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Spiritwolf/Hanland Submissions

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lately I've been working on a few spysat/decoy spysat designs, i thought it best to wait until the new update before working on any larger projects.

Company name: Roachican Interspace national (RIN)

Name and class: Wildfire Spysat

The idea behind the wildfire is to make it as hard to spot on radar as possible and allow it to sit in orbit gathering as much data as it can. this is done by keeping all but the solar panels inside the shell of the satallite.




With advances in radar become larger and larger RIN set about a clever counter to fighters on a satellite sweep and clear mission, the Brushfire decoy spysat. With 2 on-board ASMS's (anti-ship missile system) hidden in break away launch tubes the brushfire can make any fighter think twice before trying to shoot down a satellite.



Using the same frame of mind as the Brushfire, RIN set about an answer for larger ships hunting satellites and other orbital assets, And so comes the Grassfire decoy satellite. the Grassfire was made to look as much like the wildfire as it could, but hiding under a break away disk is a large torpedo to be used on an incoming enemy ship.



tell me what you guys think i'm open to any criticisms

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Has Zokesia submitted any Laythe Capable craft?

We have and we have not. We are on our own side currently. A neutral faction that could give the side it chooses a major advantage. We have our own Carriers, our own Fighters, our own Frigates, Destroyers and Cruisers. We are not powerless. We are a superpower on our own, and if you mess with us, we will wreck you.

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Guys, I'd slow down and just submit and discuss craft rather than planning out how two Zokesia associates are going to railroad Macey's series. This is a craft submission thread, and there's no reason to assume any of these ideas will make the final cut. Don't get ahead of yourselves and scare off any more potential submissions with all this talk of Zokesian dominance.

That is why Zokesia is going to win this war.

So, little old me is supposed to be some kind of competition to the most popular Rocket Builders group in the community? That's... that's more of a compliment than what I can only assume was supposed to be a thinly-veiled threat. Congratulations? Maybe I'll just keep cranking out mediocre aesthetic craft to nip at your heels a bit. :wink:

Point being, submit spacecraft, and leave the script-writing to Macey please, if that's alright with you.

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he was just having some fun with a little side story no need to get frustrated. and we all know macey will decide what he wants and what he dosent for all we know he will like spartwo's little story and add it in. our he could decide to not add anything that anyone has made. all in all its up to him and he knows that

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Can you submit land vehicles?

Yes, yes you can.

In the meantime, anyone know a good launcher design for lifting 20 tons or so? My current design requires me to burn about a minute of my interplanetary injection stage to circularize, and I don't really like that.


"The Mark 14 was developed to fix several issues that it's precursor lacked, mainly an engine that didn't take 30 minutes to finish a burn. However, it wasn't as well accepted by the spacefaring community, due to the fact that no sane Kerbal would ever need a craft that had the equivalent of 3 and a half satellite arrays as it's payload."

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Looks like 4 LV-T45s and 1 LV-T30.

Yep, it is. Now, to figure out how to lug the fuel tank behind it up as well, so I can do some planet-hopping around Jool, toss some probes around for my ribbon.

Weight is 55t, any ideas?


I can afford to burn some of the fuel in that stage, it's pretty much overkill, but due to my horrible skills at setting maneuvers I'm going to need as much of it as possible...

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I'm working on a submission, but being on vacation with a laptop, I can build my ship but it is impossible to launch it. Could someone take a few screenshots in space for me ? I'll PM the details and the .craft

EDIT: Do you think 357 parts is okay? Can't remove anything without exposing the fragile interiors of the ship and its drones...

Edited by Emilio
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I'm working on a submission, but being on vacation with a laptop, I can build my ship but it is impossible to launch it. Could someone take a few screenshots in space for me ? I'll PM the details and the .craft

EDIT: Do you think 357 parts is okay? Can't remove anything without exposing the fragile interiors of the ship and its drones...

Yeah, PM me with the download and I'll do the proof of travel for you.

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