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Things that sadden you about KSP


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Before we start, this isn't a rant about its a bad game, its more of a rant about how Oscar b tanks won't attach radially, and VAB logic about how things snap together, Not complaining, Alpha is Alpha, and you should see Kinetic Voids UI.

what are your pet Peeves currently in KSP?

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A lot of lacking features or specific parts are solved by mods. Regarding the Oscar-b (and any other tank) you can go into the config file and make it able to attach radially. You don't even have to exit the game to reload the parts! just go to the debug menu (alt-f12) -> database, and reload the parts.

edit: Scotty: if you build a probe from the attachment part up, you can save your probe in the subassembly loader mod and add it to any ship in a matter of seconds.

Edited by maackey
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The not Yet implemented lock parts option in the VAB.

Everytime i almost finished my supermegahuge Asparagus Lifter with hundreds of parts (which will most likely not going into the air anyway, but I still try everytime) and i begin strutting it, i hit the root part and while trying to reattach it the vab goes nuts placing stuff everywhere but the right places.

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The not Yet implemented lock parts option in the VAB.

Everytime i almost finished my supermegahuge Asparagus Lifter with hundreds of parts (which will most likely not going into the air anyway, but I still try everytime) and i begin strutting it, i hit the root part and while trying to reattach it the vab goes nuts placing stuff everywhere but the right places.

KSP has an undo function: ctrl+z

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Yeah post your tips and tricks here guys :)

Something I like to do is put a docking port on top of a parachute, as the port surface attaches, also the docking ports have the lowest separation strength of all decouplers so they are great for dropping probes accurately.

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Yeah post your tips and tricks here guys :)

Something I like to do is put a docking port on top of a parachute, as the port surface attaches, also the docking ports have the lowest separation strength of all decouplers so they are great for dropping probes accurately.

Learned that the hard way xD. I once put a satellite in orbit around minmus. Hit almost perfect 25x25km, then decoupled the fueltank+engine of course and the satellite went to a 25x140km orbit :(

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I like to just consider all the random bugs as part of the game. You just gotta roll with the punches and take precautions. For example, if one of your nuclear engines falls off for no good reason, if you have them attached in a symmetric way, you can just disable the ones on the other side and still have reasonably balanced thrust.

The easiest precaution is just to stick a docking port on everything, then you can always send up another ship to dock with it and "fix" most things.

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My "I wish KSP had stock"

Radially attached fuel tanks, especially of the smaller capacity type (maybe with built in decouplers?), both globular and rounded cylindrical.

More base and station type parts

Better cosmetic parts. For example, additional antennas (omni and high gain)

Payload fairings.

Working cargo bays.

Resource extraction and utilization

Remote base construction (for a KSC elsewhere)

Interactive IVA (to really move through your ships) and IVA to EVA ability (IE walkout there airlock and now you are EVA and vice versa).

pickup soil/rock samples. Have a use for them in some way (even if merely acheivements).

Maybe an in game achievement patch system. Accomplish certain goal in sandbox or career when it comes and, say, you have a mission/crew patch that shows the achievements. Like landed on the Mun, planted flag, retrieved soil sample, etc. Or maybe ribbons worn on your Kerbals' chest that show the achievements.

More in depth science instruments and have the science instruments work a bit better/more senseically (IE have the temperature readings work better for one), ability to map planets, analyze soil/rock samples, etc.

You know, if I were to have a wish list, pretty much all the above would be on it.

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I like to just consider all the random bugs as part of the game.

My biggest fear about the game is that fixing all those random bugs will make it too easy. KSP is hard right now; I like it that way.

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My biggest fear about the game is that fixing all those random bugs will make it too easy. KSP is hard right now; I like it that way.

Pshhh they're welcome to try and fix as many bugs as they want, they'll just introduce more and freshen the experience :rolleyes:

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My biggest fear about the game is that fixing all those random bugs will make it too easy. KSP is hard right now; I like it that way.

Even if they fix a lot of the bugs, there will always be enough more. Maybe in the next updates (career mode) there will be kerbals smuggling onto your ship sabotating stuff. (Ofcourse we wouldnt see them, just a random explanation for future bugs :) )

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The fact that there isn't a fuel flow overlay I can activate in the VAB or before launch to check if critical parts are able to access fuel. Nothing like going halfway across the Kerbol system to find that you have been lugging a full tank of fuel you can't access.

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I want the Kerbol solar system to be made of realistic elements, not the super-dense stuff it uses now which gives us these smaller planets with too large mass and gravity for their size. Why did they go with densities so fantastically high?

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