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How Old is KSP's Userbase?


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3 members have voted

  1. 1. How old are you?

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  Voyager55 said:
This takes quite some courage,but I will admit that i'm 13.(Not the idiotic kind of 13 year old) My current phase of interest has shifted from Archaeology to Astronomy.I have good grades i'm an Air cadet and i'm 100% dedicated to becoming an Astronaut some day :D

Hope you're 100% biologically perfect :D

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  spink00 said:
... But you all seem like nice-not-going-to-kill-me-in-my-sleep kinds of people.

We'd never think of doing that. It's not sporting. :D

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  spink00 said:
Turning 13 in about 2 days, so...


I always say I'm 29, and born in May, to protect my identity. But you all seem like nice-not-going-to-kill-me-in-my-sleep kinds of people.

What is anyone going to do with your age?

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  Mr Shifty said:
Truth. I have to pinch myself when I realize that Kurt Cobain's been dead for nearly 20 years.

Good lord, has it been that long already?!

At least I can take consolation in the fact that I am not old enough to remember the moon landings.

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  Torham234 said:
33, and the years just keep coming faster and faster. At this rate I'll be 50 next year...

I'm at the point where I'm starting to worry people will look at me like a "dirty old man" playing video games at my age.

I'm turning 40 in 8 months time, and the last 10 years feel like a blur to me.

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Add another 30-something to the list (31, going on 32 in mid-July). It is some condolence that I would probably have loved the hell out of KSP even as a teenager, though nothing made back in the 90s was even close to up to par with what this game needs to run.

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  Merinsan said:
I'm at the point where I'm starting to worry people will look at me like a "dirty old man" playing video games at my age.

I'm turning 40 in 8 months time, and the last 10 years feel like a blur to me.

That kind of mentality is changing. Games are so widely available on so many platforms that it's almost odd for people NOT to play them.

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I'm 67 (Sept 68)

63-67 - N. Carolina and Nam, F-8 Crusader/A-4C Skyhawk/A-6A Intruder support

67-68 - Vandenberg Tracking Station (VTS), Apollo & 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty support, Vela (satellite)

69-71 - Thule and Kodiak tracking stations, Vela (satellite)

71-80 - Other stuff

80-82 - TX and Korea, Hawk Missile support

82-84 - Okinawa, PHANTOM II RF-4C support

84-86 - TX, Hawk Missile support

86-92 - Germany and TX, Patriot Missile support

92-01 - Other stuff

Retired 2001 :cool:

Yeppers, I'm really OLD!

Edited by Ming
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  Ming said:
I'm 67 (Sept 68)

63-67 - F8 Crusader/A-4C Skyhawk/A-6A Intruder support

67-68 - Vandenberg Tracking Station (VTS), Apollo & 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty support, Vela (satellite)

69-71 - Thule and Kodiak tracking stations, Vela (satellite)

71-80 - Other stuff

80-82 - Korea, Hawk Missile support

82-84 - Okinawa, PHANTOM II RF-4C support

84-86 - Hawk Missile support

86-92 - Patriot Missile support

92-01 - Other stuff

Retired 2001 :cool:

Yeppers, I'm really OLD!

Air Force I presume?

Did you ever have to punch out if you don't mind me asking?

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What will make people feel old is realising the 13 year olds were born after the turn of the millenium. You may think the 90s seem recent ( me too, but that's mostly because ther wasn't anything to remember about the 2000s :P ) and then you realise that - and Doom is 20 years old this year. I can't remember Apollo moon missions, I can just remember Apollo-Soyuz & Skylab ( anyone else remember the panic about Skylab coming down again? ) and the optimism about space in the 70s - where's my Space 1999 moonbase!

I grew up with games & computers, I'll be playing games when I die too. And I still play FPS as well.

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  Van Disaster said:
and Doom is 20 years old this year.

This thread was only sort of making me feel old until I saw this.

I'm not "old" by any stretch of the imagination, but that game was still made two years after I was born, which makes me feel.

Anyway, I like this thread. Kind of neat to have some demographics.

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I'm another oldie thought not as old as Ming... I'm 52 and still love playing computer games (as I was in the computer industry since '79).

My first gaming platform was an IBM 370-158 mainframe (where I worked as a programmer/analyst) and then a PDP11-40 at the same place IIRC. Zork and Star Trek text games.

First console = Binatone PONG!


First computer = TRS-80 16K Level II.


So yeah, I've been gaming since the early days. I love gaming... and KSP is more addictive than some triple-A titles I could name.

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  flyin_ruski said:
Air Force I presume?

Did you ever have to punch out if you don't mind me asking?

Nope, never "punched out", wasn't a pilot. I worked on the radar and navigation systems for the listed aircraft. However, I did witness a runway punch-out on an F-8 Crusader while at Cherry Point, N.C., and an equally horrific runway punch-out on an F-4 Phantom in Chu Lai, Vietnam.

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  NeoMorph said:
... I'm 52 and still love playing computer games (as I was in the computer industry since '79). My first gaming platform was an IBM 370-158 mainframe (where I worked as a programmer/analyst) and then a PDP11-40 at the same place IIRC. Zork and Star Trek text games. ...

Yep, played Star Trek on the PDP-11/34 (circa 1981) while working in Korea. Also, very interesting and rare about your "Binatone PONG". I had completely forgotten about them.

My first computer-like device was (circa 1958):


Wiki: "The main instruction book, as well as a supplementary book of wiring diagrams, gave jumper positions and wiring diagrams for building a number of "machines," which could realize fairly complicated Boolean equations. So, the behavior of Geniac could often be computationally complex and interesting."

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  Ming said:
Nope, never "punched out", wasn't a pilot. I worked on the radar and navigation systems for the listed aircraft. However, I did witness a runway punch-out on an F-8 Crusader while at Cherry Point, N.C., and an equally horrific runway punch-out on an F-4 Phantom in Chu Lai, Vietnam.

Ah I ask because I work on the parachutes, O2 systems , and various parts of the seat.

In any case ,thank you for your service!

It's awesome to see that KSP has such a wide variety of players.

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I'm a teenager. I'm a bf3 player and mmoer, but ever since my grandparents bought me a Saturn V replica (not 1:1) from the London science museum when I was 6 years old I have had a passion for space. In either watching Star Trek, to having looked up various space missions/probes/satalites I have always enjoyed space and ksp has not only done that, but also improved my knowledge on physics and making me want to discover more things about other planets, stars, galaxy's, etc...

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26 Here.

I have had a great curiosity for, science an space since I was 3-4 years of age.

From Sci-fi (Star Trek) to Electronics, cars, planes an computers, an space has always been one of those scientific topics that caught my attentions.

Especially watching the NASA an SSP, with there space launch's on the documentary programs as a kid; It was aww-inspiring watching hundred's of tons of ship been launched into orbit, with the most spectacular fire works displays, an noise's, an the brave men an women that flown those missions.

I also consider myself to be even more fortunate; To stumble upon KSP at a very early development stage (Version 0.7), an with some previous software quality control experience, I was fortunate to be asked to help Squad.

Both in my initial Test Team capacity, an more recently as part of the QA Team. I get to continue expanding to knowledge of space, programming; Play KSP for fun, an also improve the quality of all our beloved game, KSP...

As for the pole it's self: WOW.

Hats off to 30% for our 0-17 year old's; It's great to see such young gamer's, take an interest in space an science..

Happy Launching.

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28 and a lifelong gamer of just about any genre, but I've always had a soft spot for any kind of open ended design sim.

No connection to the space industry (I'm a marine surveyor specializing in unexploded ordnance detection) but it's always been an interest. My great uncle was part of the Cassini development team and I was lucky enough to be flown to the states for a VIP seat at the launch when I was a kid... or a young teenager I guess it would have been. Since then I've always been fascinated with the universe beyond our own little rock.

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  TheTriniFlyer said:
13 here, am I the youngest? Time to have an 'age-off'!

And to reply to Finis : "I think it's great kids your age are taking an interest in video games besides "Gears of Slaughter: XI" " :

Actually To be honest, I am probably the only one in my class if not school that doesn't like Super Gore - FPS games like COD or Halo so... I am unique like all the other young KSPers.

I beat ya, I'm almost 12 :P

In my school everyone says "I got a 2731 killstreak on Call of Halofield Modern Warfighter 3 yesterday," and I lean over to my friends who also play KSP and heard the other people and I say "I constructed a massive interplanetary space station and landed on the Mun 3 times yesterday." :P

Everyone in my class knows I'm obsessed with aviation and astronomy, and for a book project I read the book Apollo and I had to do some visual presentation, so I decided to recreate Apollo 11 in KSP, made my own version of the Saturn V, recorded me doing the entire mission, and brought that in on a flash drive. I showed it to my class, and they were all asking questions like, "Can you land on the Sun?" "Can you land on Saturn?" "Can you make a boat?" and I ended up sparking a lot of interest in the game. The next week after, some of my classmates were saying they downloaded the demo or had their parents buy the game. Sorry for some off-topic rambling, just thought I should share :D

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