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Industrial Flames & Explosions, Inc. - Version 1.4.2 Now Available!


What rocket do you guys use most frequently?  

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  1. 1. What rocket do you guys use most frequently?

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About Us

Industrial Flames & Explosions, Inc. (IFE, Inc.) was a Kerbal space transport company that designed and developed rockets and supplies for the Kerbal Space Program. IFE, Inc. operated out of Alcyone Harbor, a small town located 58 kilometers northeast of the Kerbal Space Center. It was founded on August 25, 2011 and shutdown indefinitely on August 3, 2012, by JordanCox2.

After its founding, Industrial Flames & Explosions, Inc. was immediately awarded a launch contract by the Kerbal Space Program. Despite having produced zero rockets, the administrator of the Kerbal Space Program had faith that IFE, Inc. would manufacture the rockets KSP needed for their newest venture, the Genesis Program.

The Genesis Program, also established in 2011, was the latest manned spaceflight effort carried out by the Kerbal Space Program. Its primary goal was to land kerbals on the Mün and bring them home safely. Accomplishing and perfecting this feat paved the way for future manned interplanetary missions.

At its end, Industrial Flames & Explosions, Inc. manufactured three rockets for the Genesis Program: The Intrepid II, the Intrepid V and the Intrepid SLS. Praised for their incredible reliability and control, the Intrepid family of rockets will always be remembered as IFE, Inc.'s most prized assets.


Edited by JordanCox2
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Just used this setup (with some minor alterations, like two fuel tanks for the main CSM engine). Landed on the moon successfully (yay) but ended up having the rear engine pop off... Its the little details, like a lack of landing legs, that always spoil great moments in SCIENCE :D.

Back to the drawing board for me, but outstanding work!

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  Killerhurtz said:

Wrong? It looks like a damn brochure - which is AWESOME. I tip my hat to thee, sir. I\'ll be sure to download this as soon as KSP 0.12.0 is out (non-experimental)

There was an image not displaying, and it was tearing it up ;)

it looks good now, added to my collection!

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Version 1.0.1 has been released! Details are listed in the changelog, but the biggest change is the addition of a new Lander Leg!

After an unexpected landing on the Mün and successful return trip home without any lander legs...


I thought it would be a smart move to build some!


After all of this, I can officially confirm that it is possible to venture to the Mün, jettison Soteria, land and return home safely using only the Command/Service Module! Phew!

As always, enjoy! And if you find any bugs, don\'t hesitate to let me know ;)

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Great looking rocket, man.

You might consider making your own command pod for it to finish the package since you can drop your own in now, it doesn\'t need to be a replacer. The default looks fine, but why not? :)

Perhaps consider making your whole CSM and pod 1.75 meters?

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  Tiberion said:

Great looking rocket, man.

You might consider making your own command pod for it to finish the package since you can drop your own in now, it doesn\'t need to be a replacer. The default looks fine, but why not? :)

Perhaps consider making your whole CSM and pod 1.75 meters?

I\'m pretty satisfied with the way things are at the moment. I plan on building a custom command pod and custom RCS modules, but they\'re not a top priority at the moment.

As for 1.75 meter parts, probably not.

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  Tiberion said:

Sorry I meant 1.25m, just so the upper stage is uniform (like in the Liberty picture)

It\'s a possibility, but I can\'t guarantee anything. If I were to redesign the upper stages to match the Liberty rocket, it would be when I build the custom Command Pod, etc. Like I said before, it\'s not a top priority at the moment, but I\'m not going to rule it out completely ;)

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  sochmer said:

i\'ve done three Münar mission with this pack (i\'ve made some little adjustment with a jettison rocket between first and second stage and some RCS thruster)

all three mission are completed successfully =P

great pack!


KSP 2011-11-04 22-07-04-55 di Lorenzo Giacobbo, su Flickr

Awesome! And congrats! I\'m glad you\'re enjoying the Intrepid II!

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  Melfice said:

Just out of curiousity... do the solar panels actually do something, besides creating drag, or are they just there for... well, looking like solar panels?

My goal for this project was to replicate the Ares I rocket, so the solar panels are only there for looks... until HarvesteR makes them necessary for powered flight! :P


I\'m trying to download this, but when I try to run the program it stays on loading forever

After downloading my pack and extracting the files into the Parts folder, I have not been able to replicate this issue. KSP loads just fine for me. Not sure what else to tell ya...

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I\'m trying to download this, but when I try to run the program it stays on loading forever

Check all of the sub-folders in your parts folder, and remove any that are empty (or just contain more folders, no .cfg files or anything).

Also really nicely designed rocket, made my first successful orbit and journey to the Mun with it yesterday.

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If anyone is having an issue where their rocket tumbles out of control, or experiences unexpected lateral shifting durning burns, this is a known issue in 12x1. I believe HarvesteR found the problem being caused by the center of mass being shifted when the parts become unpacked for physics. It should be resolved in 12x2.

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I\'m having the same issue as Just Great (On the Mac version of KSP), and I was looking for differences between your mod and other mods I have. It seems your parts have \'.obj\' and \'.mtl\' files, while all other mods have \'.DAE\' files.

Would really love to try this mod, and I hope you can fix it.

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I found that with a ASAS module thrown in there that the rocket works perfectly. Maybe you could make a 'Mini ASAS' to go under the parachute, oh and some longer lander legs? :D

Also, I really like this pack and plan to use it for most of my Munar missions. A+++ I didnt even need the lander stage for my last mission, I still had a bunch of fuel left to do a powered landing and still have enough to escape Munar orbit. :)

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I\'m trying to download this, but when I try to run the program it stays on loading forever

Same here! When I open up the debug console (Alt-F2) it says:

>> IntrepidIICSMDecoupler >>

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

After that it doesn\'t move on. When I delete the decoupler file the same thing happens to the next part. maybe try using .DAE for the model? It might be because I\'m on a Mac.

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