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[WIN/MAC/LINUX] KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool v1.6.10 [Major LVD Improvements!]

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On 3/4/2024 at 5:18 AM, louie.owings said:

can this program allow me to fine tune a mars encounter in real solar system  and have the trajectory line up with a landing location of my choosing?

Hi! I just downloaded your software and I'm having some issues with RSS/RO. I noticed that in the config files, it shows Mars' inclination around 1.85 degrees but in game KSP shows an orbit in the same inclination as Mars at about 24.6 degrees (according to MechJeb). Therefore none of my orbital calculations were correct for Mars missions and I wasn't able to optimize a trajectory correctly. Should I just change the values manually in the configs to correct for this?

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On 7/21/2024 at 9:10 AM, louie.owings said:

Hi! I just downloaded your software and I'm having some issues with RSS/RO. I noticed that in the config files, it shows Mars' inclination around 1.85 degrees but in game KSP shows an orbit in the same inclination as Mars at about 24.6 degrees (according to MechJeb). Therefore none of my orbital calculations were correct for Mars missions and I wasn't able to optimize a trajectory correctly. Should I just change the values manually in the configs to correct for this?

That's due to the way RSS models Earth tilt in KSP.  You can update the parameters in the configuration files as needed though! 

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On 7/25/2024 at 12:35 AM, louie.owings said:

How would I go about updating the configs?

You can just open up the relevant bodies.ini file (so for you, the one related to RSS) and change the orbit parameters to match whatever it is need them to be.  There's also a way to generate a bodies.ini file if you have KSP running and have the KSPTOT Connect plugin installed.  From the main UI, you just go File -> Create New Bodies File From KSP.  If you do this, you won't need to modify the bodies.ini file directly.

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Hey @Arrowstar, if I have my bodies set to be numerically integrated for Principia, does the porkchop tool also numerically integrate the vessels position?  Like when computing burns and such?  If not, could that be an option?  Great tool, I just started using it and it's been invaluable even though I am just touching the surface so far, thanks!

Edited by R-T-B
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,

After a bit of a hiatus I've built KSPTOT v1.6.10 pre-release 8.  Here's the change log!

  • LVD: Plotting ground track with contour should be slightly faster now.
  • LVD: Removed the camera pos/tgt/va text on the status bar.
  • LVD: Fixed bug with the sun vector and general lighting position in 3D view frame.
  • LVD: Added new surface textures for Earth, Jupiter, Moon, Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus.
  • LVD: Added explanatory notes about the body x and z axis definitions in the bodies.ini file.
  • New jupiter texture, higher res
  • LVD: Fix bug with skybox disabling grid lines after enable/disable skybox.
  • LVD: Provided ability for ground track display to be disabled.
  • LVD: Performance improvements
  • LVD: Added open loop kerbin launch example
  • LVD: Added utility for finding best integrator for each event.
  • LVD: Added more output to findBestIntegrator function. NOMAD optimizer now works better with consoleOptimize().
  • LVD: Removed warning about force models not being active if only gravity is active if nonspeherical gravity is on with the central body.
  • LVD: Fix for planets with tilted axis not viewing correctly.

Please let me know if you find any bugs.  Happy orbiting! :)

On 8/2/2024 at 9:11 AM, R-T-B said:

Hey @Arrowstar, if I have my bodies set to be numerically integrated for Principia, does the porkchop tool also numerically integrate the vessels position?  Like when computing burns and such?  If not, could that be an option?  Great tool, I just started using it and it's been invaluable even though I am just touching the surface so far, thanks!

Hey there!  Sorry for the long delay in getting back to you.  In the porkchop tool, positions are always computed by solving Lambert's problem.  This is the only technically feasible way to design a tool like that, so I'm afraid it can't be changed.  Numerically propagating the orbit and altering initial velocity to hit the target point would take forever if you had to do it with an optimizer thousands of times to fill in the porkchop grid.  Sorry!

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On 8/23/2024 at 8:36 AM, Arrowstar said:

Hi all,

After a bit of a hiatus I've built KSPTOT v1.6.10 pre-release 8.  Here's the change log!

  • LVD: Plotting ground track with contour should be slightly faster now.
  • LVD: Removed the camera pos/tgt/va text on the status bar.
  • LVD: Fixed bug with the sun vector and general lighting position in 3D view frame.
  • LVD: Added new surface textures for Earth, Jupiter, Moon, Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus.
  • LVD: Added explanatory notes about the body x and z axis definitions in the bodies.ini file.
  • New jupiter texture, higher res
  • LVD: Fix bug with skybox disabling grid lines after enable/disable skybox.
  • LVD: Provided ability for ground track display to be disabled.
  • LVD: Performance improvements
  • LVD: Added open loop kerbin launch example
  • LVD: Added utility for finding best integrator for each event.
  • LVD: Added more output to findBestIntegrator function. NOMAD optimizer now works better with consoleOptimize().
  • LVD: Removed warning about force models not being active if only gravity is active if nonspeherical gravity is on with the central body.
  • LVD: Fix for planets with tilted axis not viewing correctly.

Please let me know if you find any bugs.  Happy orbiting! :)

Hey there!  Sorry for the long delay in getting back to you.  In the porkchop tool, positions are always computed by solving Lambert's problem.  This is the only technically feasible way to design a tool like that, so I'm afraid it can't be changed.  Numerically propagating the orbit and altering initial velocity to hit the target point would take forever if you had to do it with an optimizer thousands of times to fill in the porkchop grid.  Sorry!

Appreciate the clarification...  thanks for your work!

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26 minutes ago, dlrk said:

Is there a way to use one of the maneuver design tools to calculate a return from a moon to Kerbin orbit? I'm trying to plan a return from Mun orbit to a Kerbin orbit with a specific periapsis.

Unfortunately no, anything that involves changing sphere of influence must be done in Launch Vehicle Designer (or MA).

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone, just a heads up.  In the forum crisis of the past two weeks I released KSPTOT v1.6.10!  However, because the forums were down, and because I'm not really trusting them to stay up in the future, I've decided to move hosting of KSPTOT to SpaceDock.  You can grab it here:

https://spacedock.info/mod/3737/KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool

The Google Drive links I had before will still work, but they only contain the v1.6.9 release  I'm not planning on updating them.

I'll continue to post change log and similar type stuff here for releases and especially pre-releases.  In the mean time, go check out the v1.6.10 release.  It's really quite a jump forward.  I hope you enjoy it!  Happy orbiting! :)

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Awesomesauce1337 said:

Does this program automatically take body parameters from the game files or must I manually enter them for modded planet packs?

You can automatically import planet data from the main KSPTOT GUI.  File menu, Import Celestial Body Data.  Then follow the prompts.

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I believe I've found a bug.

I'm currently playing on the Beyond Home planet pack. When using the Porkchop Plot Generator and when using calculating the departure burn using an SMA over 6000km leads to an Out of Memory Error.


Body file and screenshots:


Edited by Awesomesauce1337
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32 minutes ago, Elro2k said:

I see that I can calculate planetary flyby's with this program, is it also possible to calculate cheapest and shortest return trajectories back to Kerbin after said flyby?

Yep you can do that too in Multi Manuever Flyby!

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17 hours ago, Elro2k said:

Groovy! Also, is it normal for the MATLAB program to be hundreds of gigabytes? 

It shouldn't be hundreds of gigabytes, but it's not unusual for it to be hundreds of megabytes, yes.  Sorry about that, it's the way MATLAB packages built in code with my software.  

17 hours ago, Elro2k said:

Groovy! Also, is it normal for the MATLAB program to be hundreds of gigabytes? 

It shouldn't be hundreds of gigabytes, but it's not unusual for it to be hundreds of megabytes, yes.  Sorry about that, it's the way MATLAB packages built in code with my software.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi! I really appreciate your software!

Im yonghyeon from south korea

I wanna ask you how to use this software with Principia!

First of all, I copied GameData folder to KSP GameData folder, so I think the plugin is connected to ksp

What is the first step to use Principia with this software?

sorry for my bad English :( 

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Hello again!

i really wanna know how to use MFMS!

i was trying to find any tutorial about this but i couldn't :(

Actually, i don't need to get maneuver nodes from MFMS to KSP

i just wanna know when i should burn and at the point i have to flyby

So i think i don't need accurate maneuver nodes

Do you have any tutorials of MFMS??

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Why does the genetic algorithm's "Best" value sometimes (and quite randomly/erratically) increase again? Was it wrong about what the best solution was? It's very disheartening to see MSFS appear to converge on a good value, only to go wildly off and report something with gigantic delta-v cost because "Best" just shot back up.

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