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So...The funniest thing just happened with MechJeb.


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So I was assembling a space station with the KSSPP and MechJeb and the funniest thing happened.

I had gotten in to Orbit where I have two other pieces hooked docked together and was about to put up my third, plotted a rendezvous course and it had reached a point where it said "Est. time to node 68Y 38Hrs " and "Est. Burn Time 68Y 38Hrs" or something like that... Yes...Years....68 YEARS.......

Now it looked like the two target were going to intercept so I speed up time just incase I could go ahead and get close enough to dock. So after I time warp I click on the stage button to see how close they are...Only to see my ship...collide with the space stationso....about 3-4 hours of on and off work, down the toilet....

Annnddd now I need a break...

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And this is why my F5 key is perhaps my most used button in KSP.

LOL I should have used that but at the time I didn't know how to quicksave. It was sort of funny...I switched views and when it happened i stared at my screen for about 2 minutes the next 5 minutes was filled with curses and swears.

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That's a bug with MechJeb that I've observed as well. Happens almost every time I use the rendezvous autopilot, and it drops my framerate into the teens until I get rid of the node. No idea what's wrong with it, so I just rendezvous by hand these days.

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Why? (I can guess...but please enlighten us)

Because it's not as clever as it pretends to be, as this incident shows. While it will generally do a pretty good job, it isn't without bugs, and relying on it over your own good judgment is a surefire recipe for disaster. Really, I'd revise that to "if you use it, be sure you're always ready to take over manual control".

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Really, I'd revise that to "if you use it, be sure you're always ready to take over manual control".

That kind of goes without saying. It's an autopilot, a pilot should always be ready to take over from an auto pilot.

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That kind of goes without saying. It's an autopilot, a pilot should always be ready to take over from an auto pilot.

As it was on the Apollo 11 mission. Neil had to take control of the lander when the guidance glitched.. But as recent as the shuttle program, nearly all maneuvers were made by entry on the pad and then exec. this included launch, orbit operations, and landing of the shuttle. "followed a computerized track right down to the pavement".

So to me. Mechjeb is not a cheat. Its a guidance system which is not infallible, and requires the pilot to be aware of what to do if it fails.

I too had the above problem. and I simply turned off the rendezvous automation and completed it manually.

The mission was achieved, and if nothing else.. the guidance failure added to the realism. As it was for the Apollo landing.

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Why? (I can guess...but please enlighten us)

1: People need to learn to play the game or you won't get your moneys worth out of it.

2: If you count on it too much it will fail you (Like it did me :P)

3: Alot of craft can't fly without mechjeb...

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1: People need to learn to play the game or you won't get your moneys worth out of it.

2: If you count on it too much it will fail you (Like it did me :P)

3: Alot of craft can't fly without mechjeb...

1: People pay for what they enjoy. If they enjoy using a tool to get their objectives done, it isn't your place to decide it.

2: Failure IS an option, and its PART of KSP which makes it that much more entertaining. IE: Strap kerbals to the top of an SRB and FYERRR!!!!

3: A lot of craft can't fly WITH MechJeb.

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1: People need to learn to play the game or you won't get your moneys worth out of it.

2: If you count on it too much it will fail you (Like it did me :P)

3: Alot of craft can't fly without mechjeb...

1) if you pay me to play the way you want to, and I consider that payment to be enough, I'll consider it.

2) so don't rely on it blindly. Same as you don't rely blindly on anything else either.

3) and that's a reason to not use it?

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As it was on the Apollo 11 mission. Neil had to take control of the lander when the guidance glitched.. But as recent as the shuttle program, nearly all maneuvers were made by entry on the pad and then exec. this included launch, orbit operations, and landing of the shuttle. "followed a computerized track right down to the pavement".

So to me. Mechjeb is not a cheat. Its a guidance system which is not infallible, and requires the pilot to be aware of what to do if it fails.

I too had the above problem. and I simply turned off the rendezvous automation and completed it manually.

The mission was achieved, and if nothing else.. the guidance failure added to the realism. As it was for the Apollo landing.

well said. My thoughts exactly.

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I'm entitled to my opinion and you guys are too, sorry for being negative, Have a nice day.

That's true, but if you're going to derail threads and be rude about it, then don't post it.

If I see any more MJ vs Non, this thread is going to be shoved into a pod and fired into the sun. :)

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