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Spiritwolf/Hanland Submissions

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  • 2 months later...
  ScriptKitt3h said:
Holy necropost batman! In any case, due to some very unfortunate circumstances, Zekes is gone.

Well, I guess I missed this post. :P Sorry for the additional necrocomment.

Also, Macey Dean is back? I bet he'll be horrified by the abominations some of our forum goers have made in his long absence. :D

I mean, we expanded into naval warfare.


And got some other new toys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im gonna upload the current set of export ships im working on. AKSTechnologies will be joining the battle.


short range point-defense interceptor (same general concept as the mosquito from the 1st season, a carrier based fighter, but bigger and far better firepower).

medium-range interceptor (like 3k dV, enough to get to jool/laythe, but not too much else)

long range interceptor (basically for when u need to do a 1 man, or unmanned mission with over 5000dV)

friggate class warship (2 variants, 1 optimized for combat, 1 for more general-purpose supporting role)

carrier styled thing (its kinda halfway between a space station and a capital ship, not really one of the other, can act as both, albeit its range is crap, so id need fuel to get to jool system)

modular cruiser (very laggy and part heavy with over 500 parts, so it might not be too useful in its current state, but it has multiple modules that are each self-sustaining, so loose the front, no problem, just disconnect from it and keep getting yourself shot at)

Note: all the fighters/interceptors are SSTO capable, and require a rather specific ascent to get in orbit efficiently, ill provide this. They are all technically able to be brought to orbit on a rocket, but its kinda pointless on a SSTO since i intended them all to be fully self-sustaining. All craft function with teh stock game, no mods, no edited ISPs, no edited thrust of engines, ect. All craft are either SSTOs or have a launch vehicle, and are simple enough to get into orbit, that you can easily place bob in the pilot seat (ofc bob will inevitable get you killed as a pilot, but it has nothing to do with rocket design). Most of them use 40-50 impact tolerance parts, so the armor is above average against weakish torpedoes.

I technically have all this done, but for now i need to update my fleet to 0.90 specifications, and need to do some part cutting (with new features of the editor, i dont need to spam cubic struts anymore). All of them, including the capital ships are at MOST 150 physics enabled parts, so you can easily have say 4 capital ships loaded at once without too much lagginess.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  kerbinorbit said:
Actually no, he is alive, SuestraGaming confirmed that he is not dead, why Macey isnt making the series is unknown, but he has passed on the privilege of making the second season to Suestra and HatBat.

I correct myself again, Macey has posted a new video. He has also posted an apology on his channel's discussion page. He will be on a four week holiday, but most importantly, hes back.

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Cool, macey's back.

Anyways, im working on a new fleet of 1.0 ships, which SHOULD be ready soon.

This is just my new corvette with its array of .50cals, and it comes with a full internal too (as nice as the new 1.0 IVAs are, i so prefer making my own IVAs by making a dedicated hull cavity with external command seats in various spots to look cool). I only used BDArmory to give it a more cinematic feel with both ships exchanging fire, ofc the one ill upload here will be bone stock as BDA is very hard if not impossible to balance, whereas stock weapons are actually fair and can be defended against somewhat.

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I plan to release 3 ships soon, all of them corvettes.

One will be a cinematic version, less focus on armor, more focus on cinematic components such as internals, (its going to even have a full walkway from front to back with some weapons stations, engine room, rest chambers, and the command deck all on one ship). The others will be more battle oriented.

One will feature as best armor as can physically be done for a ship of its size (my current tests show it borderline immune to Ibeams and anything weaker then ibeams, and heavily resilient to 1.25m weapons such as RT-10 SRB missiles), but will be rather short range because of it.

And the final one will be a economy ship, which is super low part count, as light as possible, and depending on how much range you cant, can be filled with quite some fuel. this one will ofc be a middle ground armor wise, still tough but not as tough owning to part count limitations.

i will post some actual pics of the ships i will upload, and i will be happy to place whatever versions (for a video id guess youd want at least one cinematic version of each ship type i release) wherever you guys in charge thing would be best. Btw, all ships will be property of AKSTechnologies, and our alleigeance is yet to be determined, although we tend to not help pirates, raiders, terrorists, and other unkindly types, and the only time we do consider it is when dealing with a far greater threat then some small group of lowlifes.

Edited by panzer1b
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First and foremost: welcome back Macey Dean! Man and I though I'd never see this day, suck it past me! you were wrong! Now before we get to business I would just like to introduce myself. I am Icepack, or Isaac if you prefer. I am the CEO of Icepack Spacure Industries or I.S.I. and this will be my first craft submission, but most certainly not my last! We at ISI have been developing crafts since a few months before the questionable Spirtwolf/ Hanland confrontation over Laythe. This confrontation was perhaps what caused the biggest, and most decisive change in company policy. ISI was originally a small and neutral company, dedicated to exploration and scientific discovery. In order to advance the scale of this goal ISI put a staging satellite on the far moon of bop, far away from any of the major corporations. Due to this distance this a very desirable site for ISI to be able to continue it's activitie+s mostly undisturbed. Although Hanland had other ideas apparently, and during the build-up before the Laythe confrontation, quitely took the station, it's resources no doubt one of the reasons Hanland was able to massive such a large fleet. While they had planned to make the space's destruction an accident they were unaware of the hidden security cameras, with a live stream straight to ISI. In other words the crews murder was broadcast straight to the KSC. Ever sent that day ISI has permanently put it's exploration dreams aside, and although a small company, we are determined to do our part and decidedly committed.

Ship- Medium defense fighter- Zealont

Company- Icepack Spacure Industries.

Allegiance- Spiritwolf

Part Count- 127 without launcher, 212 with launcher.

Craft file- https://www.dropbox.com/s/jbwgnhggr9ah7pp/Medium%20fighter-%20Zealont%20MK_II.craft?dl=0

Operation Manual

1. Toggles Nukes.

2. Toggle Poodle engine

3. Toggle Solar panels

4. Toggle antenna


When Launching keep the external engines at 2/3 Thrust (you can see what I mean in the screenshot) and continue flying straight up, dropping tanks/ engines as they run out of fuel. Once you reach the 9k mark begin to move the ship towards the 90 degree point on the navball, do this slowly, the ship is a little top heavy and tipped over when I had two external sets of engines. It is far more stable now with the three but it is certainly worth having RCS on for this bit. Next simply fly until your ap is at the 80k mark, watch your engines at this point as they shouldn't overheat but hey, you never know. Switch to full throttle once the external engines are gone and you can shred the shell whenever after that. The only reason I'm including this tutorial is that I don't know how the launch stage will work using any other launching method, it shouldn't have any issues.

Proof of flight:


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First of all- welcome back Macey! Very glad to see you make a return! Hopefully I'll have some craft to submit to this thread. Light destroyers, fighter jets, MBTs, whatever you need. Pyroxes Co is more than happy to build anything you need, and hopefully I'll be able to directly dispatch a support flotilla.

Hanland's gonna need a bigger fleet...

*Insert propagandish Spiritwolf poster here*

- - - Updated - - -

  zekes said:
right! Im working on a 900 ton battlecruiser.

Ye gods! How is that even going to stay together outside of the hangar, let alone make it to orbit?! I've tried building cruisers like that once or twice, but they tend to just dissolve because of a lack of struts... :D

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Here is my newest addition:

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Ship- BC-304 "Korolev" Command Ship (technically battleship class but it doesnt have any armor to speak of).

Company- AKSTechnologies

*Company Bio - AKSTechnologies is the development section of AKS, a race of machines that have recently entered the kerbol system and have attempted to set up a small colony on the remote planet called dres. We specialize in advanced low part count ships, tanks, bases, and a variety of other craft, most of them military focused. After an unprovoked attack on a recon vessel sent into the jool system, AKS did some research and discovered the 2 main factions that were operating in the solar system, and based on their reputation, concluded the Hanland was the most likely cuplrit. While no hard evidence was found, AKS found Spiritwolf's ideals far better then the somewhat nefarious Hanland, and decided to ally themselves with SW. Although a waring race equipped with massive fleets, AKS does not go out of their way to start fights, and for now our policy if defensive in nature, especially in the kerbol system as they do not yet have the resources to field a full fleet and are limited to a handful of warships that were brought from their own galaxy. Also, while we are in allegiance with SpiritWorf as a corporation, many of our vessels have, despite attempts to stop it, ended up on the black market available to anyone who has the money to buy them (all craft labeled with [AKS] are only available for AKS to utilize, craft labeled with [Export] are sold only to allies of AKS, and any unmarked craft are black marker availeable for anyone including Hanland to utilize as they please).*

Allegiance- Spiritwolf (although this particular vessel can be used by any other faction since its available on black market)

Part count- 400

Craft file- http://www./download/ll75fnw0cwl77p7/BC-304+%27Korolev%27.craft#39;Korolev'.craft

Operation Manual

-1 toggles primary engines (skippers).

- 2 toggles secondary boosters (LVTs), these are mostly used when max thrust is needed, but they have very small fuel tanks that need to be manually refilled when empty from the main tanks. ISP is the same as the main engines.

- stage 1st engages engines, then decouples the weapons bay cover.

Anyways, now for some details about the craft:

It has a full detailed IVA (not one of those simple cockpit IVAs, i mean an actual IVA thats modeled inside teh ship for kerbals to move around in). It has a bridge, comm center, living quarters, weapons station, engine room, 2 fighter hangars, all accessible to kerbals from any part of the ship.

Now because of the fact its both very large (compared to my usual craft), and also has that detailed internal, it is exactly 400 parts. This is over the 300 limit, but i didnt exactly design this to take part in massive battles, more like a command vessel or something behind the scenes where you can film the kerbals doing well whatever kerbals in charge of a battle group do.

It can be armed with 8 1.25m guided weapons right out of the box, and has room for 4 smaller fighters (something like macey's mosquito class or similar). The small docking ports intended for the mosquitos can be replaced with 1.25m ones if you want either more missiles, or docking larger craft (the bays arent carrier sized but they arent exactly small either). Does not ship with any missiles due to the already highish part count (if you want missiles to ship with it please just ask me to upload an armed variant).

Engines are honestly an afterthought, and the thing has TERRIBLE range (it was never designed to actual combat), but it can and will fly on engines, and its actually quite stable and pleasant to fly (not too wobbly, sas works, plenty of attitude control). The engines are 2 skippers and 4 LVT-45s powered by 4 FLT-400s and 2 X-200-32s, its not much but again, i wanted the ship to be moveable on its own and engines werent much part count to begin with.

Anyways, this thing is designed purely for cinematic purposes, but i suppose you can technically do combat in it (it has pure wing armor on a girder frame. Its very tough to cut in half or do massive damage to it, but even single small ibeams will do some damage every time.

Finally, the provided version is either gravity hacked or Hedited into orbit. AKS has a base on dres right now (and plans to have most of its operations conducted from there), so i just assume it was produced there and launched not from kerbin. I am working on a launcher for it, but i have a few other ships i need to get done 1st, so if you are interested in a 100% legit launched version then just reply here or send me a PM, i can do it but only if you actually request this.

Edited by panzer1b
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