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I don't know where else to put this thread

http://i.imgur.com/h4sTIpg.png (It's a link since the pic is somewhat large)

Story: Today, I wanted to see if there was any "secret" updates so I used the patcher. It said there was some stuff that was done, but I thought it was some random stuff. So I played KSP and loaded my shuttle up, added the stack, added SRB's, and BAM, found the nosecone in Aerodynamic, used it.

Mods: Damned Robotics, Original KSP Parts, KW Rocketry, Kethane, FASA Gemini and Mercury Pack, Hermes Deep Space Probe, Lazor System, Mk3 Expansion Pack, Hollow Station Parts, Part Gravity, Mechjeb, TAC Self Destruct, Tiberdyne Shuttle Booster System, EdTools, Hyperedit, Hooligan Labs Party Starter, and ModuleManager

Yes, I know, I'm a Mod addict

Thanks for your time, if you have an answer, please tell, have a nice day.

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I'd say it came from one of those mods you have...

EDIT: There was a REALLY simple missile mod somewhere that used resized versions that nosecone and the long SRB, is there any chance that you have that?

Edited by POTKC
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The negative drag... confirms mod.

The aerodynamic in the game currently is a place holder. Nose cones serve no function in the game because of this. They are dead weight. In an attempt to make them useful people set the drag to a negative number. This is dangerous. Search youtube for the crafts accelerated to beyond light speed with negative drag.

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I used to have that nosecone in .19. I'm also not sure where it came from, but I'm fairly sure it's not from KW, at least not the current version as I'm currently using it and don't have that part.

EDIT: After looking at your mods again, I would guess FASA. It's the only mod listed there that I had in .19 but don't now in .20

Edited by espm400
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