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Spiritwolf/Hanland Submissions

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I'm thinking of building a shade-like ship with 4 three-separator powered panels. I would be much more effective than the shade's ant missiles.

The Shade keeps a small profile, though. It's not much bigger than my Sentinel.

How small can you compact those decoupler cannons?

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Is anyone else working on Aid ships or is everyone making warships?

I think I finally have a functional prototype of what feels like a "space train". It's a pain in the Mainsail to maneuver, but it can haul 36 Standard Torpedoes and a Big Orange a respectable distance. With a little fine-tuning (or Moar Boosters) it should be able to make it to Jool. Aerobraking is probably out of the question, though...

Pics go up when I get home. I keep saying I quit, but KSP just begs to be played...

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The Shade keeps a small profile, though. It's not much bigger than my Sentinel.

How small can you compact those decoupler cannons?

They're about as big as a 1m stack separator. I can either mount them inline at the front or as a stack of 2 radially.

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Working on a warship-sized research vessel, because everyone likes warships.

Oh, the lengths I go in the name of Science.

Estimated Tribunal payload: (When completed)

16x Compact "Tin Can" Microsatelites

4x Medium Rovers

8x Microrovers

8x "Care Package" Surveyor Landers


Often seen in the night sky as a twinkling speck, many a young Kerbal have gazed at the Tribunal through a telescope in awed wonder, only to think: Why does it have SO many probes?

Edited by Mygnol
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Often seen in the night sky as a twinkling speck, many a young Kerbal have gazed at the Tribunal through a telescope in awed wonder, only to think: Why does it have SO many probes?

Mygnol replies to the young Kerblings, "Why not?"

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First craft with 0.21, I have to say the new SAS is incredible.

With the recent boom in the commercialization of space, enormous levels of debris are being left in orbit. Worries have begun to arise that unless serious measures are taken, Kerbin's orbit may achieve Kessler Syndrome and permanently ground the entire Kerbal race. Given this, KerbComm has been working on a prototype automated salvage vehicle designed to retrieve hazardous debris.

The KC-122 Automated Salvage Vehicle Prototype, affectionately dubbed Janitor, is a second generation salvage vehicle prototype, designed to rendezvous with debris and dock a probe core with it allowing remote control of wreckage. The current design features 8 autonomous probes, 4 of each of the 0.5 and 1m universal docking ports, as well a single 2m docking port on the janitor itself. Both the main vehicle and each of the 8 service probes mount sustainable power reserves and an internal supply of monopropellant for autonomous operation along with a processor capable of controlling any functional systems on docked wreckage. Salvage probes, while not primarily designed for it, can also be used to control intact vessels if the situation is deemed too hazardous for a pilot. The second generation prototype also mounts a hitch-hiker storage container after the shocking number of hulks found with barely living crew inside over the course of the MKI's testing. Unfortunately, the Janitor is currently only capable of linking to debris with at least one active docking port, but the MKIII is already in production and is hoped to be a major breakthrough.

The Janitor is currently under lease by the spiritwolf corporation to aid in salvage and recovery around Laythe, saving KerbComm the costs of field testing.



Full launch documentation: http://imgur.com/a/r79sw


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0.21's finally out, so Macey can get his ships now :D

THe bad news is, my Sentinel (and in fact all my ships) now suffer from such a bad case of jittering due to the new ASAS that if I don't do anything during burns it rips itself apart.

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I have just completed a Laythe capable heavy fighter, but there is no justification for my company to have built or deployed a fighter. I can now either make a new company solely for this submission, which I don't want to bother doing, or I can give the design to someone else to submit for their company if anyone is interested.

Trident class heavy fighter:


12 standard torpedoes, torpedo engines are activated by the 1,3,5,7 keys and deployed with the 2,4,6,8 keys.


Nuclear and Ion engines for large effective range, but at a slow acceleration.

Deploys with its own habitation and berthing instead of relying on support vessels.

Has 3 inline reaction wheels granting fast turning rate without using valuable RCS.

Has a secondary probe core for use when the cockpit is destroyed/ejected.

Cockpit can jettison from the fighter, deorbit and safely land on laythe. Another cockpit can later be docked in place.

Action groups and other notes:

Weapon groups noted above

9: toggles solar panels

0: toggles solar panels, ion engines and nuclear engine

When jettisoning the cowling on the fighter's engine, retract all panels to the safe position to prevent collisions.

RCS cannot be refueled from the berthing, rely on the reaction wheels whenever possible.

The ion engines are not powerful enough to accelerate the fighter at a meaningful rate, they are meant to be used in conjunction with the main NERVA in order to increase fuel efficiency.


Berthing has room for pilot plus 3 extra kerbals, fuel not used in the interplanetary transfer can be used to refuel the fighter between missions. Once the fuel is depleted the engines can be decoupled revealing a large docking port.


Deployed fighter at Laythe.


Proof of travel: http://imgur.com/a/wBlnq

Fighter plus lifting stage and transfer stage: http://www./download/nir1crd1ocazeef/Trident.craft

Fighter and habitation (no interplanetary engines attached): http://www./download/tyvz35637jruyv7/Trident_Payload.craft

Feel free to take the design and submit it for your company or modify it as you see fit.

Edited by itisdearflinch
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I have just completed a Laythe capable heavy fighter, but there is no justification for my company to have built or deployed a fighter. I can now either make a new company solely for this submission, which I don't want to bother doing, or I can give the design to someone else to submit for their company if anyone is interested.


Feel free to take the design and submit it for your company or modify it as you see fit.

"Because we can" has always been a valid excuse for doing anything, honestly. Considering how dangerous the Kerbol system has been getting recently, it's only natural for a company to want to protect its interests. What if Hanland raids the salvage depot with a pair of Shades? That Trident of yours looks like it can give a Shade a kick in the teeth if it gets too close for comfort. Paranoia is a reasonable course of action if you know everyone's out to get you.

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"Because we can" has always been a valid excuse for doing anything, honestly. Considering how dangerous the Kerbol system has been getting recently, it's only natural for a company to want to protect its interests. What if Hanland raids the salvage depot with a pair of Shades? That Trident of yours looks like it can give a Shade a kick in the teeth if it gets too close for comfort. Paranoia is a reasonable course of action if you know everyone's out to get you.

It's not that, the problem is the company I have been using specializes in orbital and interplanetary delivery systems as well as autonomous unmanned utility vehicles, so to have suddenly designed a manned fighter would mean a complete re-write of the company.

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It's not that, the problem is the company I have been using specializes in orbital and interplanetary delivery systems as well as autonomous unmanned utility vehicles, so to have suddenly designed a manned fighter would mean a complete re-write of the company.

every convoy needs an escort.

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