co-pilot, and 1 pilot. :)

The screenshot is hard to see all the seats but they are all there. It might not qualify all the rules of the competition, but It works for me for transferring Kerbals around (cheaply).


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You could add a new score board with mods and put this on it.:P:D


it uses B-9 aerospace and carries 20 kerbals including the 2 pilots.

50 points.

20 kerbals=20 points.

stable when trimmed=5 points.

electrical problem=25 points.

it might apply for being frugal because it only uses one of its tanks.

Edited by duncan1297
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I actually made an airliner as one of my first projects in 0.20. It's a bit laggy with all those seats, but otherwise it's quite stable.


Carries 19 Kerbals including the crew and designed to look like a Boeing 727. It can go to 10km, but I don't have a picture so you don't have to count it.

EDIT: By the way, it's totally stock.

Edited by nerdboy64
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  duncan1297 said:
You could add a new score board with mods and put this on it.:P:D


it uses B-9 aerospace and carries 20 kerbals including the 2 pilots.

50 points.

20 kerbals=20 points.

stable when trimmed=5 points.

electrical problem=25 points.

it might apply for being frugal because it only uses one of its tanks.

It seems somebody else reads popular science.

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  nerdboy64 said:
I actually made an airliner as one of my first projects in 0.20. It's a bit laggy with all those seats, but otherwise it's quite stable.


Carries 19 Kerbals including the crew and designed to look like a Boeing 737. It can go to 10km, but I don't have a picture so you don't have to count it.

EDIT: By the way, it's totally stock.

That looks more like a 727 to me...

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I tried this challenge.

1. My aircraft, modeled after a Boeing 747, kerbal capacity 31, including pilots.



I say 20/20 for lookalike, and 31pts for capacity. Achievement 25+ kerbals, 15pts!

I tried strutless, but I needed to leave the last two (one each wing).

2. I can fly to 10km, no problem! Achievement cruising, 25pts! It is pretty stable, I would say 7/10.


3. I can also try to land.


4. Oh crap, -100 000pts.


So... yeah. I'm unable to land right now. If I manage, I'll post a picture for 98pts; for now though I stand at -99902pts.

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  phcorcoran said:
I tried this challenge.

1. My aircraft, modeled after a Boeing 747, kerbal capacity 31, including pilots.



I say 20/20 for lookalike, and 31pts for capacity. Achievement 25+ kerbals, 15pts!

I tried strutless, but I needed to leave the last two (one each wing).

2. I can fly to 10km, no problem! Achievement cruising, 25pts! It is pretty stable, I would say 7/10.


3. I can also try to land.


4. Oh crap, -100 000pts.


So... yeah. I'm unable to land right now. If I manage, I'll post a picture for 98pts; for now though I stand at -99902pts.

That looks more like a Boeing 707 to me (4 small jets like a 707, no noticeable "hump" to make it look more like a 747, general shortness, etc. It still looks like a real aircraft though :))

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Here is the C-7 Vulture, designed to retrieve kerbals returning from space and taking them back to the space center. Can hold 25 kerbals total and is very stable apart from a very slight left roll. Looks fairly like a 757 apart from the cockpit and the B-52 style engines strapped to it. It's easy to handle and can fly up to 20,000 m (I was even able to "hop" up to 30,000).




Looks - 15 points

Capacity - 25 points

Stability - 9 points

15 Point Challenges:

Do a Barrel-Roll

Just One More Seat

25 Point Challenges:

Cruising Altitude

International Flyer

Electrical Problem

Total: 154

Edited by Cipher29
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