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Planets and ScaledSpace.

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Well if and when he releases it, he should be including the source code since it's essentially required for the mod to be legit. Then just look at the source code and have at it. Something tells me it's a lot more involved than just clicking a button and making a new fully custom planet.

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Very nice Kragrathea.. Very, Very Nice

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Let's see if I can provide a rough text description of what I'm seeing:

Around Kerbin (currently):

Ares - Duna-like, but being terraformed

Bogy - Small sub-moon in a polar orbit around the Mun

In an inclined orbit out past Eeloo:

The star Beta Juice, which is orbited by another star (Alpha Juice?) and two gas giants:

- Inferno (red), orbited by the moon Dante (Minmas-like?)

- Trillian (blue), orbited by the moons Heart of Gold (no close-up), Krag (ice moon?), and Bares (Duna-like at present)

EDIT: Heart of Gold can be seen in the first video at around 0:38. Kind of looks like a ball of string.

In orbit past Beta Juice:

Barry, which I think is a no-texture body serving as the barycenter of the binary stars Fred and Ginger

- Fred is orbited by the planet Barney (Mun-like)

In orbit past Fred and Ginger:

The star Serious, which is orbited by the gas giant WhySo (orange/pink), which is orbited by the moon Joker (exposed iron core?)

That's 5 new stars, 3 new gas giants, 2 new planets (counting Ares), 5 new moons, 1 new sub-moon, and a manilow.

EDIT2: There's a deep blue planet/moon in the first video at about 0:36. Looks like it's orbiting Trillian. Gaius found the name Aqua somewhere in there. (I couldn't find it.) I don't think this one showed up at all in the second video.

Edited by Mr Shifty
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Question, are the stars farther away than Eeloo so its more realistic? If they are I would download this in a heartbeat. Amazing Job! :D

Edit: I looked at the video closer and some comments to figure out my question. I can't wait until you release it. :)

Edited by tygoo7
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Yea I am/was really psyched about this but unless the planets/moons have their own textures Im gonna be quite bummed. I dont need/want to see another Minimus, Eeloo or Duna, resized and renamed. I would like to know how this is done so we can make our own mods, glad you did this and willing to wait for new textures. But at the rate I think you are going to get requests, I think we would all be better off being able to make our own (as far as time is concerned), besides someone might come up with something cool you might not think of.

I myself don't really care xP

I mean,

Wouldn't it be cool to be on Eeelo flying very close to a binary sun system

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Well if and when he releases it, he should be including the source code since it's essentially required for the mod to be legit. Then just look at the source code and have at it. Something tells me it's a lot more involved than just clicking a button and making a new fully custom planet.

someone needs to make a mod like that, like part creater for planets

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It's worth noting, given that almost all the new stuff is out beyond Eeloo, that something twice as far away as Eeloo will require a minimum of about 15 minutes to reach at maximum warp. From the video, it looks like Serious is about 8x as far away as Eeloo, which means it could take 5 1/2 3 1/2 hours real time at 100,000x warp to get out there.

EDIT: Just for precision, I ran the actual numbers rather than doing a quick in my head calc and it would actually "only" be about 3 1/2 hours to get out to 8x Eeloo's orbit.

Edited by Mr Shifty
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Hum, Mr Shifty brings a good point. Maybe what we need then is... FTL? I mean, Kagrathea, if you could code in new planets in the game, you sure can code some sort of basic FTL drive, like an Alcubierre drive maybe.

Because I can indeed see it becoming an issue, and to not rely on Hyperedit to get there, it might be useful to add something like this.

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why not team up with frogbull seems like they would be of help


you may not change the collision mesh (mabye either of you can) but you can change the textures,seeing how they have hi-res textures for all the planets(just a thought)

EDIT:@stupid_chris it may take a while but it can probably be done stock.

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Because I can indeed see it becoming an issue, and to not rely on Hyperedit to get there, it might be useful to add something like this.

On the other hand, it does certainly add to the challenge and mystery of the new planets, but imagine getting there and discovering that you'd forgotten to deploy your solar panels...

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why not team up with frogbull seems like they would be of help


you may not change the collision mesh but you can change the textures(just a thought)

EDIT:@stupid_chris it may take a while but it can probably be done stock.

Oh, totally, but I'm not a fan of letting my pc roll for 5h30 to get to my intercept. The warp drive could be simply a GUI interface where you enter your target and set a speed (let's say multiples of c between 0.5 and 5) and then it would set the maneuver node for and then you could boot the FTL drive at the right moment and then warp to the target. Idk, I don't think it would be TOO hard to create. It will be very cheaty, but it gives a fun and accessible tool to get there.

Or modding higher warp values could work, but it's a lot less fun.

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it can probably be done stock.

For sure, in fact it will take barely more delta-V than getting to Eeloo. Once you're that far out of the gravity well, getting further is a cinch.

EDIT: In fact, like Minmas vs. the Mun, it will probably take less delta-V because of the low low orbital speeds way out there, which will make capture trivial.

Edited by Mr Shifty
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Hum, Mr Shifty brings a good point. Maybe what we need then is... FTL? I mean, Kagrathea, if you could code in new planets in the game, you sure can code some sort of basic FTL drive, like an Alcubierre drive maybe.

Check this post for a possible existing solution.

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Silly Kerbals. Always trying to find the most complicated solution. For a small additional cost we will supply you with two, that's TWO(!) new warp levels*. (time dilation effects sold separately).

*Warning use as directed. May cause nausea, sneezing, seizures and/or random bits of your ship exploding.

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Ah, I just got a translation of your Alcubierre drive. Ha, imagine that! Using them as a transportation device. Kerbals!

We use them to demolish planets in inconvenient locations. Pulverize would be a better term. Then we sweep up the bits and make new planets out of the rubble. Part of the cycle of life you see...

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