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This... This makes too much sense.


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How do you find a 6 year old girl show enjoyable :-\ ? I mean it makes no sense, I seen these show when my little sisters watches them and it feels like my brain cells die off.

People watch this show for the sake of nostalgia. Nostalgia of cartoons that were really good and well thought-out. It is, by FAR, the best cartoon out there today due to real effort put into it, and the fanbase is amazingly talented too.

Also, the director, Lauren Faust, made The PPG and that old show foster\'s home for imaginary friends.

At first I said the exact same thing. Watch one episode.

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At first I said the exact same thing. Watch one episode.
...without anybody there, so you don\'t have to feel you are being judged.

I used to feel the same about Tom and Jerry cartoons and others of the same era, and couldn\'t understand why my dad loved them. Then I reached adulthood, stopped worrying about whether others judged my adulthood on the basis of what I watched. I started watching again and realised that they were good fun, written for adults but in a way that made them accessible to children.

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'When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.'

- C.S. Lewis

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...without anybody there, so you don\'t have to feel you are being judged.

I used to feel the same about Tom and Jerry cartoons and others of the same era, and couldn\'t understand why my dad loved them. Then I reached adulthood, stopped worrying about whether others judged my adulthood on the basis of what I watched. I started watching again and realised that they were good fun, written for adults but in a way that made them accessible to children.

Not really judging, but more like 'Hey, don\'t say it\'s stupid because you have never seen it.'

Know what I mean? Once they watch it, I will gladly accept their opinion.

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THIS is what the boys look like, and positioned in the same order as in the game!


This explains it:

Bill has already experienced a high speed crash and naturally is fearful of a repeat performance.

Bob is very insistent that everything gets done properly and thus is the polar opposite of Jeb.

Jeb turned to rockets to get over his mid-life crisis.

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But, this is in the Off-Topic area. Although, I am curious as to why every topic we bronies post in ends up being about the hatred?

Bbecause people are fed up with being force-fed this Pony bovine excrement on a gameforum about building and flying rockets. Thats why.

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Hey now, nobody\'s forcing you to do anything. Don\'t like pony threads? Don\'t read them, simple as that. But you are going to be polite and respectful towards other members, including bronies, or else.

Yeah Sordid! Love and Tolerate him to death!

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My apologies if anybody is offended by my post, but I just had to get it out of my system. I\'ve been playing this game since day 1 (well, day 3 to be exact) and I love it, but I can\'t stand to visit the forum for longer than it takes me to check for a new release or new parts. I find the amount of crap on the rest of the forum off-putting, and approaching Minecraftesque levels (this is a bad thing IMHO).

/rant over & back to my corner

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