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Munar Achievements


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I thought we needed this. :) Pictures are helpful to verify you\'ve done whatever.

Can someone tell me who first landed on the Mun? I\'m not sure.

I\'ve just managed to land a probe on the Mun. Tinypic isn\'t working for me today so no pics yet.


First Munar Landing: HarvesteR (Probably =P)

First Safe Return From The Mun: Tim_Barrett

First Munar Probe Landing: Me. :D

First Kerbal On the Mun: Jebediah

First proper Munar EVA: Luigibro606

EDIT: Probably wrong. :b

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Single stage to moon and return.

Sure, I used some C7 tanks, but I know I can do it on balanced parts. I know this because I managed launches where, if everything had gone right, it would\'ve made it with a far smaller rocket than I finally used to allow margin for error. But I don\'t really feel like trying with balanced parts, due to how many attempts that would take in order to be successful. A single attempt takes a -long- time.

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I thought we needed this. :) Pictures are helpful to verify you\'ve done whatever.

Can someone tell me who first landed on the Mun? I\'m not sure.

I\'ve just managed to land a probe on the Mun. Tinypic isn\'t working for me today so no pics yet.

Probably Harvester himself. =P
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I wasn\'t that first to hit the moon (crash) or land on the moon, but I was the first to get back.


What happened was I accidentally lost my legs due to staging faults, but even though I landed on my side there was little gravity so my RCS picked me up.

But I challenge someone to do that with stock parts. (tip: you can use radial decouplers as landing legs)

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Three successful landings so far.

Each took several days of mission time due to my terrible aiming skillz when doing TLI. Luckily you can just go round and round until you 'hit' close enough for a Mun capture and proceed from there. Kerbonauts won\'t complain...

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I wasn\'t that first to hit the moon (crash) or land on the moon, but I was the first to get back.


What happened was I accidentally lost my legs due to staging faults, but even though I landed on my side there was little gravity so my RCS picked me up.

But I challenge someone to do that with stock parts. (tip: you can use radial decouplers as landing legs)

I might have beaten you. not exactly sure how long between doing it and posting it, but it\'ll be a matter of minutes either way.


That posting time is perhaps 3-4 minutes after landing.

I got back on that flight, but I spend a day or 2 in warp to find the correct escape trajectory.

My first landing ( without return stage available, heh ) was here:


Don\'t mind the explosions in the background - what else is a lunar lander stage for! And don\'t ask how those got back!

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For a direct ascent? no no no..

You can just burn in a backward orbit and let Earth capture youw tih gravity.

Your kerbals are running out of air!

Haha! your right. What I lack in brains I make up for with huge rockets.

I had an additional 9 full tanks of fuel unused when I detached my last stage. I need it because my lack of understanding makes for inefficient flights.

I am Jeb basically.

1) Wait till I see Kearth



Edit: Fuel was tight, but I made it back! YaY

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Lost my screenshot somehow, but it took me 21 days on my eccentric orbit to get captured by Mun gravity. After my first Mun orbit, as I was nearing apokee, I escaped Munar orbit velocity and went on a wild ride orbiting the Kun. I have yet to be recaptured by Kearth or Mun gravity, and it\'s pushing 150 days mission time. I never touched the throttle, so not sure what happened. I think my Munar orbit was too high.

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Mission Report Kepollo I - We went to the mun but didnt make it back!

Today Kepollo I launched to set foot on the mun and made it!

After 4 days Kepollo I entered a stable orbit arround the Mun.


When starting the touchdown sequence Kepollo I reported to Kerbel Control that the mechanics installed the wrong engine and they probably wont make it down safely. But the through the masterpiece of flying and navigating of Captain Jeb, Kepollo I touched down sucessfull and reported touchdown in the Sea of Kobility at T - 4:31 Missionen Time.


and here from top view:


After taking tons of stone and the very rare Element Kobolium - 3 , Kebollo I reported return sequence initated and succesfull launch at T- 4:42 Mission Time


Kepollo I entered the return vector and made itself ready to return as heros. As the first Kerbals who had set foot on a extrakerbestrial objekt.

The words: Holy Crap this place is dusty (spoken by Cpt Jeb by hopping down the last steps of the ladder ) will be some of the most remebered words in kerberlian history.

But then the unbelivable thing happend.


Cpt Jeb fell asleep during reapproach of Kerbal and instead of decelerating, Jeb caused a slingshoot maneuver and without enough fuel left to reenter a return vector Kepollo I reported mission and lifesupport failed at T- 6:15 Mission Time.

After investigating what happend...CSI Kerbal Beach found out, that Cpt Jeb wasnt Cpt Jeb but his evil twin Job. Cpt. Jeb was found hangover at Kerbal Beach celebrating spring break.

The real Captain Jeb said to quote the Daily Kerbal:

We will got to the Mun again...and this time we will come back! For real!

The next launch to the Mun is planed for next week with the spaceship Kepollo II and will hopefully come back this time!

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Well... I made it to the Mün on the second flight with my new rocket (that is, the second one that brought me into an orbit around Kerbin).

I mistimed the transfer burn, so the three Kermans spent 3 days in an elliptical orbit around Kerbin before their lander vehicle finally entered the Mün\'s gravity well.

Once pulled in by the Mün, Jeb gave his best to manage a safe landing approach. Unfortunately he played it a little too safe and began the first retrograde burn at about 100km above the Mün\'s surface. The landing was successful, but the three kerbonauts were left with just enough fuel to get about 30km away from the Mün before they were pulled back in and killed instantly in an impact at over 400m/s.

(Parts mostly from NovaSilisko\'s pack, the Payload Fairings Pack, one or two decouplers from SundayPunch\'s pack, and the Apollo-themed lander pack)

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The Aquarius4d(i) spacecraft launched, entered Kerbin orbit at entirely the wrong altitude (too high) but still made the Trans Munar Injection and neatly missed Mun interception. (it was a very narrow margin)

Undetered Commander Jeb Kerman decided that as they were in a good eccentric orbit might as well as wait in it for the Mun to come round again. With the large habitation module beneath the command pod supplies would not be an issue. Several orbits later it was decided that if the next possible interception failed the mission would be aborted and Aquarius would return to Kerbin.

Capture occured in near perfect style, and a short burn from the Trans Munar Injection second stage engine put the mission in to an eccentric orbit over the Mun. Several circlising burns and Hohmann transfers saw the Aquarius at a 10km orbit. Several landing sites were scouted from this altitude till it was decided to aim for what appeared to be a flat plateau. The Trans Munar Injection second stage was ejected as preparations were made for landing.

This is were disaster nearly struck the mission again. For unknown reasons the second stage retro rockets fired irregularly and the exhaust from the spinning stage damaged the vital RCS fuel tank of the lander. Though the tank seemed to have survived there was no way of knowing if it had been weakened; if it ruptured during landing there was a high chance the mission would end in a fatal crash. A less determined commander would have aborted and burnt for Kerbin but Jeb Kerman was made of sterner stuff. Declaring that they could inspect the damage from the Munar surface, the crew activated the Aquarius lander\'s engines and began their orbital breaking.

Days after they lifted off from KSC the three Kerbal crew of Aquarius became the first to step foot on the Mun. Back on Kerbin people listened to that now famous broadcast. Having descended to the habitation module and donned their EVA suits the crew one by one descended the lander. Commander Jeb Kerman paused, looked across the Munar surface, Kerbin rising over the horizon and uttered those famous words: 'Is that it?'

The damage to the RCS tank was revealed to be relatively minor and having completed thier mission Aquarius lifted off from the Mun and returned home. An overly long burn escaping from the Mun\'s sphere of influence saw insufficent fuel for the planned re-entry to Kerbin so a day of aerobraking orbits slowed the Aquarius until it finally splashed down only a few miles off the coast of KSC, a fortunate coincedence after the trials of the mission.

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Lost my screenshot somehow, but it took me 21 days on my eccentric orbit to get captured by Mun gravity. After my first Mun orbit, as I was nearing apokee, I escaped Munar orbit velocity and went on a wild ride orbiting the Kun. I have yet to be recaptured by Kearth or Mun gravity, and it\'s pushing 150 days mission time. I never touched the throttle, so not sure what happened. I think my Munar orbit was too high.

Wait until 365th day.

Then wait 3 million years and Jeub Biul and Boub will come back to see your corpses.

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I really can\'t believe I managed to land intact on my first try.

All my attempts at powered descent on Kerbin ended in utter failure... well, now I can say that 1/4 G REEEALLY makes it easier.


The problem is, I landed on the dark side.


I really would like to see if the fuel left is enough to get back, but from the far side I need to get into orbit first, then break that. And I must get into a retrograde orbit with respect to Kerbin... I\'ll admit it, I can\'t figure out which way to go from the surface to counter the Mun\'s orbital speed :D

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