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Planets and ScaledSpace.

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This mod proposal is falling more and more out of my interest (was incredibly interested about 2 weeks ago). Cant add in your own planets, new planets/moons going to look same as old planets/moons, and now "stock" planets being moved or removed.

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  Nutt007 said:
Is no one listening?

I have my doubts this will ever be released due to the secrecy and selfish behaviour of the developer.

I just don't get it, if they are going to release it they will have to release the code, what's wrong with telling others the hierarchy of the GameObject if I will be able to see it on the code in 2050 (when this is going to be released).

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  aftokinito said:
I have my doubts this will ever be released due to the secrecy and selfish behaviour of the developer.

I just don't get it, if they are going to release it they will have to release the code, what's wrong with telling others the hierarchy of the GameObject if I will be able to see it on the code in 2050 (when this is going to be released).

I really wish Kragrathea would break character and actually just tell us what's going on code-wise. Sure screenshots and witty Hitchhiker's Guide quotes are fun, but I seriously want to know how he figured it out.

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I strongly agree. For people like me who have 0 modding experience whatsoever, it would be nice to have a no-stock-planet edit version as I do not have the capability to compile an edited code and don't really want to take the time to learn how. A proper progress update would be really nice as well.

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  Nutt007 said:
I really wish Kragrathea would break character and actually just tell us what's going on code-wise. Sure screenshots and witty Hitchhiker's Guide quotes are fun, but I seriously want to know how he figured it out.

As far as I can tell, it's astronutkhillips who figured it out, and he just passed the project on to Kragrathea. Unless they are in fact the same person. :conspiracy: :wink:

And I would also very much like to know how the mod works, as I think I now have solutions to all of the other technical problems related to creating a Solar System (not Kerbolar System) total conversion mod.

The only reason I can think that Kragrathea is being so secretive is to ensure that the glory is entirely his. This is completely understandable, as this is one of the few actual forms of "payment" a mod maker can expect. But it's really not fun for the rest of us on the outside dreaming of creating our own planets while we are drip-fed tantalising Youtube videos with no hard details about limitations or capabilities.

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Fine. I will try to speak as a Kerbal for the moment. Tho it will be difficult.

-The code is more or less done. Just bug fixing remains.

-The bulk of the time remaining is going to be "terraforming" the duna and tylo class planets with unique surfaces and atmosphere.

-I hope to have something ready about the time. 0.21 comes out.

-I am removing planets for two reasons. One to save ram. These suckers are huge (unless you want crappy low res textures on the new planets). And two to retain an element of balance to the game. And three because it is fun.

-This will be released as a Scenario. Only when you are playing that scenario you will have the altered system. I am not deleting Jool from your harddrive or anything.

-Yes I am fully aware as soon as I release something it will be disassembled and repackaged over and over. But until then its my sandbox. If you don't want to play in it make your own. Or wait until the clones arrive.

BTW my real name is Kimberley, from Van Nuys. Go Wolves!

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  ZRM said:
As far as I can tell, it's astronutkhillips who figured it out, and he just passed the project on to Kragrathea. Unless they are in fact the same person. :conspiracy: :wink:

And I would also very much like to know how the mod works, as I think I now have solutions to all of the other technical problems related to creating a Solar System (not Kerbolar System) total conversion mod.

The only reason I can think that Kragrathea is being so secretive is to ensure that the glory is entirely his. This is completely understandable, as this is one of the few actual forms of "payment" a mod maker can expect. But it's really not fun for the rest of us on the outside dreaming of creating our own planets while we are drip-fed tantalising Youtube videos with no hard details about limitations or capabilities.

The glory is not even his, it's astronutkhillips.

I respect him for creating the planets/stars but once you figure out or someone tells you how the hierarchy of the GameObject works so you can spawn a PQS sphere and edit it with PQSMods so it IS a planet, everything else can be done by pretty much anyone with a bit of C# knowledge.

Anyone can reflect the Assembly-CSharp.dll and see which PQSMods to use to create starts instead of planets and anyone can dump the components of kerbol to see which PQSMods are needed.

The difficulty here is knowling what is child of what, the order of the components (it matters) and which fields to reference to other components (for example, the orbitDriver field of CelestialBody).

In my opinion, he does not want to tell us how it's done since once you know it, it's really easy (time consuming though) to create your own planets.

On my end, I wouldn't have any problem adding him to the credits of any planet mod I released but only if he stops behaving like that (the RP is so annoying to read) and contributes to the MODDING COMMUNITY, which is why we are all here.


  Kragrathea said:
Fine. I will try to speak as a Kerbal for the moment. Tho it will be difficult.

-The code is more or less done. Just bug fixing remains.

-The bulk of the time remaining is going to be "terraforming" the duna and tylo class planets with unique surfaces and atmosphere.

-I hope to have something ready about the time. 0.21 comes out.

-I am removing planets for two reasons. One to save ram. These suckers are huge (unless you want crappy low res textures on the new planets). And two to retain an element of balance to the game. And three because it is fun.

-This will be released as a Scenario. Only when you are playing that scenario you will have the altered system. I am not deleting Jool from your harddrive or anything.

-Yes I am fully aware as soon as I release something it will be disassembled and repackaged over and over. But until then its my sandbox. If you don't want to play in it make your own. Or wait until the clones arrive.

BTW my real name is Kimberley, from Van Nuys. Go Wolves!

We do not need to dissasemble anything, you MUST provide the code in order to release a plugin.

Edited by aftokinito
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  Kragrathea said:
Fine. I will try to speak as a Kerbal for the moment. Tho it will be difficult.

-The code is more or less done. Just bug fixing remains.

-The bulk of the time remaining is going to be "terraforming" the duna and tylo class planets with unique surfaces and atmosphere.

-I hope to have something ready about the time. 0.21 comes out.

-I am removing planets for two reasons. One to save ram. These suckers are huge (unless you want crappy low res textures on the new planets). And two to retain an element of balance to the game. And three because it is fun.

-This will be released as a Scenario. Only when you are playing that scenario you will have the altered system. I am not deleting Jool from your harddrive or anything.

-Yes I am fully aware as soon as I release something it will be disassembled and repackaged over and over. But until then its my sandbox. If you don't want to play in it make your own. Or wait until the clones arrive.

BTW my real name is Kimberley, from Van Nuys. Go Wolves!

Thanks much for the updates. Sorry for the discourtesy you're getting on the forum here. I, for one, am looking forward to what you've got coming, and am enjoying the back and forth with the Kragratheans:) The scenario solution sounds fantastic! Thanks again!

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Meh some people are so uptight. Unless you want to do the heavy lifting just let krag do as she pleases. I tried replicating a planet but gave up because it was way over my head on what to do so for me ill wait patiently until its released.

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  Kragrathea said:
Fine. I will try to speak as a Kerbal for the moment. Tho it will be difficult.

-The code is more or less done. Just bug fixing remains.

-The bulk of the time remaining is going to be "terraforming" the duna and tylo class planets with unique surfaces and atmosphere.

-I hope to have something ready about the time. 0.21 comes out.

-I am removing planets for two reasons. One to save ram. These suckers are huge (unless you want crappy low res textures on the new planets). And two to retain an element of balance to the game. And three because it is fun.

-This will be released as a Scenario. Only when you are playing that scenario you will have the altered system. I am not deleting Jool from your harddrive or anything.

-Yes I am fully aware as soon as I release something it will be disassembled and repackaged over and over. But until then its my sandbox. If you don't want to play in it make your own. Or wait until the clones arrive.

BTW my real name is Kimberley, from Van Nuys. Go Wolves!

I understand why you would want to remove planets for ram reasons. But how much ram would be saved if you removed it, and if its deemed acceptable, would it beable to keep the stock planets and have all the new stuff?

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  sirkut said:
Meh some people are so uptight. Unless you want to do the heavy lifting just let krag do as she pleases. I tried replicating a planet but gave up because it was way over my head on what to do so for me ill wait patiently until its released.

Not everyone gives up at the first difficulty like you, I still work hard every day to try to make my planet work.

We are here to improve the modding capabilities of the game, by adding not only finished products but concepts and research that can help others improve the MODDING COMMUNITY.

This game RELIES on modding (let's be honest, should the game not be modable, it wouldn't have had half of the sales it has had) and the only way to improve our knowledge of the game internals and our skills to mod the game is sharing knowledge.

Selfish and "I-am-the-star" behaviours do not help anyone (specially when you did NOT discover how to make something but you were taught by someone else more selfish than you) and only slow down our capacity to make OUR game the way WE want.

What would have happened if r4m0n did not release MuMechLib? What if he only posted images on a thread showing how cool his plugin was but he didn't help others by sharing his knowledge?

What would have happened if Romfarer did not release his lazor mod but instead decided to make youtube videos about his robotic arms showing how cool he is for knowing how to do it while others don't.

I'll tell you, we would still be playing like caveman in full vanilla with no hope for future modding.

Not to mention that Squad activelly monitorizes these forums, taking note of popular mods and why did they become popular to make sure a similar feature (if it fits) is added to the core game later.

We request Squad to do things, we expect them to be open, clear and direct with the modding documentation. Let's be the first ones showing example by sharing knowledge among us.

WE are the ones that make ksp SUCCESSFUL and we are the ones that MUST help EACH OTHER in order to achieve a better modding situation.

This is the same exact reason why humankind has never been further than the moon while we should be colonizing stars already, we only think on ourselves and that prevents us from looking at things from further away, from understanding that together we can achieve greater goals than alone, just because we want to be the only ones being able to do something with the only objective of feeling superior to others and we are not, in any sense, superior to anyone.

Edited by aftokinito
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  kahlzun said:
I'm sorry everyone made you break character. I, for one, was enjoying the interplay.

It was funny at first. But the fact I learned more about how planets work from someone who didn't even create the mod (aftokinito) is saying something.

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I suggest everyone who enjoys the Kragrathea stuff stick around, and the rest can check back after 0.21 is released. I won't be giving a class on how to make planets here. AK turned it over to me because I convinced him I could do something interesting with it.

aftokinito you keep going on about how easy it is. You are right. It is easy. So go do it and stop pestering me. I am incredibly selfish remember.

Itsdavyjones its enough ram that it crashes after a few loads on my 32bit Win 7.

Soooo. Eve you say, hmmmmm.

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  Kragrathea said:
aftokinito you keep going on about how easy it is. You are right. It is easy. So go do it and stop pestering me. I am incredibly selfish remember.

You say that like you discovered it.

In my honest opinion, you're just copy and pasting AK's work and changing some of the PQSMODs and the variables of the other classes such as the orbits.

You are just showing your humanity and the kind of despretiable person you are all around and I'm pretty fed of it so I'll leave the thread before a mod has to come.

I really hope your hdd dies and you lose everything, you do not deserve it. BB

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  Nutt007 said:
It was funny at first. But the fact I learned more about how planets work from someone who didn't even create the mod (aftokinito) is saying something.

Oh well. Its not like you can't look it up yourself.

  aftokinito said:
You say that like you discovered it.

In my honest opinion, you're just copy and pasting AK's work and changing some of the PQSMODs and the variables of the other classes such as the orbits.

You are just showing your humanity and the kind of despretiable person you are all around and I'm pretty fed of it so I'll leave the thread before a mod has to come.

I really hope your hdd dies and you lose everything, you do not deserve it. BB

Afto, Would you kindly stop being so mean to him. I think that YOU do not deserve to be on this forum if your going to be like that.

And also, AK gave him the project. He did not COPY it. And for all you know he is AK

Edited by Aphox
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Krag keep doing what you're doing! You and AK both deserve plenty of credit and an Easter egg or two in your honor somewhere on your new planets. Can't wait to see what you create. I would definitely suggest finding a workaround for the whole "deleting planets" thing in the long term. Perhaps we could "unlock" new systems (when career mode finally comes out) upon reaching certain milestones and be forced to back out to the menu to switch to different systems. I'm not sure at which point the planets are actually loaded up, but that seems logical to me.

aftokinito, channel this anger into creating a new and competitive mod that does the same thing! (only better) I'm sure that will be a better outlet than ranting on forums. (Plus the rest of us will get to enjoy your product!)

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  Kragrathea said:
Soooo. Eve you say, hmmmmm.

Hmmm.. yes I'd be willing to give up Eve. It smells bad there anyway, though <he adds hurriedly> I'm sure the mix of atmospheric gasses will make for interesting study.

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Well when this game gets updated to 64 bit architecture, then this mod will be perfect with stock. It's a shame that it does that then, but since you have a 32 bit system, you have less ram as it is available for games, so that will play a role in the crashes.

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  Itsdavyjones said:
Well when this game gets updated to 64 bit architecture, then this mod will be perfect with stock. It's a shame that it does that then, but since you have a 32 bit system, you have less ram as it is available for games, so that will play a role in the crashes.

I'm guessing that's why he crashes. Since he has a 32 bit system it means he doesn't have enough RAM to support the planets. Before I upgraded to 64 computer bit I crashed almost every time I loaded it. Now KSP crashes only when a plugin breaks.

I suspect a 64 bit system wouldn't crash from the extra bodies like Krag's does.

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KSP needs to be 64bit client as well.....Id have like 3k+ parts if i had 64bit client, as opposed to the 1060something parts i have now.

Maybe the dev should consider recruiting a tester that at least has 64bit system. I know I can push KSP to around 3.2ish gb memory usage before it starts having issues, around 3.7 and its a sure drop. I dont keep it that high though, usualy my usage (no ship loaded, in tracking station scene) is around 1.8gb.

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Ah! Welcome back Kerbals. I think we can agree that this Kimberley is an absolutely appalling human being (whatever that is). And aftokinito you hang in there my friend! You are like the little planet that could, you know.

Now back to this Eve business. I confess we never even considered you would give it up. Its such a delightful purple after all. But we are going to survey it and should have a counter offer tomorrow.

I also hear from our marketing department that a new video is in the work. Maybe that will cheer the Kerbals a bit eh? Never thought I would look back on all the jaw flinging with fond memories...

Now I suppose I should get back to work on the Ares twins...

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