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Industrial Flames & Explosions, Inc. - Version 1.4.2 Now Available!


What rocket do you guys use most frequently?  

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  1. 1. What rocket do you guys use most frequently?

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Hey Everyone,

Before I released version 1.0.0, I never tested the parts in Mac OS X. Since .OBJ was an accepted file type to work with, and since it worked in Windows, I assumed it would work in Mac OS X. Unfortunately, I was wrong! :-X

After starting KSP in Max OS X with my parts installed, it never loaded. I kept getting that 'KeyNotFoundException...' error. I decided to test your file type theory by exporting one of my parts as a .DAE file to see if that had anything to do with the error... It did. Now that I\'ve figured out how to fix the problem, I\'ll be working to convert all of my parts into .DAE format. The only problem is that 3ds Max doesn\'t want to cooperate when it comes to .DAE exports (Trust me, I\'ve tried everything!). I need to import my .OBJ exports into Blender and export the .DAE from there. I\'m hoping it won\'t be too time consuming... Nevertheless, if things go according to plan, I should be able to release the updated parts tomorrow evening. :) I\'ll keep you posted!

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  trbinsc said:

Same here! When I open up the debug console (Alt-F2) it says:

>> IntrepidIICSMDecoupler >>

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

After that it doesn\'t move on. When I delete the decoupler file the same thing happens to the next part. maybe try using .DAE for the model? It might be because I\'m on a Mac.

I\'m on a Mac, too.
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I haven\'t had much time to work on converting my parts into .DAE format, so Mac users will have to wait just a little bit longer... I did, however, find time today to test the Intrepid II in 12x3, and I\'m happy to report that the bug that caused stability and control issues has been resolved, so there is no need to add new parts as Aliv3 had previously suggested.

I should have all of the parts converted to .DAE sometime tomorrow. If things go smoothly, version 1.0.2 will be available tomorrow night. I can\'t make any guarantees, but that\'s what I\'m shooting for.

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I love the parts; very well made and a good design, but they are very overpowered. With just the SRB and a small pod and a few solar panels you can easily make it to the Mun and back.

It is no fun like that...

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Then dont use it? Its efficient, quick, clean, and stable.. Complaining when something works exactly as it should isn\'t good. Its not the most Kerbal rocket but it works and I like it.

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I actually like it too; it helps a lot in testing moon landers. I dislike slow liquid stages. So I can bypass it and save a lot of time by using the SRB. I am not complaining; just stating that in physical terms it is overpowered ;)

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So, after some... experimentation, I can happily tell you that three of the solid fuel rocket boosters strapped under your rocket with a tri-coupler goes really, really, I am not joking, REALLY fast.

As soon as you leave the atmosphere, however, it will tumble like mad. No amount of SAS will counter that. Also, you\'re still burning, well out of the atmosphere.

Also, ASAS with control surfaces is... a bad idea. It literally rips the craft apart, right after launch.

For the sake of science, I naturally had to launch both crafts (mad SAS and ASAS) multiple times.

I cannot, at this time, confirm or deny that these launches were manned.

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  0rbit said:

I actually like it too; it helps a lot in testing moon landers. I dislike slow liquid stages. So I can bypass it and save a lot of time by using the SRB. I am not complaining; just stating that in physical terms it is overpowered ;)

Of course it\'s overpowered, when you\'re not launching a complete rocket... You could say the same about the SRB\'s that launched the space shuttle. Without the excess weight of the external fuel tank and space shuttle, who knows how high those things would go! Haha!

  Melfice said:

So, after some... experimentation, I can happily tell you that three of the solid fuel rocket boosters strapped under your rocket with a tri-coupler goes really, really, I am not joking, REALLY fast.

As soon as you leave the atmosphere, however, it will tumble like mad. No amount of SAS will counter that. Also, you\'re still burning, well out of the atmosphere.

Also, ASAS with control surfaces is... a bad idea. It literally rips the craft apart, right after launch.

For the sake of science, I naturally had to launch both crafts (mad SAS and ASAS) multiple times.

I cannot, at this time, confirm or deny that these launches were manned.

In my initial tests, I found that solid rockets don\'t remain stable after they leave the lower atmosphere. That\'s why I only gave my SRB a 100 second burn time. If the Intrepid II is properly configured, SAS engaged, and you\'re yawing to the east until burnout, the SRB should leave you just below 25 km. Soteria will finish your trip into orbit... I always shoot for a 100 km parking orbit before I shoot for the Mün.

I would be scarred to attempt your configuration! :D

  Gojira said:

Have the models been fixed?

I\'m about halfway done and shooting for a release later tonight.

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  superscout said:

Now all we need is an Ares V and Altair and we should be all set

The next rocket I create will most likely be a heavy lift rocket... I\'m thinking along the lines of NASA\'s new SLS Rocket.


Good news, Mac users! All of the Intrepid II parts have been converted to .DAE format, and they work perfectly in KSP for Mac!

Sorry it took so long. I was making progress earlier, but ran into a shader issue when I was exporting from Blender. The parts worked, but the textures didn\'t match up to my standards, so I had to find another way of exporting to .DAE. After hours of searching, I found a solution by using the ColladaMax exporter for 3ds Max 2012. Granted, I still had to edit a few minor details within each .DAE file, but it worked. Mac users should be happy now :)

The download is available on the main page, and changes have been noted in the changelog.

As always, if you find any bugs, please report them as you find them. Thanks, and enjoy!

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I hope all of you are enjoying the Intrepid II and the parts that came with it. The last time I checked, over 500 of you downloaded version 1.0.2! That\'s awesome!

Also, if you haven\'t noticed, I added a poll to this topic asking what type of rocket I should design next. As of tonight, the majority of votes are pointing to a concept heavy launch vehicle, followed by an Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle. For those who haven\'t voted, go ahead and cast your vote! The sooner I get a feel for what you guys want, the sooner I\'ll be able to start designing :)

Happy flying!

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Two problems:

1. The .craft file won\'t work when I select that ship in game

2. The CSM engine doesn\'t seem to attach to the CSM fuel tank, even though it attaches to everything else except the CSM RCS fuel tank

Thanks for letting me know. I\'ll look into it and see what I can do. What OS, KSP, and Intrepid II version are you using?

Has anyone else experienced these issues as well?

If parts aren\'t attaching immediately after selecting them from the menu, try dropping them onto the empty space around the ship before attaching them. Doing that seems to fix any attachment issues...

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  JordanCox2 said:

Thanks for letting me know. I\'ll look into it and see what I can do. What OS, KSP, and Intrepid II version are you using?

Has anyone else experienced these issues as well?

If parts aren\'t attaching immediately after selecting them from the menu, try dropping them onto the empty space around the ship before attaching them. Doing that seems to fix any attachment issues...

I\'m using a Mac OSX, the fourth version 12 test, and the newest Intrepid II.

I\'ve tried dropping them, but it hasn\'t worked. I\'ll try again.

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