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Component Space Shuttle (CSS) v0.2.1


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Guest ThatCrazyPilot
  MC3craze said:

As if there would be any sort of repercussions to naming a space shuttle 'Challenger' in a game.

This is not a discovery, its a challenge

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It would be in fairly poor taste to name it either Challenger or Columbia - I am all for remembering their heroism and sacrifice for mankind..

but not in Kerbal space program where explosions and killing your crew is so commonplace.

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so i build the shuttle, launch it, orbit it, all kinds of awesome. but on re-entry it wont fly at all! i have tried adding sas modules on the engine mounts, rcs thrusters all over, no-go.

i know that the shuttle is a flying brick, but an out of control nose dive no matter what velocity im cruzing at seems a bit much....

what am i doing wrong?

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