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Jools moons


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On accident I flew out of my orbit and came near Jool, now im orbiting around it, but I can land once (because ive a Rover) on a moon of it, Which moon do you guys recommend? This is the first time im out of earth orbit (Mun, Minimus etc), So I want something special :)

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Laythe is the only one with an atmosphere, so it might be nice if you have a parachute, though not much land mass. Tylo.. I'm guessing you're rover doesn't have that kind of thrust to be able to land safely, so that is probably out of the question :D You may be able to land on Vall, but again, not sure of your rovers thrust, though Vall does have some nice 'structures'... I'd say your best bet is either Pol or Bop, I'd choose Bop because of its rather angry resident.

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I wouldn't recommend a low gravity moon for a rover, as they don't last long because of the terrain of such places. I'd recommend Laythe or Vall, they're both really beautiful and can provide for some fantastic views. If landing on Laythe, be VERY careful with your descent, as you can easily land in the liquid ammonia oceans that surround the moon.

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Agreed. Trying to land on poll is like trying to land on pollen; this is where it gets its name. It is a good place to visit if you like a good view of the Joolian system. Bop is good as it has a low gravity, but is roughly as mis-shaped as gilly, another asteroid. This makes it difficult to land on as you often thrust to much and just miss the ground. Vall and Tylo have too high a gravity for this kind of mission, but if you want to try them, they have some anomalies which are waiting to be found. They are also quite mountainous though so i suggest if you try one of these two, you land in a large crater in which you can have fun exploring. And then there is Laythe, an ocean mun. It has an atmosphere, so its good for the parachutes, but you will have to get a perfect trajectory as you obviously can't drive on water (unless you are Kesus). If you want to have some fun with the game physics, and your rover has parachutes, just throw it into Jool, it has a 50/50 chance it will land safely, even though there is no 'terrain'. You will still be able to rove it. I hope you enjoy your time in Jool, and i'm sorry for the awfully long post. Have fun on the mun (of your choice)!

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I don't recommend Laythe , since you have high chances to over/undershoot and land in 'water'.Tylo has quite the same gravity as Kerbin i think and it doesn't have an atmosphere.Bop has a weird terrain , pretty hard to land on it.

So yeah , Poll or Vall.

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I wouldn't recommend a low gravity moon for a rover, as they don't last long because of the terrain of such places. I'd recommend Laythe or Vall, they're both really beautiful and can provide for some fantastic views. If landing on Laythe, be VERY careful with your descent, as you can easily land in the liquid ammonia oceans that surround the moon.

Laythe's oceans are water dude.

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I'd say Vall, has some cool stuff and is cool in itself, as the Eurpoa analogue. Also nice and flat for rovers. I always thought it's gravity was only slightly higher than the Mun, though, and from what I'm reading, that is not the case...

It is quite flat, until you reach the edge of the crater you will 99.9999999% land in.

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I'd say Vall, has some cool stuff and is cool in itself, as the Eurpoa analogue. Also nice and flat for rovers. I always thought it's gravity was only slightly higher than the Mun, though, and from what I'm reading, that is not the case...

I think that Vall has a gravity level similar to Duna...

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I think that Vall has a gravity level similar to Duna...

Vali is quite hefty. Found I was doing 1800-odd m/s in orbit around it with a rover that had 1900m/s of dv in the lander tank. Got out of there and hit an island on Laythe instead. Atmosphere is an awesome thing for slowing you down, even if it's thinner than tissue paper as it is on Laythe.

Note to Squad: Please build propellors. Or paddles. Or something that can use electricity to move through liquid.

Edited by technicalfool
Is it water? Best just call it "liquid".
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Vali is quite hefty. Found I was doing 1800-odd m/s in orbit around it with a rover that had 1900m/s of dv in the lander tank. Got out of there and hit an island on Laythe instead. Atmosphere is an awesome thing for slowing you down, even if it's thinner than tissue paper as it is on Laythe.

Laythe's atmosphere is almost as thick as Kerbin's, as such landing there is easy. Just pack a few parachutes.

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Laythe's atmosphere is almost as thick as Kerbin's, as such landing there is easy. Just pack a few parachutes.

You'd think it was when you look at Mechjeb and it says "50km" for atmospheric height.

Then you try aerobraking, and find that you have to drop the periapsis to 12km or so not to just fly back out into the Jool system. Or you aim for a landing spot and wonder when the atmosphere is going to start slowing you down. Yep, Laythe has an atmosphere, but it ain't all that thick. Duna's is probably thinner, but we're still only comparing one and two-ply tissue paper.

The rover drives around nicely on it though. Better than trying to move around on Minmus or Gilly without thrusters, anyway.

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I generally aim for a 25k depth on Laythe aerobraking if I've already bled off some speed at Jool. Direct aerocapture is about 23k.

Of course, it's dependant on velocity and angle, but I've never had to drop to 12k.

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On Laythe I accedently came in retrograde orbit AGAIN, so 8km 40 G re-entry at 7 KM/S


Anyway, I recommend bop or pol for a nice little place to land, Vall if you have a good amount of power, it's nice. Laythe for parachutes, Tylo... if you are daring.

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