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I added to the fuel depot and I am currently confirming the possibility of boosting to Low Munar Orbit for the station core if anyone agrees.


Here is the video

Edited by dharak1
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The original plan spans more than just the Kerbin stations, so right now i think it's best we keep this thing orbiting Kerbin :-).

And, just a note, but Nauthy asked everyone to put at least two docking ports on every module, so we don't get dead-ends. If your part ends with the three engines on cubic octogonal struts, attached to yourthe bottom of your orange tank, i think your design has only one, effectively blocking further downward expansion :-/.

Edited by Spyritdragon
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Nauthy, do you want to put the teams in the first post? So we know who's on what project?

Good idea, edited the post to account for the teams.

And great video, dharak! No worries about the missing docking port, I'm sure we'll find a way around it. We've got plenty of open ports right now anyways, as long as other modules don't block the expansion.

Also, would you mind making a post in the other thread with your submission (link is in first post)? I'll update the playlist and all that, I just don't want to be hogging that thread, heh. No need to go into detail about it in your post if you don't want to, since all the relevant info is in the video already, but it's up to you! :)

Aaand next up will be The Destroyer with his module for the science station!

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It has to be stock, I almost made the mistake of leaving my engineer chip on the module and that could have ended bad.

That could indeed.

Also, I misread that. I was looking through the persistance trying to find the KER, but didn't see the "almost"


So, I can build a rocket that is modded, but the module must be stock. Correct?

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https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/whk0tt2x29o6q56/persistent.sfs?token_hash=AAFt8ZKChIhpQ5I3yUKOhFpe 4N_uxTNhYD6E1Pmy3k_3tA&dl=1

There is the persistent.

I accedently left some Novapunch debris in orbit, but the next person will just get a warning. No modded parts on the main vessel.

Sorry for no docking port on bottem, but think of it this way: It's your new orbital tug!
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This is awesome. Should we set up a deadline for completion like January 1st 2014? I think 5 months should be enough time. Also where do we plan on doing the next thing? I vote for a Minmus ground base.

I'm guessing you meant a completion date for the whole project, not just these two stations. 'Cause I certainly hope these won't take 'till the end of the year, heh. I don't know if we need a deadline, but let's see what others think. As for the next build, I'm totally down for a ground base, probably either on the Mun or Minmus. We can figure that out once we're finished here, we'll see who wants to participate again and take a vote.

And nice video, The Destroyer! I dig the cinematic style, well done. I was half expecting a space fighter, though :P By the way, can I get you to make a post in the other thread as well? It's cool if people post their saves/submissions here, I'd just like to give the other thread some love, too, since it's in another sub-forum.

Next up will be either ShachonianX or Cooly568 on the fuel depot. I think it'll probably be Cooly, he's been more active lately, but we'll see soon enough (once I send out some PMs)!

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I've got a thread set up for submissions over in the Live from Mission Control sub-forum (link is in the first post). I got ya covered, though, no worries :)

I'm sure someone else will be happy to make their own space fighter, heh. I know I definitely will if it hasn't been done by the time it's my turn!

It also wouldn't be a bad idea to have a module go up with more docking ports, kind of a core 2.0. We can use the large ports for keeping most of the station together, and then have an extension going off to one side with smaller ports, for shuttles or whatever. This probably won't be necessary for a while, though, there's still plenty of other modules that we need first.

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The fuel station will have to have a reasonable amount of open docking ports in the end anyway, because of it's nature as... well, a fuel station :P.

I was originally planning to make a fuel shuttle for refuelling crafts that are a bit big to dock or crafts that are leaving from inclined orbits, but i could change that to make a docking arm if needed.

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I was thinking... something slightly bigger. If this is going to be my module, i'll have 20-30 parts for it, so i want to make sure i've got enough docking ports on this arm to go for quite a while. I was thinking 2 or 3 orange tanks in a row (who knows how i'm going to get that into orbit), two rings of 4 docking ports, and a ring of seniors on the end along with a sr. on the end of the orange tank.

Sound nice?

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My video should be up soon.

I'm guessing you meant a completion date for the whole project, not just these two stations. 'Cause I certainly hope these won't take 'till the end of the year, heh. I don't know if we need a deadline, but let's see what others think. As for the next build, I'm totally down for a ground base, probably either on the Mun or Minmus. We can figure that out once we're finished here, we'll see who wants to participate again and take a vote.

Heh... I kind already got a spot for a Mun base...

Hey, I had extra fuel in my rocket and a convenient lander on top of my payload!

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Um... It might just be me, but are there any sr. docking ports at all on your modules for the fuel station? As said before, the amount of availible docking ports is already dangerously low, and i just need a Sr port for my docking arm.

Aldo, it might just be me, but i think your science station module well exceeds 30 parts. 4x4 = 16 small stack banks on top, 4 radial batteries, 10 docking ports, and thn a bunch of large stack banks.

Not meaning to be disrespectful... just that these stations need to be buildable for the other 7 member that will still arrive, and you need to think of that while building your modules.

Edited by Spyritdragon
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Your module was okay, dharak, i was already preparing to compensate for that. If needed, we can also just insert a module with ports between yours and the core.

What i'm worried about is that a docking section like the one i would attach will bear a reasonable load, and so i'd much prefer to attach it to a senior port, and i believe Cooly's two tanks leave only normal ports open.

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