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Munar Achievements


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May I just note here that persistency is officially all kinds of awesome?


I did exactly what you have done. My gosh you should see how I\'ve colonized the Mun. I have a space station in a 20KM orbit, three capsules (two in the same place) on the surface and two capsules orbiting at other altitudes. My final mun base will house over 100 Kerbalnauts and have the ability to launch from it to other locations on the lunar surface, stay there for a predetermined duration and then return to the base.

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The beginnings of a permanent mun base.

Just kidding, actually the result of a bug causing landed ships to tip over or blow up...

I am thinking of attempting EVA to rescue Bill, Jeb and Bob. (that is, messing around in the persistance file to try to switch them with the crew of one of the working vessels...)

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I just did my first Mun landingcrash today! So excited even though I though RCS alone was going to slow the rocket down from 1200m/s...

Going to add those mini engines on...

Johnson, I recommend modding your tanks and engines for the first time and read either my guide or watch a video on how to get the mun. Once you get the hang of it, landing is the easiest thing ever. I can do landing after landing as if it were a walk in the park just because of practice.

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Johnson, I recommend modding your tanks and engines for the first time and read either my guide or watch a video on how to get the mun. Once you get the hang of it, landing is the easiest thing ever. I can do landing after landing as if it were a walk in the park just because of practice.

Thanks! I can get caught by Mun\'s gravity, or SOI easily; it\'s just the landing. I was going to edit lander leg\'s impact value to be extra high. Don\'t know why I thought just RCS would slow me down. I added one of those mini fuel tank and liquid engines.

EDIT: How easy is it to orbit the Mun with just the little fuel tank and engine?

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Thanks! I can get caught by Mun\'s gravity, or SOI easily; it\'s just the landing. I was going to edit lander leg\'s impact value to be extra high. Don\'t know why I thought just RCS would slow me down. I added one of those mini fuel tank and liquid engines.

EDIT: How easy is it to orbit the Mun with just the little fuel tank and engine?

For the landing, here\'s what you should do. Get yourself into orbit around the Mun of about 1KM. (I know, really low). This way you can pick your landing site with precision and descent will take only about 40 seconds. Once you\'re about 10KM behind your landing site, start burning retrograde and follow that indicator as it slowly moves towards the right on your NAVBALL. When you\'ve killed lateral velocity, descent is a matter of watching your velocity and making sure you don\'t get anymore lateral V. Try to touch down with 4 m/s.

Orbiting is easy. I don\'t know about with that little engine. To orbit, you simply do the TLI burn so that you establish a trajectory around the Mun. Get pulled in by its gravity and then start burning retrograde. When your PE above the mun is 2KM, shut your engine down. When you reach your PE, burn retrograde and it will pull your AP in until they circle around eachother at a fairly even altitude. From there, you can do orbital corrections with your RCS or engine. If you don\'t want to land -- or can\'t -- low orbit is fun too.

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For the landing, here\'s what you should do. Get yourself into orbit around the Mun of about 1KM. (I know, really low). This way you can pick your landing site with precision and descent will take only about 40 seconds. Once you\'re about 10KM behind your landing site, start burning retrograde and follow that indicator as it slowly moves towards the right on your NAVBALL. When you\'ve killed lateral velocity, descent is a matter of watching your velocity and making sure you don\'t get anymore lateral V. Try to touch down with 4 m/s.

Orbiting is easy. I don\'t know about with that little engine. To orbit, you simply do the TLI burn so that you establish a trajectory around the Mun. Get pulled in by its gravity and then start burning retrograde. When your PE above the mun is 2KM, shut your engine down. When you reach your PE, burn retrograde and it will pull your AP in until they circle around eachother at a fairly even altitude. From there, you can do orbital corrections with your RCS or engine. If you don\'t want to land -- or can\'t -- low orbit is fun too.

I had no clue what you\'ve just said.

The only things I picked up were get into 1km orbit and pick landing and 40 seconds or so.

What I do is at around 125000m, I do a hardover left and wait. I see in map view when apogee is around 12 million and stop throttle.

And I have no clue what \'retrograde\' means.

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I had no clue what you\'ve just said.

The only things I picked up were get into 1km orbit and pick landing and 40 seconds or so.

What I do is at around 125000m, I do a hardover left and wait. I see in map view when apogee is around 12 million and stop throttle.

And I have no clue what \'retrograde\' means.

Retrograde is a term that means to thrust in the direction of your travel, thus slowing your velocity. In layman\'s terms, it is pointing your engine towards your target and burning.

It might help you significantly if you study up on orbital mechanics and all that.

FYI, I\'d suggest only establishing an apoapsis of about 10,900KM. You\'ll get pulled into the Mun\'s gravity. Execute a Lunar Orbit Insertion (Retrograde burn) until your PE above the mun reaches only 1.5KM above the surface or so. Your retrograde indicator is the yellow circle on your navball that has an X in the center of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lunar Orbit Rendezvous from the surface. If I\'m not the first ever to do it, I\'m one of the first and among very few here. I take pride in that and I thank Scott Manley and some people here for their theories on orbital rendezvous. Doing it over the Mun was really a different thing than Kerbin, however. I felt further from the planet. Detached from the security of a safe return to the ocean if I failed. It was a lunar liftoff from McConnell crater and an eventual rendezvous in lunar orbit. I take comfort in knowing that I can now dock when it is released.

I hope to have accomplished a lot from this. The mathematics surprisingly weren\'t as complicated as I thought they\'d be.

Here is the link to my post and photos of my rendezvous:


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Hehe... nice. I\'m bad at rendezvous. :(

I\'m thinking about writing up a guide to it. This was actually my second attempt at Rendezvous and despite a single previous failure, I felt confident that as long as I did what I believed would work, I would complete the rendezvous. If some guys in the 60\'s could do it with poor technology, then by-science I was to do it with good technology! hahahaa.

I\'ll probably work on my guide tonight and tomorrow. I think it\'s a thing that takes practice and a good knowledge of your RCS. Put all of your faith into your eyes and your RCS and you should have very few problems.

You were the first Kerbalnaut to EVA. I think you will get rendezvous.

How did you do that EVA anyway?

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I\'m thinking about writing up a guide to it. This was actually my second attempt at Rendezvous and despite a single previous failure, I felt confident that as long as I did what I believed would work, I would complete the rendezvous. If some guys in the 60\'s could do it with poor technology, then by-science I was to do it with good technology! hahahaa.

I\'ll probably work on my guide tonight and tomorrow. I think it\'s a thing that takes practice and a good knowledge of your RCS. Put all of your faith into your eyes and your RCS and you should have very few problems.

You were the first Kerbalnaut to EVA. I think you will get rendezvous.

How did you do that EVA anyway?

prefim\'s detachable kerbonaut model. Same model I based the kerbals in the Plywood Flyer off of.

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Eureka! I\'ve finally made it to the Mun savely! (Without leaving a crater or various broken bits)

This is my Mun rocket, the XIP_MUN_03. Rather excessive I admit.

It can accelerate up to 7600m/s, more then enough power to get me anywhere in the solar system.


And here we are on the Mun, with 2 full tanks and plenty of RCS Fuel left as well.


Did I make it back? Well. That\'s the thing.

It should have been no problem, but after waiting for like an hour (I was working, so thought let\'s fly back later) I must have accidentally hit shift which tipped the whole thing over. S:| The next mission however will include the return flight. :D

The rocket is very stable at all stages which makes the approach easy.

I went for a straight approach, no complete orbits. I met the moon at the Apoapsis of my launch trajectory and landed right there and then.

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The follow up mission was a full success.

Here\'s a series of images of my first fully successful return mission.

Lift-off... Gunning straight for the Mun. All I am doing is aiming slightly below it\'s orbit to meet up at the apoapsis.


That\'s the actual interplanetary lander. With it\'s 8 tanks and small engine too heavy for kerbin, but once in space it\'s got an incredible range.


Breaking on approach to the Mun.


Slowly ascending towards the surface. I am trying to negate all lateral movement.


There we go, touchdown. It was a bit hairy as I slid down the slope for a bit but eventually I came to a halt.


Blasting back home, again, I am gunning straight for kerbin, getting rid of all the unwanted extra weight.


Breaking before re-entry. (not really needed, but what the heck, I had so much leftover fuel)


And there we go, we\'re back home!


I presume I could save a lot of fuel and weight if I\'d actually work out proper orbits instead of doing the brute force approach.

The only elegant thing about this mission is when I meet the Mun at the apoapsis of my launch trajectory.

The rest is just aiming and firing. :)

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The follow up mission was a full success.

Here\'s a series of images of my first fully successful return mission.

Lift-off... Gunning straight for the Mun. All I am doing is aiming slightly below it\'s orbit to meet up at the apoapsis.


That\'s the actual interplanetary lander. With it\'s 8 tanks and small engine too heavy for kerbin, but once in space it\'s got an incredible range.


Breaking on approach to the Mun.


Slowly ascending towards the surface. I am trying to negate all lateral movement.


There we go, touchdown. It was a bit hairy as I slid down the slope for a bit but eventually I came to a halt.


Blasting back home, again, I am gunning straight for kerbin, getting rid of all the unwanted extra weight.


Breaking before re-entry. (not really needed, but what the heck, I had so much leftover fuel)


And there we go, we\'re back home!


I presume I could save a lot of fuel and weight if I\'d actually work out proper orbits instead of doing the brute force approach.

The only elegant thing about this mission is when I meet the Mun at the apoapsis of my launch trajectory.

The rest is just aiming and firing. :)

Wait, wait wait, you didn\'t do a hohman transfer and just aim and prayed? God, that most kerbal thing I ever heard,

'Screw orbital maneuvers we\'ll just blast our way until we get there' - Jeb

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Landed on the Mun with no RCS and only SAS force coming from the Command Module. I also did it in quite a small rocket too.

I also figured out why on my earlier attempts I was using so much fuel. Lets just say lowering Mun orbit to 20,000 meters and burning from there to cut horizontal velocity, then waiting until close to the ground and full throttling the engines saves so much fuel.

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Every time I try to get to the fucking moon I always end up underneath it or above it though I\'m horizontally in a good position. I think this is because of my starter rockets which give me the initial speed towards the moon arn\'t very very steady but I\'m not sure. Any tips?

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Every time I try to get to the fucking moon I always end up underneath it or above it though I\'m horizontally in a good position. I think this is because of my starter rockets which give me the initial speed towards the moon arn\'t very very steady but I\'m not sure. Any tips?

If I understand correctly, you say your orbit is inclined above or below Mun\'s. Is that right? That happens when your heading drifts too far from 90 or 270. Keep that yellow circle right on the mark, even if it means pointing a little bit north or south during the ascent.

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Every time I try to get to the fucking moon I always end up underneath it or above it though I\'m horizontally in a good position. I think this is because of my starter rockets which give me the initial speed towards the moon arn\'t very very steady but I\'m not sure. Any tips?

If you\'re talking about an inclined orbit:


This can be fixed. Go to the how to section and search: 'How to Perform a Plane Change Maneuver.' is a detailed guide on how to 'unincline' or incline your orbit.

Nevermind. Here\'s a link!


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