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Interplanetary Satelite ( pics aded )

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Hi guys,

Just created my account here to show you all something I am very proud off.















( links in case it doesnt work )

I have taken this to Duna and made a circular 60km orbit around the planet, now I want opinions on how to make it better and to see where yous guys think this can go.


please let me know what you guys think of my ship I am really curious to know what people think

I tried to make it the cleaner and smaller possible.

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I can't see them, even if I click on the links Imageshack won't let me.

Here's what you can do:

1) use less screenshots on your post, we don't want to see seven pictures of a satellite.

2)Upload them to imgur (totally free BTW).

3)Copy the BBCode link it gives you and paste it here.


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That is a handsome satellite. And by the way, a rocket that can reach Duna can very likely also reach Eve.

thank you very much friend : D

about the images I will try to reupload then and repost, and its 7 pics of the whole process from launch to duna and 1 for each pseudo-stage.

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